Chapter 33

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Lewis stormed out of the car the moment Kline found a parking spot, he went straight to the VIP lounge and asked for the manager as Zeb's text instructed. His heart was beating so fast that he thought he was going to faint but the thought of Zeb running to Cavril for comfort made him feel worthless. He blamed himself for not listening to Jonathan, he wondered as he reached the door to the back office. Walking in he saw Zeb sleeping on the couch while Cavril was busy on his laptop. It was clear that the two didn't have anything romantic going on. "Hey man!", their eyes met, Cavril walked to him offering him a handshake which he accepted. "I will give you two a minute", he said and walked out of the room closing the door behind him. Lewis walked toward the woman that drove him crazy and kneeled in front of her, he kissed her forehead and she leaned toward him like she always did, making him smile. "Babe, open your eyes for me", he said and she responded in an instant. She threw herself onto him hugging him like there was no tomorrow, she pulled away quickly as if his touch was burning her. It hurt, he hated the fact that she had such feelings toward him. "Are you changing your mind about us?", she asked in a whisper but he heard, and it shocked him. "What? Babe, what are you talking about?", "That day when you left, you were upset with me, is it because of Cavril that you decided to ignore me for weeks? not tell me that you were ok that I had to start calling your friends just to know if you were alive, only to find out that it was life as usual to you? You even ignored the kids. Our kids", tears were all over her face making her angelic face buff up, she looked torn apart and tired. "No, Babe that's not it, allow me to explain please my love don't misjudge me, please", he pleaded still on his knees, after a while, she nodded her head wiping away the tears. 

He told her about his Father and how it was haunting him for years and how he finally made peace with it. He thought of telling her that Zubair gave him his blessings but it was not the right time so he left that part out. "So what? you are not afraid anymore? Lewis, I can only handle so much, I need to be in a healthy relationship, I need to be in a relationship where it's ok to share stuff no matter how ugly they are", she spoke with so much hurt that made him feel ashamed of himself for avoiding her, the twins did point out that he didn't call and he told them that there was a network problem but he knew the reason won't hold when it comes to Zeb. He thought he was able to get away with it not knowing that Zeb was hurting internally and now he had to become a better man to her. "Babe, am sorry, I know am not perfect but the only thing that I don't want you to question is how much I love you guys", she looked him straight in the eyes. "It doesn't feel like it", "How about we go home and I show you how much I love you Zeb", he pleaded. "Sex is not the answer to everything Lewis", her voice was calm meaning she was getting turned on and he was happy that the kids were not around because he wanted to make her scream his name for the whole neighbourhood to hear. "Oh really? so why are you avoiding my eyes Babe", he said in a deeper voice showing her how aroused he was. She swallowed hard. He stood up and pulled her towards his chest making sure to poke her tummy with his now hard member. She bit her lower lip and looked away. It made him smile, he kissed her forehead and pulled back. It was definitely time to go home or else Cavril was going to chase them away.

"Why are you stopping", she cried, her eyes heavy with desire and lust for him, trying to lift herself with her elbows. He didn't bother answering, he was busy admiring her naked body, her curves drove him crazy and clearly, there was no way he was going to stop wanting her. He smiled like a crazy man when he realised that all that was in front of him was his. The chain of thought was interrupted by one hand pulling him on top of her and another guiding his member inside of her. The feeling of being craved by her made goosebumps spread all over his body. He groaned at the feeling of having his member fill her entirely. She started moving her body to create friction and he let her try her best until her begging eyes met his lustful ones it only took her biting her bottom lip for him to lose control and started thrusting in and out of her in full force. She called his name and he felt her getting close, he thrust deeper loving how her body was responding to him, "Don't stop. Ah!", her begging voice made him thrust faster as she squeezed him, reaching her orgasm, holding on to his shoulders, bitting him, making him crave her lips. He remained inside of her until her breathing steadied then he started moving again, this time he attached his lips to hers, allowing their tongues to massage each other slowly, she moaned as her hands started playing with his hair, the act that always made his member twitch whenever she does it. He knew that most of the time she does it without knowing but he never stopped her, it always felt so good. The adrenaline kicked in making him lose control, he caged her hands on top of her head, and his other hand went straight to her butt cheek and smacked it once making her moan into the kiss, he grabbed her thigh and secured it on his waist thrusting faster and faster, she tried getting out of his hold but she couldn't, making him ignore her pleads and focus on reaching his high when he was certain that he was about to reach it he let go of her thigh and reached her bud starting to rub it in an up and down motion, she started shaking and meeting his thrusts, her moans increased in their kiss, she milked him as they both reached their highs at the same time. He pulled away allowing their eyes to meet, she looked satisfied mirroring what he was feeling. "Hi", she said with hooded eyes making his member twitch, her eyes went wide causing a smirk to appear on his face and her smile grow bigger. "You drive me crazy Zeb, I love you so much", "I love you too and I missed you so much", she pulled him in for a kiss, he pulled back as soon as he felt himself getting hard again. "What?", she asked with a frown making him chuckle, she had no idea the power she held over him. "I believe that you need to rest for a bit before we start again and kissing me like that won't give you a time out", he replied wiggling his brows and earning a smack on the chest. He allowed her to rest for a few minutes and then pleasured her to the early morning hours. By the time he was done with her, she could barely keep her eyes open.

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