Chapter 30 - Sydney

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"You have to let me out of this," I whisper shout.

"I can't do that," Samantha says. "It'll hurt Flint."

I yank at my hair in frustration. "Don't you see that this is hurting him. I don't want to fake it with him."

"Then don't," Samantha says taking a step forward. "You both clearly like each other and are choosing to keep a damn contract in your way."

Sighing I push myself off the wall. "I'm not keeping the contract in my way. You are. And before that, Flint was. Do neither of you see that a relationship won't work when you force one to stay in it."

Samantha's head drops before she bends down and sits on the floor. "I like you, Sydney. And I know you may think I don't because I blackmailed you but I did it because I know you care and want Flint, you're just in denial."

I roll my eyes at the word denial. You can tell they're siblings when they both use the same word to their advantage.

"And Flint likes you too. So I did what I had to do to keep you both in the relationship before you both walked away and lost something good."

I frown as I bend down and sit next to her. As much as I hate it, she's right. I want Flint and I want him bad. He makes my heart skip a beat and he feels good when he touches me. I've never felt that with other men. No subtle kiss on the neck has made me weak but his does. I love the way he squeezes my hips when I'm nervous or when he does it to show he cares or wants me.

"I don't want to...," lose him...but before I can say more, Flint is standing there watching us.

"Wow,", he says eyeing us both. "I don't know who to be more disappointed in. My sister or the girl I love."

I freeze. The girl I love.

He just admitted to loving me.

"Flint," I say but he turns his back.

"You should leave Samantha," he says before storming out of the hallway.

I look at Samantha who has the look of devastation on her face. I quickly push myself up and down the hallway, trying to chase after him. I get past the living room to the front door and as I step bare foot on the cobblestones surrounding the front door, the sound of a car engine comes to life.

I watch as the black Lamborghini passes past me and security hold the gates open for him.

A single tear escapes my eye and I wipe at it. No. No. No.

I didn't want to lose him but he didn't let me finish. Just as I was about to tell Samantha that I wanted to invest my all without a contract weighing me down, he had walked in on us. He didn't hear my part. He only heard that I was in because of the contract.

Last night broke me. Made me realise how much I needed Flint. How much I craved his touch and his soul as tainted as it was. Deep down I knew that even though he was harsh, he did it because he couldn't bear to lose me. I feel like I know his soul and heart is good even though it's slightly tainted but whose isn't.

I can't really call myself a saint when I've done all of this as well. I'm just as guilty and I've hurt him too.

Today was the be all and end all. When his family came over, I wanted to start afresh so I wanted him to tell them despite thinking he wouldn't be able to do it. However when he actually did try and tell them for my sake, I couldn't let him do it...for their sake and for his.

I realised then that I was invested in Flint. That I wanted to give this a try.

I may have however ended it before it started.


Samantha told everyone that Flint had to leave due to urgent business so everyone left shortly after. I waited five hours but he never showed and that to me was a sign he didn't want to see me so I went back home.

I lie flat on my stomach, my hands tucked under my head as I listen to sad breakup songs. I know it's cheesy and I don't know why I do it but I do.

I ended up telling Alaina the whole situation. To say she cursed me out over the phone was a light way of putting it but she told me she'd be on her way.

Tears rush down my face as the song starts to sing about distrust. Frustratingly, I throw my shoe at the speaker but besides wobbling a few times on my dresser, it stays strong and continues to play song after song.

The door rattles and Alaina rushes in. She's pink and out of breath but she throws herself on the bed beside me and wraps her arms around me. I turn and cry into her arms.

"I screwed up," I whisper.

"I didn't know it went that far," she says. "You should have told me."

I nod. "I know."

"You should've known that was my call to make if he threatened my job. My work is not more important than you. I'm so sorry I put you in that position. I should have never asked you go to the party because he said so. I'm so stupid."

I laugh a little as I wipe the tears. "Well you did right," I say. "I do actually like him."

She nods like she understands. "So you want him now but you think he doesn't want you?"

I nod. "He left," I tell her. "And you should've seen his face."

"Well if he did," she says giving me a wink. "He's an idiot for missing out you. You're fire and you know it."

A small smile plasters on my face and I give Alaina a hug. She's always been so good at cheering me up and lately I've been a bad friend for ignoring her.

"I'm sorry," I say quietly.

She gives me a squeeze. "No, I'm sorry."

I chuckle. "You know this could go on forever."

She laughs as we both lay down and stare at the ceiling of my bedroom. "Why don't you just knock on his door?"

"I was there, remember. He walked out on me and I have enough self respect to not stay there."

Beside me, Alaina laughs. A proper full hearted laugh. "That's why you too hit it so hard. You and your egos."

I gasp. "I do not have an ego."

"Yes, you do."

I sit up on the bed. "No I don't. He's the one who forced me to come to the party and then tried to force me to talk about my feelings then forced me into the job. Oh and then forced me to pretend to date and be his fiancée."

"To be fair, I'm pretty sure I forced you to the party."

I throw my hands in the air. "Ok that's one thing, how about the rest."

She clicks her tongue. "Well you have a point but if you just told him you liked him from the start, we wouldn't have this problem."

I turn my eyes to slits and then point at the door. "Get out."

Alaina laughs. "Come on, I love you and you know it's true."

"Whose side are you on?" I question her.

"I'm on the side of love," she says extending the word love out.

"You're filth, you know that," I tell her as I throw a pillow at her. "I want a refund."

"Refund for what?"

"For a good friend," I tell her. "I didn't sign up for this when I signed on to be your friend."

"Please, I'm the best you can get," she says flicking her hair over her shoulder. "Plus you can't return me after you test drove me."

I make a gagging sound. "That sounds nasty."

She winks. "Well it's true. You've had years to complain and you never have. You knew what you were getting into when you became my friend."

I laugh. "I really didn't."

And suddenly the world seems better. Flint may be mad but at this rate, there is nothing I can do.

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