Chapter 32 - Sydney

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The pounding on the door pushes me off the couch. It's fast, loud and aggressive. It's probably Flint and going off how hard he is pounding on that door, he must be very angry with me.

I contemplate whether or not I should open the door. If he's going to lash out on me, is it even worth letting him in. I know it's my fault and I probably do deserve any harsh words he throws my way but I don't know if I can take it. It's like I'm hanging on by a thread.

My hands get sweaty as I walk to the front door. I gently wipe them on my jeans. I haven't heard from Flint since yesterday even though I wanted to call him and visit him a hundred and one times. I however knew I needed to give him his space and let him call the shots. If he wanted me, he'd fight for me and if he didn't, then he'd let me go.

I do know that it's not that easy, if he does not want me, he won't just let me go, he'll make it hell before letting me go and I probably deserve it.

I place my hand on the door knob, take a deep breath and swing it open. It's not Flint at the door though, it's a complete stranger. He eyes me for a second before a predatory smile appears on his face.

"Can I help you?" I ask.

He simply nods but the minute I catch sign of his tattoos going up his arms and a gun tucked into his pants, I try to slam the door shut.

His hand slams against the door and it's clear who's going to win. Even though I put every ounce of strength into pushing the door shut, his one hand is enough to knock the door back forcing me to stumble and fall against the floor. As my elbow hits the ground, pain shoots up my elbow and I almost feel like I black out for a few seconds.

It's only those few seconds that cost me. His hand lands in my hair as he pulls me up. I scream from the pain and clasp my hand around his trying to free my hair. He slaps me across the face before pulling his gun and pointing it at me.

Suddenly my mouth feels dry and I freeze in my spot. I'm going to die, I know it.

"Okay," I whisper trying to find my voice. "Okay."

"Don't move," he grunts out.

I don't know much about guns but when I watch him click the gun, I know the safety is off and that's not a good sign.

I look behind me for a second but it's a second too late because he sees me eyeing the vase.

"Don't even think about it," he says as he inches closer.

I swallow. "What do you want?"

My palms get sweaty and I wipe them on my clothes to calm myself. I somehow still want to grab the vase although I don't think I have a chance now.

"I want you," he growls before he grabs my hand and pulls me forward. The action forces me to slam against his chest.

He smells like cheap wine whilst his breath invades my space. I pull my head back just as his hand fists my hair and brings my face closer to his.

"Please no," I whisper trying to control the shiver that's trying to consume and overtake my body. I can't be weak now.

"The boss will be pleased," he grunts as he drags me closer to the door.

I know if I go through the door, chances are I'm not coming back. I have to give it my all. As he drags my forward, my hand knocks the small ceramic bowl on the side table by the door. I watch it shatter forcing the man to swear.

He presses me against the wall. "Try that one more time," he spits in my face. "And see what happens."

My eyes look around for anything else. If he takes me, I need to at least ensure I create enough evidence that I'm missing and not freely disappeared out of my own will. Alaina has a key and only uses it in emergencies but I know she'll come in if I don't answer her in a few days. She's be able to put two and two together if she sees the mess.

When his hand hits my bare waist, I snap out of my thoughts. I buck my hips up trying to push him off me but he's too strong. "Let go!"

He grunts in my face before pressing his filthy lips against my neck, his beard and moustache irritating the skin around my neck. "You smell divine," he says. "But I'm not about to ruin you for my boss."

For a second, I'm able to pull my hands free from his hold. Enough to give me a chance to shove at his chest. He loses his balance for a moment which gives me enough time to run out the door.

My mind spins. Do I go up? If I do, I am trapped but if I go down, that's where he wanted me. Instead I run towards the car park garage carefully looking back to see if he's behind me.

My breathing increases as I hide behind a red Toyota Corolla. I try to steady myself and control my breathing otherwise he'll find me.

I peak around the car and a gasp escapes me when I notice him standing by the entrance of the car park. His head snaps in my direction as I slap a hand to my mouth. It's already too late, he's seen me.

Whilst he runs in my direction, I turn and run alongside the left behind several cars. He gives chase as I dip between two cars and bring my head down low hoping he will lose me. I crouch around one vehicle and then slowly turn hiding behind a van. It's larger and will do a better job at hiding me.

"Come out, baby girl," he teases.

A single tear runs down my eye. Control yourself, Sydney. This isn't the time to cry.

His voice gets closer as he whistles to taunt me. My throat tightens and it becomes that tad bit harder to breathe.

I place my hand against the white paint job of the van and I lean forward to sneak a peak. I stop in my place when I notice that I've left a red hand print. When I look down at my hands, they're bloody. Probably from knocking the bowl over or tripping—I don't know. My jeans also have a massive slash across the right thigh and it's bloody there too.

The pain of it all comes rushing suddenly as if I've just caught onto the situation I'm in.

"You can't hide, Princess," his voice booms across the car park.

The sound of metal chains draw my attention away from his voice forcing me to watch the garage door slide up.

"Yes," I mouth. Someone is coming into the car park.

This is my last and final chance to run out the garage door. I wait for the car the drive in before I start running. I'm a bit far from the door but if I just make it through, I can somehow protect myself.

"Help!" I shout and at the same time increasing my speed.

Of course I'm not fast enough because seconds later, I'm dragged back by my shirt and slammed into the car in front of me.

My head spins as my knee gives way.

The man leans into my face. "Gotcha," he grins. "The boss will be thoroughly pleased with this."

He grabs my shirt and pulls me up. My legs still feel like jelly beneath me. As he grips my jaw and leans in, a punch flies forward knocking the man back. I'm not so stable myself so I fall to my knees. The pain shoots up my body when my knees make contact with the concrete.

"Sydney," a voice echoes behind me but I cannot pinpoint it.


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