Chapter 11 - Sydney

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Staring at the computer screen, I take a deep breath. I have survived a week. The computer chimes with a notification informing me I need to go to Flint's office.

Alaina saw me at work on the fourth day. She was somewhat confused as to why I had accepted but at the same time was pleased to see me have a job in such a big corporation.

I leave my desk, head out the door and take the stairs up to his office. I swallow before placing my hands on the door knob and swinging it open.

Flint is by his desk, sorting out documents. His eyes scan up once when he notices me but continues to do his work. I walk over to his desk, unaware of what will come next. This past week he's really tried to throw me off by giving me tasks he knows I hate to do or feel uncomfortable doing.

"Just a little longer," I mutter under my breath. I'm doing this for Alaina, remember.

Flint's head shoots up. "Did you say something?"

I shake my head as he watches me. "Was there anything you needed, sir?"

"We need a model," he says.

I blink. "Would you like me to find one?"

He smirks. "I've already found one," he says in confidence. "I was thinking you could be the model."

My mouth practically falls to the floor. He has officially lost his mind. I don't know a single thing about modelling and last time I checked, I was his P.A not a model.

"But I'm not a model," I say as my voice quivers.

"I know that, Miss Jackson but I think you look the part."

I shake my head. "I can't help you there, I'm your personal assistant not a model."

Flint stands from his chair and walks over to me. My breath in my throat catches and I accidently knock down his pencil holder when I place my hand on his desk. All the pens and pencils scatter across the floor as Flint watches me. His smirk growing wider.

"Must I remind you of the contract," he says taking a step forward.

I keep my ground this time, not moving a muscle. He knows my weakness, and I'm about to prove him wrong. Whatever happens, I won't move.

"Let me remind you, the contract was that I was to be your personal assistant and in return you let Alaina stay at her job. Not of me being a model."

He smiles. "A personal assistant is someone who assists her boss in everything work related. I need a model and you must assist me with that," Flint says. "Perhaps you should've read the whole contract instead of skimming through it. There was a clause that clearly stated, that as an employee of Everwood, you are required sometimes to step out of your job description of a personal assistant."

I frown when he takes another step forward but I don't move. His hand wraps around my hip as he pulls my body closer to his. "You can always rethink things through."

The heat feels good but anger rushes through my body. He thinks he's being smart. I place a hand on his chest and attempt to push him away but he doesn't budge. In fact he leans in enough that his lips are a few centimetres away from mine. His thumb brushes my neck and then he whispers into my ear. "If only you rethought things through."

This time I push at his chest a lot harder forcing him to take a step back and I move over. "I think I'm fine," I say hiding the fact that I almost broke and gave into him then.


Bulgaria. I shake my head. Did I read that right? I reread the email that Flint sent me, it says Bulgaria alright. The photo shoot will be in the snowy mountains of Bulgaria. It shocks me at first but then it makes sense. This guy is rich, it wouldn't even matter to him. What does matter is I'll have to be modelling dresses in the middle of the mountains in the snow. The idea sends shivers down my spine. I'd be cold and freezing to death.

I don't know whether he just wants to push me or perhaps he thinks I'd actually be a good choice for this. If it wasn't for Alaina, I would have never done this.

I walk downstairs to the kitchen and make a coffee. I pour two teaspoons of sugar, stir and take upstairs for Flint. His so called long list of things to do also includes coffee.

Knocking on his door, I wait for him to call me in before I walk in. I place the coffee on his desk and take a seat.

"I need tomorrow off," I say.

Flint lifts his head up from the documents on his desk to look at me. "Why is that?"

"I have an exam for university."

He nods. "Fine by me. I told you we'd work around your university timetable."

I blink. I know he said that the first time but I imagined he wouldn't have let that happen anymore considering everything that happened.

He picks his cup of coffee as I stand to get up. "Thank you," I say.

I watch him take a sip before he pushes the cup away. "What the hell is that?"

I watch him in confusion. "Coffee," I reply.

"It's really salty."

"What! No! I put two teaspoons of sugar."

His voice gets angry. "I'm clearly trying to make this work and be polite to you and this is what I get. I could've easily made you choose between your exam and your friend."

I take a step back in utter confusion. "It's not salty," I say.

He pushes the cup to me as if telling me to try it and see for myself. Usually I wouldn't share a cup with anyone but he looks incredibly mad and he thinks I've done this on purpose. When I grab the cup and bring it to my lips, I immediately spit the small sip out.

He tilts his head. "Care to explain."

I watch him for a second, my nerves catching up to me. "I swear that wasn't intentional," I say as tears begin rolling down my face. I feel horrible despite knowing I didn't plan to do that.

He blinks as he watches me.

"I promise," I say through a quivering voice as I wipe at my tears. " I really did try and make it right."

He shakes his head when I crouch on the floor and leans down with me. He wipes at my tears and pulls me back up and sits me on the chair. "Okay, Okay. No need to cry," he says brushing my hair out of my face. He grabs the glass of water from his desk and hands it to me. "Calm down, I believe you."

I stand up. "I'll get that cleaned," I say through hiccups pointing at his carpet, where I had just spit the coffee

He shakes his head. "There's no need for that. I'll take care of it. Just go take a breather."

"No, I made the mess," I say trying to catch my breath. "I should..."

Before I know it, his lips are on mine shutting me up. His thumb brushes at my cheek, wiping my tears. Part of me wants to pull away but part of me doesn't. He was kind and nice today. He didn't seem like his typical self.

He leans forward, forcing me onto the chair and begins kissing me with further passion. His hands run down my arm, and with one quick motion he pulls me up in reverse position so that now he's the one sitting and then pulls me against his thigh.

My head spins. This is so wrong, so incredibly wrong.

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