Chapter 26 - Sydney

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Flint pulls the car by the gate. Security let us in but all I see and hear are the flashes of the paparazzi even as we pull into Flint's place.

My heart pounds. What if they know about me? I could never leave if that happened. Samantha is playing with fire and so am I.

When Flint parks the car by the cobblestone patch, his hand grabs mine. "Ready?" He asks.

I watch him in confusion. "To go home?"

He shakes his head and smirks. "Walk with me," he says as he exits the car.

I step out before he makes it over to my side of the car. I don't want him helping me out of a car, I can do that myself.

His hand laces with mine as he pulls me forward. There's an awkward silence that I'm sure only I feel. He seems content.

After what seems like a decent five minute walk in silence we reach his backyard. Something I've never seen but my mouth drops open in surprise.

It's like a fairytale. A zen garden or perhaps a garden that just keeps going. Right in the centre in a cobblestone patch just like the front of his place, lays a table with two chairs. A rose bouquet is the centrepiece and small fairy lights contain the place.

"How about this?" Flint says watching my face.

It's gorgeous. It's perfect. It's everything I'd want but it's not with the right man.

I smile. "It looks lovely."

"I know the restaurant was a lot," Flint says. "I should have warned you but I hope this makes up for it."

A tear slides down my face forcing me to tilt my face away from Flint's so I can wipe it in secret.

"It's good," I whisper. "Really good."

Flint squeezes my hand as he pulls me down the cobblestone path to the table. "I want this to be perfect."

Again. Perfect.

I can't tell if I hate him or not.

He pulls the chair for me and helps me get seated. I want to walk away. I want to go home. I can't tell him that though.

The sound of violin plays behind me. As I gently turn my head, it's a whole orchestra playing a gentle melody.

I smile genuinely this time and I hate myself for it. Flint wins once again and so does Samantha. The only person who loses is myself.

A waiter walks out with a tray. He removes the lid and places the dish in front of Flint and myself before taking a step back.

Flint smiles in my direction, his hand cups mine underneath the table. "You look gorgeous," he says.

"You've already told me that," I say bluntly knowing that perhaps I sound rude.

Flint smirks. "And I'll say it again."

His thumb brushes against my skin softly. I hate that I like the feeling, but I hate it more that I don't want him to stop.

"It's all gone," Flint says. "They're all gone. The paparazzi. The cameras. All gone," he says with concern in his voice.

Why does he suddenly care?

It was so much better when we both hated each other's guts. This is worse but above that, it hurts. I hate the feeling. It's like my whole world was snatched beneath my feet. I feel completely and utterly useless and I don't know how to save myself.

I stare at the salmon in front of me. Taking small bites of the meal, I try and avoid staring at Flint.

I can feel his eyes on me. I know he's watching me. I just don't know how to react.

"I'm sorry," Flint whispers.

My fork clinks against the plate as I watch him in shock. Did he just apologise?

"I've done very wrong against you," he says clearing his throat. "I only want to do right by you going forward."

I blink taking in his words. Tears wet my eyes but they don't fall down my face and for that I'm grateful.

Nodding, I smile back at him. It's not genuine and I think even he knows that. "This is a new start," I tell him. "Let's focus on that."

He gives my hand a squeeze. "I promise I'll make it up for you."

Flint Everwood. The Flint Everwood looks so helpless. This is new, and to think someone like myself has brought him to this level. It just doesn't seem right.

His hand reaches mine waiting for me to cup his. Straightening my dress I grab his hand.

He takes me to the side of the backyard. The orchestra that was playing ever so sightly suddenly increases the sound and reduces the speed.

"Dance with me," Flint whispers into my ear.

I don't want to tell him but it sends a shiver down my spine, one I'm sure he feels anyways. He smirks in my direction before his hand cups my hip and traces around my waist. He pulls me upright and my body knocks against his. A shock expression spreads over my face as Flint's smirk grows wider.

"I like you this close," he says as he tilts my head back and kisses my neck ever so slightly.

I control my emotions as I pull my head back up to look him in the eyes as he sways me to the left. "Don't get used to it."

He laughs gently. "I promise I won't."

Before I know it, his hand travels away from my waist as he grasps my hand to twirl me. He's done this before. Probably with countless other women.

After the twirl, he pulls me upright again, my chest slamming against his as my weight rests upon his. He smirks. "Much better."

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