Chapter 16

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"Come on guys, we are going to be late, finish your cereal, Zack!", "Am done Dad", he froze. When he turned around he saw a nervous Zack looking at him, waiting for his reaction. "Zack, I don't mind you calling me that, I would love nothing more than to be your Father, we just have to ask your Mum first ok?", "But we want you to be our Papa, everyone in school has one and they look at us all weird when we say we don't have one", Zoe replied with tears in her eyes. He hugged them both and promised to talk to their Mother after dropping them at school.

"Zack, Zoe, who is this?", their teacher asked as Lewis was helping them put on their bags at the school entrance, "This is Lewis, Mum's boyfriend", Zoe replied with a sad face. Lewis knew they were still not happy about not being able to call him their Father. He introduced himself and kissed them goodbye. As he was driving home he called Kennedy and asked her to look into adoption processes, she was a bit hesitant telling him that he was moving too fast but accepted anyway, he knew what she was saying was right but he didn't see the reason to wait, he wanted to be their Father.

"Good afternoon sleepy head", he said to a sleepy Zeb who was walking into the kitchen as he was preparing lunch. "Hey, I didn't know I was that tired", she said while sitting on the kitchen stool to watch him as he cooked. "Just so we are clear, you were tired before making love to me, it had nothing to do with me", he surrendered and returned to cooking. When he was done he sat next to her ready to complicate her day. He took a deep breath causing her to turn towards him and watch him closely with worry in her eyes. "Lewis, what's wrong?", "Z-zack called me Dad today, it felt so good, but I had to tell him that he couldn't call me that until he asked for your permission, Zeb the pain I saw in their eyes was so heartbreaking, and I promised them that we will talk about it when I get home", he released a breath he never knew he was holding, "I want to adopt them, I have told Kennedy to start with the paperwork, she is on speed dial, tell me it doesn't feel right and I will call it off right now", he finished while holding his phone ready for her answer. 

Tears went down her cheeks causing him to dump his phone on the kitchen counter and hold her face in his hands. "D-Do you want to be their Father?", she asked between hiccups. "Of course Babe, they are the most adorable kids I have ever met and being their Father is an honour that I can not wait to have", he knew the only way she would understand is if he was honest with her, "I want to be the Father they never had, I want to take them to 'bring your child to work day' and brag about them being mine more than I am now, even my parents can't wait to spoil the hell out of them, they have the whole Rollins family waiting for them with nothing but love Zeb, let me give them that please", he ended up begging, more tears came out of her eyes, even more, he wanted to kiss her worries away but this had to come out without his influence, he wanted her to accept him willingly because once he adopts them there would be no turning back. "Are you sure this is what you want Lewis? I can't hurt my babies because if you change your mind one day saying you can't do this", she asked not breaking eye contact. "Am sure Zeb you guys are it for me", he assured her. He was suddenly pulled towards her, their lips colliding in the most passionate kiss that made him forget about everything. She kept pulling him closer until their bodies were glued to each other, he lifted her onto the counter and positioned himself between her legs causing a moan to leave her lips, he could feel the moisture between her legs begging for his attention. "Guys! Anybody here!", Gina's voice was heard from the living room causing them to pull back. He rushed to their bedroom to get rid of his boner leaving a giggling Zeb in the kitchen. He went straight into the bathroom and took a cold shower making sure to think of someone vomiting in the process.

He was embraced with hugs from two happy twins, "Hey guys, what's going on here?", he asked. "Mum told us it was ok to call you Dad", Zack said, "I like calling you Papa", Zoe interrupted. He smiled and lifted them to his hips, they held on to his neck as they walked to the kitchen finding Gina and Zeb gossiping about Instagram stuff. They smiled at them as Zeb took a picture and saved it as her screen saver. "Hi Gina", "Hi Papa", she joked, making them laugh, "He is my Papa Aunt Gina, your Papa is Grand Pa", Zoe said with an annoyed face. They laughed while he explained to her why it was ok for her to also call him that. Zack was busy playing video games on Lewis's phone as usual.

After serving them food, he gave Gina the booklets he bought for her and explained some school stuff as his old colleagues explained to him. She was the happiest even more than the twins. She reminded him of Claire, he imagined them being great friends. "Who are you chatting with?", Zeb asked with a curious face. "Your Mother, am meeting her tomorrow, we are going to bake stuff, feel like eating dessert all day?", he asked knowing the answer all too well. "Oh yes, we are coming with, Can't bake without tasting"', she replied and kissed him on the cheek. 

The house was too quiet so he went to look for Zeb and the kids, finding them in the dining room doing homework. He helped Zack with math while Zeb and Zoe continued with English homework, once done he took the kids to bed. "Movie?", Zeb asked as he appeared in the kitchen, he accepted quickly an hour later they were sitting in the theatre with popcorn and soda watching Predator. He was surprised by her choice of the movie but decided to enjoy the movie they had on. She hid herself a couple of times causing him to laugh at her earning a smack on the head a few times. It was fun watching a movie with her and just being the two of them.

"I love you, Zeb, so much", "I love you too", she replied as he pulled her toward him as they got comfortable between the sheets. "This feels so good Babe, it's like you were made for me", he told her as he placed his head in the crook of her neck ready to fall asleep. "Now that I agree with completely", she replied with her eyes closed. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep with a happy heart.

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