Chapter 32

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Zeb sensed a change in Lewis, ever since he returned from his last trip, he seemed happier.

The last time he travelled, she tried calling him the day he left without any luck, it was unlike him to arrive at his destination and not inform her. She had called Brian, who assured her that they were safe and that he went straight to his Parents' house after he landed. It felt weird but she never questioned it. She figured something must have happened there that resulted in the new Lewis she was looking at. He was dancing to a Tailor Swift song with Zoe, the two had been doing homework when all of sudden the music came on causing Zeb to go into their Daughter's room only to find them dancing. They stopped the moment they noticed her. "Don't stop on my account", she told them making Lewis smile at her. He was taking the kids to her Parents, meaning they were going to have the house to themselves the whole weekend, the thought gave her goosebumps as she went to their room, and switched on the TV to watch her favourite show, she heard Zack joining the gang in their dance session and just shook her head. He was happy and that was what mattered, she decided to not bring it up until he felt like sharing it with her. "I don't get it. Don't you get tired of watching cooking shows?", he asked while walking into their room with his face full of makeup, it was horrible which made her laugh. "You look beautiful babe", she said to him, making him join the laugh. He proceeded to the bathroom to wash it off and joined her on the bed, he kept on asking what the competition was about and his curiosity made her smile. He had so much positive energy and the fact that he wanted to understand what was happening in the show instead of pushing her to watch a movie made her love him even more.

When Lewis left with the kids Zeb decided to go to Jenny's for girl time. It had been a while since they saw each other. "Hey baby girl, it's been ages, come in, she's in the kitchen", Jonathan welcomed her with a hug. "Indeed it has, I can't believe you and Lewis are buddies now", she teased making him laugh. "He is alright, just needed to straighten things up before getting comfy", he replied while walking towards Jenny, kissing her forehead and retiring to the theatre room to watch movies with the kids. "He is amazing, I don't get why we pay for the babysitter", she joked as they hugged. "You're crazy Jenny", Zeb replied and pulled away. She poured wine for them and they started to catch up. "So how have you been doing? Is Lewis treating you right?", she asked wiggling her eyebrows making Zeb laugh. "Yes, but I don't think he is ok with Cavril and I being friends", she had to share it with Jenny. "Well, I went as his plus one when Morgan invited me and I don't know but it just made him uncomfortable and you know he hates admitting things like that but this time he went all out, he even said that he saw Cavril looking at me like am a piece of meat, I mean who does that?", the look on Jenny's face told her she knew something, she sipped her wine and avoided eye contact with Zeb. "Jenny, spill it", she demanded making her smile nervously. "Jenny, am serious, what happened?", She took a deep breath and tried to start talking but they were interrupted by Jonathan. "Zeb, I think you should let Lewis explain it to you, we can not interfere", it was clear that Jonathan was the one who knew what was going on and told Jenny. Suddenly she didn't feel like she wanted to be in the same space as them, she stood up and collected her purse and started walking towards the door ignoring all the calls that she was hearing from her so-called friends.

The club was packed and people were dancing and enjoying the vibe. Her phone has been ringing non-stop, first, it was Jenny, then Jonathan and now it was Lewis. She was hurting and she needed to be alone. Suddenly someone sat next to her as she was about to chase the person away, she met with a smile she rarely saw. He leaned towards her and asked her, "He let you come here alone? this is an improvement", Cavril said with a smile on his face but when their eyes met his expression changed to that of concern. "Come with me", he said pulling her from the bar, she followed him quietly as he led them to the top floor. The moment they were in an office, she started crying and he didn't do anything except hold her close to him and allow her to destroy his expensive suit with her non ending tears. "What happened?", he asked as they sat down on a couch that was facing the massive desk. "I think he is having second thoughts", "He told you that?", Cavril's question made her feel like he was ignoring her feelings, she pushed him away and turned her back on him, whipping her tears with more pressure than necessary. "Hey, am just asking, am not insinuating anything, come on, talk to me Zeb", "He hasn't been the same since you and I went to the family gathering, when I confronted him he told me that he didn't like that I was friends with you and then he goes on and left, we didn't talk until he returned a couple of days ago", she took a deep breath and turned to face Cavril who was listening calmly. "I mean, we were ok and then he travels and I don't hear from him", tears started falling again and this time Cavril pulls her in a hug. "Something happened, I mean he seems happy now that he is back but something happened and I know even my friends know, I tried to make them tell me but they refused, it's like they don't care about my feelings anymore". "Zeb, I think you need to talk to him, hiding and not answering the phone calls is not a way to go, trust me I've been there before, it was not pretty". "What do you mean?", curiosity got the best of her. Cavril took a deep breath, "My late Girlfriend and I used to fight a lot and my Mother always told us to sit down and talk it through but I kept on ignoring it, at some point, she even tried to approach me but my work was more important, or so I told myself. The day she got into an accident was the day I told her...", he took a deep breath and struggled to find the words until she held his hand, she knew it was difficult but she wanted to help him feel better, and it did. "I told her that she was a distraction and I didn't want her anymore, she was upset when she left the office and the next thing I know, I get a call from the hospital telling me she was in an accident. I lost it that day and if it wasn't for my family I don't think I would have survived. Everyone who knew us blamed me except for my family. So please do it for me". The sincerity in his eyes made her believe that talking was the only way. "Ok, I will, I will fight for us", she said and hugged him. When they pulled away she reached for her phone and sent the address to Lewis. That was when she looked around, It was an office, "Whose office is this?", "Mine, why?", he asked while pouring a drink for himself. "How rich are you?", "I wouldn't say that am that rich but I do own a couple of things", the smirk on his face clearly showed he was not fully open. The Cavril she knew was back.

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