Chapter 12 - Sydney

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There's that moment in life when reality catches up, when you know that it is time to stop and look around, and realise what is about to happen. That moment caught up to me. It caught up with me yesterday, when I was making out with the Flint Everwood in his very own office.

My pencil snaps as I press it hard against the paper. I snap out of my gaze and stare down at the exam. There is fifteen minutes left and I've barely finished the second page. There are six pages to go.

I've wasted the last two hours and forty five minutes of the exam somewhat answering these two pages but mostly I've been thinking about yesterday. The insane moment I thought it was okay to kiss him. It was never okay. How could I forget everything he did and put me through. For goodness sake, he blackmailed me and used Alaina against me.

I look at the clock again. Fourteen minutes. Without a second to spare, I rush through two more pages before the exam finishes. Knowing I've only done four pages and left the other four blank guarantees my failure. I've failed this exam. My heart pounds and I slam my fist against the wall as we exit the exam room.

No matter what, I couldn't fail this exam. It's worth sixty per-cent of this unit. I throw my pencil in my bag and get into my car and drive home.

The idea caught me in the car. I would have to get everything right in order to pass and with the rush that it took to complete the last two pages, I already know the answer.


"How did your exam go?" Flint asks.

I shake my head. "I'd rather not talk about it, sir," I say in devastation. "Was there anything in particular you needed me for?"

Flint watches me for a second and the idea makes me nervous but all he does is shake his head and allows me to leave.

My results are coming in today, and because of that Flint allows me to leave work early so I can see my results for the university exam. In all honesty though, I'd rather not know because my future hangs on it. Failing this exam, which is pretty much guaranteed means that I'll have to redo the whole unit again. That is six months again.

I wrap my finger around my hair in nervousness as I head back to university.

I notice Rosella by the car park. She's my friend at university. We don't really talk outside of university nor do we hang out. It's nice though. We just chill together at university. I partly think it's because no one else talks to her but then again, neither do people talk to me.

"It's not looking good," she says as I walk up to her.

I tilt my head. "I did bad, didn't i?"

"You failed, Sydney. What happened to you?" she says. "You're one of the brightest students."

I kneel by the pavement and grab my face with my hands. Even though I already knew, I somehow was expecting a miracle.

"Mrs Williamson asked to speak to you."

I shake my head. "Oh, no way. She's going to tell me how disappointed she is."

"You can't avoid her," Rosella convinces me.

Nodding, I walk my way to the board where my results are. Eighteen out of a hundred. If that isn't failing, I don't know what is. I stare at my shoes as I walk into Mrs Williamson's office. I so do not want to do this.

"Ahh Sydney, please take a seat," she says. "I'm sure you've seen your results."

I nod but I don't answer her. I am trying hard to hold the tears back. It's as if every nightmare is coming true. I worked really hard to get this far in my degree.

"Usually that would result in a fail and a repeat of the unit, however," she says. "This time that won't happen."

My throat tightens. Did she say what I thought she said?

"Our university sponsor and donating team is Everwood Business Co and Flint Everwood himself has asked us to allow you to re-sit the exam," she says. "We can't deny him that since our university runs on his support but don't take this as a chance to do this again. I do not know why he has asked for you in particular but you will do your exam on Monday and that will count for your results."

I stand up, a huge smile growing on my lips. "Oh my god! Thank you so much. I cannot thank you enough."

She shakes her head. "Don't thank me. It was never my doing."

As she excuses herself, I leave the room in complete and utter shock. What just happened? Why would Flint do that?

I look at my phone half expecting him to ring and tell me why he did it, or use that against me as well but the call never comes.

Now suddenly I feel like I owe him and I don't like the idea of that. After explaining to Rosella that I've been given a second chance, I get into my car and make my way back to work.

I head to the elevators, then up the stairs and into my office. I place my bag behind my desk and just as I'm about to leave I stop by the door contemplating whether it is a good idea to discuss this with him.

If I pretend it never happened, then perhaps he'll forget about it but if I go up then maybe he might ask for something in return or blackmail me. He did however tell me to go visit him after I came back.

Why is it that I keep getting further entwined into his web. Just as I'm sure I can taste freedom, Flint just comes and takes it away.

I walk up the stairs and stop short of his office door. "You can do this," I whisper to myself before knocking on the door and then walking in.

"Take a seat, Miss Jackson."

I do as he says staring at the pile of paper that has collected on his table. That wasn't there when I left. How much work does this guy do?

"How did things go with your results?"

He's testing me, trying to see if I'll admit to it. What itches at my skin though is how did he know I failed my exam. The university wouldn't give my results that easily to them but then once again they're plastered against the university board for everyone to see.

I clear my throat. "I got them back," is all I say.

There, that gives nothing away. Neither how bad I did, nor that I get to do the exams again.

"And were you pleased with the results?" he asks watching me.

There's a subtle smirk across his face. He knows very well that I know and am choosing to avoid admitting to it.

"Well it's just an exam."

"That doesn't exactly answer my question, Miss Jackson."

I stare at the floor. He wants me to say it out loud.

Flint leans forward. "Admit it. You need me."

I watch him with disgust. "Of course not!" I say in shock. "I do not need you."

Flint smiles. "Then I'm sure your eighteen out of a hundred would suffice."

My mouth drops open. Not only did he know I failed but he knew my marks. "I could just repeat."

"You're in denial, Sydney," Flint says in a calm manner. "You and I both know that you need my help."

I roll my eyes. "Twenty three years I've survived on my own. I don't suddenly need you."

He smiles. "Trust me, Sydney," he says taking me by surprise again. He's stopped addressing me as Miss Jackson. "From now on, you'll need me every step of the way."

With that comment, Flint gets up and leaves his office.

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