Chapter 5

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"Are you sure he is being honest with you?", "Mel, leave her alone, no one has ever questioned your hookups". The girls were having brunch at their favourite café on a Sunday afternoon and Zeb could not stop having this feeling that Mel was not happy for her, ever since she told them about her and Lewis deciding to be official. Mel always tried to find out what they were talking about and even when she would be in the middle of a call, Mel would try to make herself known to Lewis so that way get a chance to talk to him. She knew Lewis didn't like her but she chose to ignore it and not tell Mel anything.

He was amazing to her and the kids and for the first time, she had no issues with long distance relationships. It had been one month and communication between them never felt awkward. They always had something to talk about and he always wanted to know how the kids were doing. Ask them questions about school, it was amazing how he was able to spend hours just talking to them on video calls.

If having someone to make her feel loved was a problem for Mel, then she would have to get used to it. Zeb found herself wanting to stay indoors more because she already got what she wanted and that was Lewis. He made it clear every day that, he wanted them to be a family and he was more of a Father to the twins in the past month than all the men she tried dating before. The truth is she gave up on love and the only reason she was still going out was to please Mel. All Mel ever did was party, but she didn't have kids so they were drifting apart in terms of interests. She wanted to settle down while Mel wanted more men to give her attention and shower her with gifts. She enjoyed teasing them and finally picking the winner for the night leaving Zeb alone.

"So, when is he coming again?", "Next week, he is scheduled to land on Friday and will be leaving early Monday, he wants to go swimming with the kids on Saturday, I told him Zoe is terrified but he wants to teach her". "Aaawww that is so adorable, but the kids like him you know, so there is no reason to say no to him ", Jenny commented happily, as a Mother of three she had always supported Zeb when she was struggling with parental advise for the twins, she was their godmother after all. "Guys like him never stay, not to burst your bubble but you need to be careful, I mean have you seen his Facebook? he has models all over him", "That's his old account Mel, he only has Instagram, and I know about his past no news there", Zeb replied confidently. They had already talked about their past although Zeb avoided talking about the Father of her kids at all costs, she always found something to say and distract him. "Guys I have to go pick up the kids at my Dad's, they need to prep for school tomorrow", "Ok girl, it was nice catching up". They hugged each other goodbye and left the café.

"So who is this Lewis I keep hearing about? they haven't stopped talking about him since they got here", "He is Mama's friend", Zoe replied. "You mean Mum's boyfriend?", Zack replied while still focused on his Grand Pa's phone. Zeb was surprised, she knew that Zack was observant but what she didn't know was he had figured it out. She smiled and led her Father to the main living room. When they sat down, she took a deep breath and started from the beginning to where they currently were. "You really like this guy huh!", "Yes Dad, He is really nice to me and the kids really like him", "Even Zack?", he asked surprised making them both laugh. "Especially Zack, I overheard him telling Gina that, he wanted to be a pilot when he grows up", "Is that so?", she noticed that excitement in her Father's response which meant Lewis had officially won his heart, what was left was for them to meet. "Dad, can he join us for dinner on Sunday?", "Absolutely, I will tell your Mother right away". He rushed to his phone as Zeb and the kids gathered their stuff ready to leave. "She agreed, finally we get to put a face to a name", her Father answered with a warm smile on his face. She knew that Lewis was going to be interrogated and it was all her fault, she couldn't help it, she wanted to share a meal with all the people she held dear in one place.

"Hey Beautiful, how was your day with the girls?", "It was ok, how about you?". "All good, I can't wait to hold you", his reply made her feel shy and look away from the camera. He made her feel like a teenage girl, falling in love for the first time. "I miss you", "Oh really? then why am I the only one who is showing it", he questioned while his voice sounded deeper like he was trying to make her feel things, he succeeded, and Zeb felt her body shiver as she remembered that voice from the time they were intimate and it did things to her body. "You are doing that on purpose, stop", she whined making him laugh. "You think so? well what are you going to do about it?", he teased knowing exactly what he was doing to her. "Lewis, if you don't stop, I will hang up and we won't come to pick you up at the airport", she told him while trying to keep a straight face. "You wouldn't dare come between a Father and his kids", he replied with a shocked face. Zeb was used to Lewis calling the twins 'his kids' at first, she thought it was a slip up but after a month of him calling and introducing them to his workmates that way, she decided to let him be. He was giving fatherly love most of the time. "Speaking of kids... when I get there we need to talk about them and their future, I know I promised not to interfere but I need to be part of their life", she remained silent while avoiding his eyes. "Babe, as much as this is a sensitive topic we need to address it ok?", "O-ok", she replied with a shaky breath, something she always did when she was nervous. It was obvious that he knew her better, even from a distance he was good at paying attention to her body language. "Hey, don't worry about it, it's nothing serious, just us agreeing on a way forward ok?", "I know", "Good, I gotta go now, see you on Friday, it's 7 pm babe", "I remember don't worry, we will be there". She hung up after a few air kisses from him making her smile.

As she was falling asleep she remembered that she had forgotten to tell him about Sunday dinner. She smiled knowing that he was not going to like that surprise. But she wanted him in her inner circle, she wanted him to meet the people who mattered to her and her parents and Jenny were at the top of her list. All she needed was for him to survive her Father.

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