Chapter 1

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Finding love has never been easy for Zeb and being a plus sized woman did not help at all. She kept on doubting herself all the time, from how people see her excess fat to the type of clothes she wore. But all that didn't matter now, what mattered to her the most was making sure that her two angels had a roof over their heads, food and school fees sorted.

Zack and Zoe are seven year old twins that were a result of one of her encounters with love. When she met their father she was sure he was the man for her, all that changed when she got pregnant. He started distancing himself and ignoring her all together. She struggled but managed to give birth with the help of her parents.

Zeb smiled as she remembered how her parents used to sit for hours just to make sure the twins fell asleep before retiring to bed themselves. They were a happy family and all this was achieved by ignoring the elephant in the room.

She had started feeling sleepy so she stood up from her favourite couch, switched off the tv, made sure all doors were locked then went to her room after passing by the twins' bedroom and seeing they were sleeping peacefully.

Life was fair considering she was a caterer owning her own business with twenty employees, it made her feel comfortable. Sometimes she would have so many gigs that she had to take the twins to her parents for a weekend. But otherwise, the two-bedroom apartment was enough for her and the twins even though her parent preferred sharing their mansion with her. They loved the idea of kids making noises and keeping them on their toes. She knew better and wanted to make it on her own, she felt the need to show the world that she could achieve it all without the need for any kind of support, from her parents or any man.

After plugging her phone into the charger and getting on the bed, she switched off the lights and was transported to dreamland in seconds.

"Mama, we want pancakes...Mamaaa!", she heard Zoe call from the door. "Ok, am coming", Zeb replied lazily.

She dragged herself out of bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up, for a caterer breakfast at home was more of tradition than necessity and her twins would get anything they wanted, which was always pancakes. Zack was waiting patiently while Zoe was more creative, she had prepared a bowl and whisk for their mother to use when preparing breakfast. "Here you go Mama", she beamed when she saw her mother walk into the kitchen. "Thank you baby", Zeb replied and kissed the top of her head then proceeded to do the same with Zack.

They continued to talk about school things and how their days were. That was their usual Saturday. Their chattering was interrupted by Zeb's phone ringing, when she looked at the screen, she smiled. "Hi Girl, Gina is having the twins tonight while you and I go out.", "Good morning to you too Mel, now where are we going this time?", "We are going to the Ibiza Club, it will be awesome don't you think?", "What I think Mel, is that you were supposed to ask me first before doing all this". Mel and Zeb were inseparable since they met in high school, while she always got men's attention due to her amazing body, she never spoke down on Zeb even once, she was a great friend although there were times when Zeb felt like the only reason they hung out was so that she could be the center of attention, which she did not mind, she liked being in the dark.

"You look amazing Zeb, we are going to have so much fun tonight", Mel screamed as they left her house heading to the uber that was waiting for them. On a different day Zeb would have preferred using her car but tonight she wanted to let loose and just forget all her problems. "Thank you, Mel, I would say you too but that is how you always look", she replied in a way that boosted Mel's ego even more making her sway her hips like crazy while heading to the taxi. Forty-five minutes later they were in front of the most famous club that Mel always wanted to go to but couldn't afford, this only meant one thing, she found a rich guy that was willing to take care of it for her. "How did you get us tickets to this place? it's insanely expensive!", "That's for me to know and you to find out, let's go!". She pulled her dear friend fearlessly towards the entrance and whispered something to a buff-looking guy who had the most scary face Zeb had ever seen, he smiled at Mel and opened the door for them.

The VIP section was packed with a lot of people some dancing, some sitting in the booth with expensive drinks, Zeb was so deep in admiring her surroundings that she didn't notice Mel being pulled in for a hug by a man that was wearing a very expensive three-piece suit until she was pulled in the conversation. "Zeb this is Kyle and Kyle this is my best friend Zeb", she smiled at him as they shook hands. Kyle's attention was fully on Mel which made Zeb stand on the sidelines, she kept looking anywhere but at the two people who pretended she was not even there. An idea came to her mind, and she decided to ask one of the waiters for the bar location, she sat at the counter and ordered whiskey and soda without forgetting the ice, when she was about to pay she was informed that all drinks were free for her for the night, since she was Kyle's guest, she was confused until the waiter explained that Kyle actually owned the club. She decided to run with it until later, when Mel would have to explain herself. "Hi there, do you mind if I join you?", the words poured into her left ear, heavy and calm, making her lose all sense of reality until the person cleared his throat. Zeb's heart was beating so fast as she turned to see who this person was, she was not disappointed as her eyes were captured by the most mesmerising dark grey eyes, she did not know what to say until he leaned in again and whispered, "So, am I allowed to join you?", still no answer, "I just need someone to talk to, that's all", he continued explaining himself. 'He smells so good', Zeb thought as she ended up with just a nod. She made sure to look at him properly as he sat next to her, he was tall like six plus feet, and she would know she was five point two feet. After getting his whiskey refilled he turned to Zeb and leaned in so that it was easy for them to have a conversation, due to the loud music something that Zeb was now able to understand as the reason why he was whispering directly in her ear earlier. "Thank you for allowing me to sit with you, my name is Lewis, what's yours?", "Z-eb, my name is Zeb", she replied while trying to master a smile, which he returned and the moment he did, Zeb knew that she was officially in big trouble.

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