Chapter 12

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"Hi Mum, hi Dad, This is my boyfriend Lewis... Lewis these are my parents, Zubair and Sarah", she introduced him as they arrived at her parent's house for dinner. Her Father was huge and about the same height as Lewis making him even more nervous, he was expecting a more relaxed guy with a beard and fat tummy, not an athletic body and a Mother with an hourglass figure with hips for days. No wonder Zeb had such a body. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Zack and Zoe have told us a lot about you", her Father shook his hand firmly. "All good things I hope", "Of course", he replied shortly. "Old man moves aside I want to say hi to him too", Her Mother interfered pushing her husband aside playfully and pulling Lewis in for a hug. "Welcome to our home, let me give you a tour", she smiled while pulling him towards the living room earning shouts from the twins when they saw him, he went on his knees and opened his arms ready for a group hug which they happily returned. "Hi Lewis, We missed you?", "I missed you guys too". he replied looking at Zoe who had the most excited look on her face. "Ok kids, Let's show Lewis our home, come one", Sarah said and the kids led the way.

"Well hi Lewis", Gina greeted him when they reached the final location of the house where Gina was busy finishing up dinner. "Hi there!", he replied while hugging her, she was a tough sister to connect to but after thirty minutes of interrogation, she conducted on him the first time they met she started opening up to him and now they were friends who even communicated when he was away. He has been helping Gina with college materials from his college friends, so they were close and she was like his young sister. "How is school?", "It's going great, thanks to you", she replied with a cheesy smile. "Lewis do you cook?", Sarah asked him as she was trying to cut some veggies for what looked like a Caesar salad. "Yes Ma'am", "He is keeper Zeb", she replied with a giggle. "Seems like you just won the heart of the family, let's go get some wine at the store", Zubair said as he walked into the kitchen and lightly squeezed Lewis's shoulder. He knew that was just his way of getting alone time with the man who is about to steal his princess. 

The ride to the store was a quiet one and when they go there, he tried to pick dry red wine but Lewis stopped him, "Zeb likes sweet red wine, that one will give her heartburn", He said while picking her favourite and placed it in the cart making Zubair laugh, "Seems you do like her more than you let on Lewis, good to know", he said as she proceeded to the next shelf. "I think since its a celebration then we should award ourselves with a bottle of brandy as well yes?", "Uh! That won't be necessary I had given Zeb a bottle to give to you later, if it's ok with you we could have that", "Good man, let's get going before Sarah starts blowing my phone", he said as they went to pay for the drinks which was a battle that Lewis won with sweat. Even though Zeb's parents were rich he was not about to let them prepare dinner and also pay for the drinks, it was the least that he could do. 

"What took you so long?", Sarah asked Zubair the moment they walked into the house with the drinks causing him to connect with Lewis and give him an 'i told you so' look making them laugh. "What?", Sarah asked confused. "Nothing Honey, just guys stuff", his answer made Sarah smile, it was as if she longed for something and it finally happened. Lewis went to the fridge and put one of Zeb's bottles in it because she liked hers chilled, which he found weird but never questioned her. "You are amazing", a voice said from behind him making him smile, he knew that voice from anywhere. She pulled him to her height and kissed him, he kissed her back and pulled away quickly before anyone could see causing her to whine. "Babe, am trying to make a good impression here don't ruin this for me ok?", he begged but it was like he was talking to himself because she was busy looking at him with lust in her eyes making his body tense, she knew what that look did to him. "Babe come on!", he pleaded as he felt her hand massaging his trouser. The bad thing was he was cornered and he felt helpless and remembered what Jonathan said about being powerless when it came to Jenny, this was definitely that kind of scenario. He took fast deep breaths as he heard her giggle in the sexiest way. "Lewis! Lewis come see my bicycle", saved by the bell. An excited Zack walked into the kitchen causing Zeb to step away so that her son can reach for him. He adjusted his trousers before walking out and hearing a fading laugh from one crazy woman that he was sadly deep in love with.

"This is so delicious Sarah", he complimented as dinner was being served. "Thank you, Lewis, we should have cooking dates that way we can exchange recipes", she suggested. "Consider it done, I will let you know when am in town again and we can arrange that", he replied while adding more food to his plate earning a laugh from Zack. "What buddy? The food is delicious I can't help it", he said while wiggling his eyebrows at him causing Zubair and Zack to laugh. It was going well so far and that made him happy he remembered his Mother's words and smiled to himself. 

"This is a very nice view", he told Zubair as they were sitting in the backyard, they continued to devour the bottle of brandy that he brought him. "Yeah, when Sarah started planting stuff here I thought it was going to be a mess but she had a vision and I had to trust her and now it's the most peaceful sight, I can't wait to look at it every once in a while", he took a sip and continued, "Lewis, I have no right to choose who my daughter decides to associate herself with or meddle in her life but I have seen her go through hell and back and not just with the twin's Father but even before that, I am surprised that she even opened up to you this fast, I have been having doubts ever since Zack told me his Mother had a giant sleep in their home", he laughed and took another sip, Lewis remained silent. "The truth is I have seen her happy before but not like this, I mean you're a white man and she is a black woman, a single mother might I add and from what Mel showed me you had an eventful life before this, she is not your usual type", another sip, he looked deep in thought before drawing in a breath. "Am not trying to insinuate anything, I was young once and I understand that people change, hell even I changed, and here I am", he looked Lewis straight in the eye, "I won't threaten you, I will beg you, don't break her again, I don't think we can handle seeing her in that kind of state again and especially now when my grandkids are in the picture, they look up to you, Zack even asked me if he could call you his Dad, I mean that's just too much to ignore, can you handle that? Can you promise to take care of my daughter Lewis?", he asked and at this point, Lewis knew they were past being just casual lovers. He stood up from his seat without breaking eye contact with him and confidently replied, "I promise to take good care of her, love her, protect her and be the Father, Zack and Zoe need. I know at some point we will argue or even take breaks because dating a pilot, someone who is rarely around can be challenging or someone with a past like mine will cause break points but I will fight for us, I will fight for my family, that I promise you". Zubair stood up with a smile on his face and hugged him. Lewis was sure he felt a tear on his shoulder but he ignored it, it was a happy moment.

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