Chapter 37

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Lewis was still high on adrenaline after Zeb agreed to marry him, he thanked the stars that he listened to his Mother and got her the ring, she was ecstatic and kept showing everyone the ring, what she didn't know was that Lewis has hired a photographer that was on their tail since dinner started and that he had sent the pictures. He posted some and sent the rest to their families then switched off his phone because he was going to give her undivided attention. 

He did not waste time, he attacked her neck with kisses the moment they entered their cottage making her struggle to concentrate on locking the doors and windows. With every move, he made sure a button was undone or clothing was removed from her body and by the time she with all the windows, she only had a bra and panties on and they were both breathing heavily. He turned her around and kissed her lips while slipping his hand into her panties reaching for his sanctuary.

Before he could do anything she pushed him onto the bed and released his member from his boxer, she massaged him slowly while studying him, it was the best view, he bit his lips feeling like he was thirsty but the water was not what he wanted, he wanted her to swallow him whole. She licked him like an ice cream cone making him moan her name, whenever Zeb took charge she made sure to drive him mad and that was one of those days. His head crushed on the pillows the moment he felt the warmth of her mouth covering his member. "Fuck!", he reached for her hair holding on lightly and hoping she won't stop. She started moving faster making him moan and encouraging her not to stop and when he hit the back of her throat he lost it and poured his seed into her mouth, she sucked him dry and straddled him, her eyes were full of desire making him twitch. She started sucking his nipples one by one. He felt his body surrender to her and his member on high alert, she was on a mission and he had no way out except to let her take whatever she wanted. 

He was woken up by kisses all over his face making him smile, she was so energetic that she made him think of Zoe, now he knew where her energy came from. "Good morning Lewis", she whispered in his ear making him shiver in delight. He remembered how she wore him out the previous night from nipple sucking to yoga poses to cowgirl riding. She was the most flexible woman he had ever dated and the fact that it was all covered by her plus size figure and shy face made him happy that only he was able to experience and enjoy it forever. "Good morning my love", he replied and flipped them over, hovering over her, a smile appeared on her face making him smile back. "Yesterday was very...", "Tiring?", she teased with her smile getting wider. He ended up nodding his head, "Good. Now you know how I feel", she replied and suddenly he was pulled down with his lips resting on hers. He didn't hold back especially after feeling her naked body pressed on his. "Mmmh!", he moaned when his member felt the wetness between her thighs, he spread her legs wider and slipped into her without breaking the kiss. It was her turn to moan, his thrusts deeper and faster allowing her hands to roam his body and finally settling her soft hands on his face to hold him in place, the friction continued until her walls started milking him tighter and tighter, and she pulled away from the kiss and screamed his name in ecstasy, he didn't slow down, he went faster, chasing his release slipping a hand between them to rub her clit, he wanted to cum with her. "Am cuming Babe, don't slow down please", she pleaded with her eyes closed. He responded with more friction, he felt her hold on even tighter until they reached their orgasm together.

They did their last tour on the reserve and when he was sure Zeb was satisfied, he told the driver to return them to their cottage, they needed to pack. He was happy that all went according to plan and although he expected himself to panic when things got misplaced he didn't let it show, Zeb was happier than usual and that is all that mattered to him. He had already spoken to Sarah and his Mother about the wedding planning, he wanted Zeb to have the wedding of her dreams. He wanted it to be what she wanted and for that to happen he believed that their Mothers were going to be the best people for the job.

"We hear there is a new bride to be in town!", Mia shouted the moment they entered the airport making people around them turn towards them Zeb's eyes went wide with shock, he smiled as she hid her face on his chest. "Come on show us the rock Zeb", she exposed her hand while still hiding her face on his chest, he kissed her hair encouraging her to turn which she did. "Beautiful", "Alright love birds let's take a photo and proceed to board or we will be late", Brian took pictures of them, hugged Zeb for congrats and pulled Mia so that his friend could have privacy. "I wish we could have stayed longer, I loved our bubble", he told her making eye contact, showing her how sincere it was. "I know, but you have to go to work and so do i", she replied with a sad tone. He kissed her on the lips and he was lost in them until Brian called him, he was running late. "Call me when you land ok?", he whispered in her ear, her eyes met his, sparkling with happiness making him smile too. "I love you Mrs. Rollins", "I love you too Captain", he gave her a final kiss and walked her to her departure lane. When he was certain all was ok he proceeded to join his crew. "How do you feel man?", "Like am still floating", he replied with a smile as he scrolled through the photos Brian sent him, he posted one then sent the rest to his family group and shoved his phone in his pocket, "Let's roll", he told them and they boarded the plane.

He received a text from Zeb and a few more pictures nine hours later, although the distance thing troubled him, he was happy that they were able to keep communicating regularly. He replied with a love emoji and sent her teasers of him shirtless in his gym. His phone rang and it was a video call, "I want to look at you when you are exercising", she requested her face between the sheets and he complied by the time he was done with his boxing routine she was fast asleep, and he smiles and hung up, ready for his day.

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