Chapter 23

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Single life was miserable, she found herself making breakfast for the Twins only to realise she was alone. Lewis sent her photos all the time and even when they were at his parent's house Nicole sent her pictures and told her the plans she had for them, it was as if they had known them forever. It made her feel good. At least she was kept in the loop allowing her to relax and have something to look forward to.

"Babe, we are going to be late", she heard him complain from downstairs as she was finishing up her lipstick. They were going out, taking advantage of the Twins not being around. They arrived at their usual club and found Brian waiting for them with the drinks, unfortunately, he had only beer ending up having a huge smile from Lewis only while Zeb gave him sad puppy dog eyes, making him laugh and apologise for forgetting her drink. There were other people there that she didn't know but they looked like air hostesses, one of them was looking at Lewis in a way that she was not comfortable with making her hold him tighter. "Hey Zeb, how are you?", Mia welcomed her with a hug that she returned but her attention was still on the woman who was looking at Lewis. "Are you ok?", Mia asked her when she was too distracted. "Do you guys work with them?", she asked pointing at the woman's group, "Yeah, they are more on private flights but the same company why?", "Nothing, I just thought they looked familiar", she lied while trying to see if she was still looking at Lewis only to find them talking at the bar, Lewis had to go get her a drink since she was not a beer person. The way she was touching him was just too comfortable. They looked like long term friends, she decided to face her fears and walk up to them, "Babe, did you get it?", she asked him, he was a bit shocked but recovered quickly. "Yeah, here you go", he gave her the drink without adding more words creating an awkward moment for both of the girls. "I am Zeb, his girlfriend", she introduced herself. "I am Olivia his Ex, so you must be the Twins' Mother", she was surprised, he didn't mention that his Ex met her kids. "Yes I am, how did you know about the Twins?", "Well, I met them at the airport. Where is their Father? if you don't mind me asking", she asked with some sarcasm, making anger start to boil within her but she could not allow herself to be seen as a dramatic girlfriend. "He is not in the picture I guess", she said after she received no backup from Lewis causing her to remove her hand from his and take her drink returning to their booth hoping that Lewis would notice but he was too focused on his Ex to notice, she tried to pretend to be cool for a while until Lewis returned with Olivia to their booth and continued the conversation as if she did not exist. From their current sitting angle, Zeb was able to look at her properly and she could not deny that Olivia was a beautiful woman, her blonde hair made her think that it was Lewis's thing before her, all women that he had dated were blondes and a size eight and here she was plus sized and had kids, of course, she looked out of place. When she was done with her drink she went to the ladies' room, she was done washing her hands when one of the girls who was sitting with Olivia approached her. "It's Zeb right?", "Yes, can I help you?", "No I think I can help you, those two have been together for six years and they never get over each other so, if I were you I would start packing my bags because this is how it usually starts and before you know it, they will be making out by the end of the day", she said then took a last look at her and walked away while shaking her head. To say it didn't hurt her feelings was a lie. She was hurt, she wiped tears out of her eyes a little rougher than necessary disappointed at herself for letting their words get to her. 

"Zeb, why are you crying?", she hadn't heard Mia come into the room and when she tried to hide it, she called her out. "What did she say to you?", she asked. "Nothing that is not true, just drop it ok? please?" she begged to make Mia nod her head and offer her some tissue. After she recovered they returned to their booth, Lewis was not there and when she tried to look for him in the crowd she saw him dancing with Olivia, her hands all over him in a sexual way and the way he was looking at her was troubling, she couldn't take it anymore and told Brian to call her an uber because she allowed Lewis to convince her to leave their phones at home. "Zeb, they are just old friends ok?", Brian tried to assure her as they were waiting for her uber. She only replied with a nod, she knew that she was overreacting Lewis was a fun guy before they met and maybe to him this was ok but to her, it was not. She couldn't decide if she should accept it because he was an amazing boyfriend or call him out on it. 

Her ride home did nothing to ease her worries, she kept on thinking of what Olivia's friend said and what she saw on the dancing floor. The chemistry was just too much and they looked amazing together. When she was in the shower she couldn't hold back anymore and started crying, she thought about not being enough for any man. When she was done, she put on her nightdress and got between the sheets. She reached for her phone only to find a text from Mellisa, it was a picture and when she opened it tears started falling all over again. There he was making out with Olivia at the corner of the bar next to Olivia's friends. She woke up and decided to go to the one person that will know what to say to her. It was three in the morning and she was standing at the front door of Jenny's house contemplating if it was ok to bother her friend at that hour or not. She went for it and knocked on the door, a few minutes later Jonathan opened the door and took one look at her and welcomed her in without saying a word. "Babe, who is it?", a sleepy Jenny asked while walking into the kitchen to find her drinking tea with Jonathan in silence. One look at Jenny and she started crying all over again, she pulled Zeb to the living room and sat on the couch massaging her back as she cried her heart out asking Jenny why it kept happening to her, why wasn't she enough. Her phone started ringing and Jonathan answered it. He hang up just after hearing who the person was. She didn't question it. She just needed a break.

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