Chapter 4 - Sydney

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When I get in my car, I notice the document sitting on the passenger seat. Knowing I won't see him again, I should hand it to him but when I pull my head out; he's nowhere to be seen.

I rub my knee from the pain but in reality, it was the embarrassment that hurt most. I tend to make a fool of myself at horrible times.


I rub my eyes reaching for the phone. My hand grabs what I think is my phone as I bring it to my ear, only to find it's a box of painkillers. Rolling my eyes, I turn over in bed and count to ten. The phone will eventually stop.

I push myself up knowing if I sleep now, I'll likely wake up at noon and regret it. I grab my phone of the ground, possibly knocked down by myself when I was trying to find it. Missed called from Alaina. She's left me a message.

"Sydney, you are so dead," Alaina's voice says through the message. I roll my eyes at her comment waiting to hear what she has to say next. Her over dramatic style always puts a smile on my face. "I asked you to take all the files to my boss. He called today angry that I hadn't sent the other one through. When I told him that you must've forgotten because I gave you all the documents, he said he wouldn't wait and asked me to bring them over even though I was out of state. I said it was impossible so he said for me to tell my friend to hurry up and bring it. Sydney, I asked you to do one thing, please don't stuff this up for me. Flint will have me killed."

"Shit," I say to myself. I really should've given him the folder yesterday because I know that means I'll have to go to his office again.

Quickly getting dressed, I throw on a tight black and white skirt and black laced top. This time I'm somewhat appropriate for an office.

I head to my car where the document still sits in the passenger's seat and drive to his office. On the way, I tell myself not to make a fool of myself like I've done the last two times I saw him. I stare down at my feet, I'm dressed for the part but I am not sure I can handle it. I can barely walk in heels but I can attempt. Maybe jeans and a t-shirt was the way to go.

When I get near his office, I park across the street because his office's car park is strictly for staff only and special guests. None of which I fit into.

As I get to the receptionist, she recognises me from the other day. "Anything I can help you with?"

I nod. "Alaina sent me back again to send another document."

She has me wait in the waiting room as Mr Everwood is currently in a meeting. I watch the clock go from nine thirty to ten before the receptionist scans her card and the door opens. I walk past, trying to remember how I came in last time. Go all the way to Level twenty two and walk exactly forty five steps up to his office.

When I take the elevator, the men beside me watch me intently. Part of me wants to turn and tell ask them if they have a problem or even perhaps snap at them as its rude to stare but I just look down at my shoes.

When the men exit at level sixteen, one of them whistles my direction before leaving. I frown as I press the close button until I get to level twenty two. Once I get there, I climb the stairs counting the forty five steps it took.

I take a deep breath. According to Alaina's message today, he didn't seem to happy. What if he snaps at me?

I knock on the door, before swinging it open and stepping inside. "Take a seat, Miss Jackson," Flint Everwood says without even looking away from his laptop.

I really don't want to sit, I want to drop this document off and run out of there but I take a seat because he said so. He shuts his laptop when he sees me. "It's good to see you again, Miss Jackson."

I place the folder on the table and slide it over. "I forgot to give you this folder the other day. It wasn't Alaina's fault, it was mine."

He nods watching me. "How long do you know Alaina?"

What he says takes me by surprise. "Umm....almost forever."

He smirks. "And how long is forever?" he asks. Confusion sets in and I think it's obvious to him that I don't understand by the look on my face. "I don't think I got what you meant?"

He does intimidate me just like Alaina said. "I mean, how old are you? You do have an age, right?"

I nod. "Twenty three," comes out of my mouth before I can stop myself. This guy doesn't need to know that but apparently now he does.

"Goodbye, sir," I say standing up to leave hoping this awkward conversation on my part will end.

"I'm not done speaking to you, Miss Jackson."

My heart stops. Do I turn around and stay or do I power walk out of here hoping to never see him again.

He stands up from his chair walking over to the front of the desk where I'm standing. His height would intimidate some women as he falls at six feet one inches tall but I'm fairly tall as well falling at five feet seven inches so it's not so intimidating.

What's intimidating is him standing so close. I hold my breath because this is too close for comfort. He leans in. "What do you like, Miss Jackson?"

His voice sends a shiver down my spine. "I...umm...well I think..." my voice catches in my throat from nervousness.

"Are you nervous, Miss Jackson?"

I shake my head. "No," is all I say. His piercing green eyes stare me down as he takes a step forward towards me, forcing me to press against the table. There's nowhere to back away now. He leans in forward and whispers in my ear, "You look cute when you're nervous."

I blink. Did he really say that? He leans in both hands against either side of the table, practically locking me in. "What do you do for a living, Miss Jackson?"

I swallow. "I work at a restaurant as a waitress."

He smirks when he hears that. "You'd look better in an office I think."

I don't want to ask him what he means by that because it's practically impossible. I'm still in university studying my degree and working as a waitress to make ends meet. It's hell but it's not like I have any choices.

He smiles my way before leaning in. "How would you like working here?"

I watch him in surprise. Did he really just ask me that? Knowing that the pay would be good and perhaps release some tension from me, I'm tempted to say yes but I don't cause that wouldn't be right.

"You're awfully quiet," He says raising his eyebrows. He moves one of his hands away from the desk, allowing me to side step a little away from him. He smirks when I do and I hate the idea of him winning. He was challenging me.

"I...umm," I say before clearing my throat. "There's nothing to say."

His grey suit presses against his body and I can practically see his six pack through his shirt. I stare down at his shoes instead not to make it obvious.

"You still didn't answer my question," he says watching me carefully.

I take another step away from him, the smirk on his face resurfacing. "I have university, I wouldn't have time to tackle both," I say lightly hoping it's enough to suffice.

"I could work something out."

Forty five steps. Forty five steps down till I get out of this level I tell myself. Just as I think I've handled the situation, he takes a step forward and then another one forcing me to back into the wall. The visions, the dreams come back to me and suddenly my mouth fells wet. The kiss, it felt so good and so real in the dream. He's so close I could experience it. I blink reminding myself that he probably does this with every girl.

He leans in and whispers in my ear again, "Don't underestimate yourself," before moving out of my way. I turn and walk to the door, my head spins as he watches me but all I know is I have to get out of there.

"Watch the vase," he says, as I turn and bump into the vase. It wobbles against the table before bending over to the side but I grab it in time and set it straight and run out of the office.

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