Chapter 10

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He was woken up by the sound of his phone ringing reminding him that they were supposed to meet their friends at the bar. "Fuck!", he reached for the phone and answered. "Hey man, are you guys coming?", "of course, we just dozed off for a bit but we are coming it's barely nine", he whined. "Give us thirty minutes we'll be there", he replied and hung up. He woke Zeb up with kisses causing a smile to appear on her face. "We gotta go, babe, they are waiting for us", "Ok, am up". She answered while stretching. He watched as she got out of bed without bothering to cover herself as she usually did, he felt pleased that he was able to make her feel confident in her skin. "Are you coming?", she shouted from the bathroom making him get out of bed quickly to follow her.

"Jenny!", Zeb called a woman who was sitting by the counter next to a very muscular guy with tattoos on his arms. "Hey! We have been waiting for you for hours", "what time did you guys get here?", "around seven, we were told it's usually crowded if you're late", "true, but that is if you don't have VIP access", she replied smiling. She stepped aside and pulled him in the circle, "So you're Lewis, we have heard a lot about you, just make sure you don't mess with Zeb and we should be good, alright?" the muscular guy said while offering his hand for him to shake, he was sure the man was trying to be intimidating but what they didn't know was he had a temper for days and a black belt to back it up. He shook his hand and before he could say anything Jenny pushed the guy away and hugged him while whispering in his ear, "Thank you for making her believe in love again, you're amazing", she pulled back with a smile. "Ouk! so, my name is Jenny and this weirdo is Jonathan my husband, so where is the VIP again because I want to dance tonight!", he knew Jenny was the asset to keep close if he wanted to win Zeb's trust even more. He wanted to get her drunk and make her spill Zeb's secrets. "Don't even think about it", Zeb said while pulling Jonathan to the VIP entrance and leaving Jenny with him, "what just happened?", "Oh! she just read you like an open book", "What?", "Even I knew you were planning on making me tell you her secrets silly", she replied and smiled. "Let's go have some fun", she said and followed where Zeb and Jonathan went. 

They found Brian at the corner booth pouring drinks on their co-workers' glasses while dancing, he was a good co-pilot and an amazing friend. Even though they met at work, they clicked and have been inseparable ever since. He was a free soul and selfless person, unlike their other friends he was supportive of the relationship Lewis was trying to build with Zeb. "Finally!", He said while pulling Zeb in for a hug making her laugh. He introduced himself to Jenny and Jonathan leaving him for last. "Whose the bodyguard?", "Jenny's husband", he replied giving him a look to warn Brian not to embarrass him making him laugh. "You do know she is just her BFF and the ones you are meeting tomorrow are the ones you should be worried about right?", he knew him all too well. He was scared shitless about meeting Zeb's parents, it was clear that they were going to be overprotective since they have seen her go through a lot and hurting her will be a death warrant, that was a fact. "I know man", he replied while calling a waiter to take their orders. A bottle of whiskey later and everyone was enjoying the music, he suddenly felt the urge to show the guys sitting at the table in front of them that Zeb was his. She was shaking her body in a way that made most men turn and look at her butty with lust, she had a well defined ass even though she was a plus sized woman, he could imagine how she must have been before having kids if only he met her sooner. He pulled her towards him on the corner that hid her from them making her look at him with questioning eyes but he didn't say a word neither did she, as Brian brought him another glass of whiskey he felt Zeb rubbing herself on him sexually while he tried ignoring it but she rubbed harder making him hiss in pleasure, thanks to the loud music no one heard. He rested his head on the crook of her neck and whispered to her, "Babe, you better stop doing that or I will take what I want right here", she replied with a moan. She was drunk and that meant horny which was not a good combination due to where they were, he had to think of a proposition that would control her urges until they were ready to leave. "Zeb if you behave I will make love to you on that beautiful desk we have in your room", "You promise?" she asked full of excitement, "I promise my love", he replied with a kiss on her neck. She walked away from him slowly making him smile. She was perfect for him, he watched as she whispered in Jenny's ear making her stand from Jonathan's lap following Zeb. They were clearly going to talk about him. "She is cool man, I like her", Brian said to him offering cheers that were soon joined by a pissed off Jonathan. "What's wrong with you?", "Don't mind me, i just hate it when other men look at my girl, one of the reasons we don't come to these places anymore", "Oh really? Then why did you come today?", "Are you kidding me? Jenny might be tiny but that woman is feisty and bossy and energetic all cooked into one, I for one was not about to say no to her when she wanted to come to meet the man who has been keeping her friend happy for the past month", the feedback surprised both him and Brian. "Oh yeah! you have been the topic of all 'girls nights' that she usually hosts at our place", he finished and drank his beer. "So let me get this straight, you are afraid of her? you? six feet you, afraid of Jenny?", Brian asked with a very wide smile that could get him into a lot of trouble provoking Jonathan. "Hell yes!", he replied like it was the most obvious thing ever, causing Brian and Lewis to officially burst with laughter. In all honesty after meeting Mellisa, Lewis was not looking forward to meeting the rest of Zeb's friends but after spending time with Jenny and Jonathan his mind was completely changed, he wanted to hang out with them even more, it was nice to have someone new to their circle. "So how does this pilot thing work? you guys live in a plane or something?", "Well it feels like that sometimes, the company dictates travel routes for us and in our case we travel to and from three continents with an average of up to seventy five hours per month and of course some days off in between, so yeah it can get crazy sometimes but the airline pays good so no complains", "Whoa that's something, but now that you have a home at Zeb's, things should be more soothing right?", Jonathan teased with a high five for Brian. "Oh I see how it is, no worries, I think Randor will be an awesome co-pilot for me going forward", Lewis replied with a smirk causing Brian to choke on his drink. "You wouldn't dare", he replied with a shocked face. "Watch me".

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