Chapter 3

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The sound of a phone ringing woke her up, as she opened her eyes, she tried to process if what happened was real or a dream, before any idea crossed her mind, she was pulled back by an arm that felt awkwardly comfortable on her waist. Her eyes went wide as she remembered everything that they did without forgetting how amazing and natural it felt being in Lewis's arms. "Why do you have an alarm on a Sunday babe!" he asked while hiding his face in the crock of her neck making her smile. "It's not an alarm, someone is calling me, can you let go? I need to answer it", "Argh! fine, you have one minute", the way he said it reminded her of Zack being grumpy in the morning. "Hi Mel", "Girl! you disappeared last night, are you ok? where are you?", "Calm down, am home". That made Mellisa calm down and hang up. Zeb looked back at the bed and there he was sleeping without any care in the world, as she was about to return to him the doorbell rang. She went to open the door. "Mamaaa! I missed you", "I missed you too Zoe, Zack you didn't miss me, baby?", "I missed you Mum", he said while hugging her, a smile making its way to her face. She thanked Gina and walked her to the door.

"Mama, who is on your bed?", Zoe's question made her realise the mistake she did. "Hi, there! My name is Lewis, your Mama's friend, you must be the princess I dreamt about, Princess Zoe right?", Lewis introduced himself to Zoe while kneeling so that he could be on the same level, her eyes sparkled with excitement. "You think I am a princess?", "Of course, you are prettier than Ariel from the mermaid!", he finished while standing up and taking her hand leading her to the living room. Zack was still in shock. "Mum, is he a giant?", he asked while smiling, which was unlike him, he was a very calm boy, who didn't like to interact with people and here he was fascinated by Lewis. He joined Zoe and Lewis in the living room. She prepared brunch for them something that was also a tradition on Sunday and called them when it was ready. She observed the way Lewis interacted with her kids, especially Zack, it seemed so natural, and he did like kids. But that is not what worried her, she needed to process what he asked to be part of, she needed to know if he meant what he said to her. It was difficult for Zeb to wrap her head around what happened in the previous hours. Lewis was clearly out of her league and she was certain that he knew that as well so the only way to fix it was for them to have a serious talk however, he was busy with the kids, so how was she going to remove his attention from them? They looked so connected and it was clear that he could be the father that they needed. "You are awesome Lewis, thank you", "you're welcome buddy", he replied with a huge smile going Zack's way. Her heart was whole again, he made her feel worth it, but was it just a show to win her over or was it his way of showing gratitude for the amazing sex they had the previous night? it didn't feel like sex though, it felt like making love.

"You have amazing kids Zeb", he said while brushing his teeth. "Thank you, Lewis... About what you said last night, did you really mean it?", she asked with a shaky breath afraid that his answer will tear her heart apart again. He turned to face her as he placed the toothbrush back on the counter, the way he was looking at her made her avert her eyes, he walked towards her and when there was no distance between them he kissed her passionately. It was not a sexual kiss it was full of feelings that Zeb couldn't process so she decided to return the kiss with equal force that caused Lewis to moan loudly. Reality checked in when she remembered her kids sitting in the living room, she needed him to say it out loud. "Zeb, I meant every word but if and only if you accept me, I don't want to force you because that is not who I am", she couldn't find the words to express how happy that made her feel so she only smiled at him. "I need words baby", he said in a whisper. "I would love that", "what baby?", he replied while rubbing his nose on hers slowly making her lose her mind. "I would like to try and build a family with you", she felt his lips on hers as soon as the words left her mouth, it was clear that he was happy and he wanted to show her. But he had other ideas, she was suddenly pulled into her bathroom all her clothes gone and she felt him on her entrance, "condom", she whispered in his ear making him smile, she watched him rush to the bedroom and return with a covered hard manhood. She thought about how lucky she had gotten, Lewis had a body that was just breathtaking and she was just full of baby fat that was not worth his attention, she was pulled out of her thoughts when she felt him enter her in one thrust causing her to moan loudly and Lewis to rush into covering her mouth with his lips to control her outbursts. Just like the night before Zeb was lost in the feeling of ecstasy that was beyond any sex that she has ever had, he took his time to explore her body and before she knew it he found that spot again and started to drill her even faster, she held on to his shoulders afraid she would fall. "Don't worry babe, I got you", he whispered in her ear and continued to increase the friction. She felt his thrusts becoming sloppy and his voice raising she pulled his mouth to hers as they both ate each other's moans while hitting their climax. She wanted to see the love in his eyes as they both came down from their highs. "I am never letting you go", he said in a whisper as if he was making a promise to himself. She walked slowly to the bedroom, her knees were still weak from the activity they did in the bathroom but she knew that she had to behave otherwise her kids would start asking questions. "Can I have your phone for a sec?", "Sure". He saved their number on her phone and his. "So we are doing this right?", "Yes, I hope you don't mind the long distance?", He asked with worry in his eyes that made her smile, "Lewis, you are a pilot, of course, I don't mind, I know you will make time for us", "Anything for my family", he replied and kissed her on her forehead. "Wanna give me a ride to the airport? If we are early I could give my kids a tour, do you mind?", she remained silent, she couldn't believe that he called them his kids. He looked worried that he overstepped so she hurried and assured him, "that will be awesome". His eyes lit up as he stormed out of the room to tell the kids to get ready.

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