Chapter 15

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"OMG! Lewis did good", Jenny said as Zeb gave her a tour of their new home, it had been two weeks since they moved in. The kids were so happy and promised to make him 'thank you' presents, they were going to give him when he was in town which was a week from that day. "You like it?", she asked Jenny nervously, "Zeb, let the guy take care of you, we already talked about this", she whined and looked at Jonathan for support, "She is right, just be happy baby girl, it's about time you see how this feels like", he replied gesturing towards him and Jenny earning a peck on the lips from Jenny making her roll her eyes at them.

"Come on guys, enough TV for today, time for bed", Zeb told the kids as they were still watching cartoons in the theatre room. She was still trying to get used to the fact that she had a theatre room. "But Mum, we need to have like ten minutes and the movie will be over, can we finish it please?", Zack whined with puppy eyes that worked every time. She took a deep breath, it was clear he won so why bother saying no to him? "Fine, but no more after this ok?", she replied while walking to her room. She felt tired, work was crazy and she just needed to rest, she heard a doorbell ring just as she was about to walk up the stairs. It was weird since she didn't expect anyone but she walked to the door anyway. A smile appeared on her face as she saw Lewis standing there smiling back, looking amazing in his uniform, she couldn't help but jump on him causing him to stumble a bit but held her in place followed by a laugh. She showered him with kisses all over his face making him laugh, even more, she didn't care, the one person that she wanted to talk to about how tough her day had been, was right there. She wasn't expecting him until two days after but here he was. "I missed you Babe", she told him and kissed him, he responded instantly while letting go of his bag to hold her tighter, after a few minutes of intense make out at their doorstep she pulled back and looked at him straight in his eyes. She smiled, "I hate surprises, why didn't you tell me you were coming today?", she asked holding his face in her hands. "Well, for starters, to get a welcome home like that and second I just wanted to surprise the love of my life", "Stop being cheesy", she teased and give him a last peck on the lips. She welcomed him into their new home and called the kids when they were close to the theatre room. "Guys! Lewis is here", she shouted and was rewarded with the sound of tiny feet running towards them, as usual, he kneeled and opened his arms for them. "Welcome home Lewis", Zoe said and she kissed his cheek, it was the most adorable thing ever. "Thank you, Princess, you like the new house?", "Yes, I wanted to go swimming but Mama said I should wait for you to come", "And she is right, you need adult supervision when you go to the pool Princess". 

 She heard him entering the room as she was placing his clothes on his side of the closet, they had spoken about him bringing some of his stuff in the house and her taking theirs to his when they travel for his parent's anniversary so when she saw the size of his bag she was not surprised. "Hey Beautiful, I missed you", he said while hugging her from behind, his warmth made her feel safe and loved, she turned her head allowing their lips to meet, their lips massaging each other until she felt him trying to deepen it and pull back, she bit her lip making him moan at the sight. "I can't wait to make love to you but let's put the kids to bed first", he said in a whisper she replied with a nod and returned to unpacking his clothes as he went to put the kids to bed. She was grateful that he arrived when he did, she needed a helping hand, she felt like it was a sign that he was her soul mate, and she laughed at herself for thinking so. When she was done she prepared a bubble bath and wasted no time getting in it and relaxing her body, it didn't take long for her to feel someone dipping in behind her, he started massaging her making her moan in pleasure. "You feel tense my love, long day?", he whispered in her ear releasing goosebumps all over her body, "More of a long week, we have been having parties the whole week and the smallest one having a hundred guests with four course meals. I love cooking but I don't think I can do it anymore", she said lazily and placed her head on his shoulder exposing her neck which he started kissing slowly making her relax even more. 

"Let's stay in tomorrow Babe", He suggested while covering her with a towel to dry her body. She looked into his eyes and saw concern, "What about the kids? We need to take them to school", "You just sleep and I will take them to school, Gina will pick them up and bring them home, I brought some school stuff for her so she was coming here anyways", he said casually, she was tired and she needed to rest so there was no way she was going to deny the offer. "Ok, Thank you Babe", she replied while walking to the closet, as she was about to put on a night dress Lewis stopped her, "What do you think you're doing?", "Getting ready for bed", "Not with that you don't, we are sleeping naked", he replied while wiggling his brows making her laugh, she was pulled towards the bed and pushed on it, the soft mattress welcoming her laziness, she felt good and started closing her eyes when she felt him at her entrance. "Babe can we not use condoms anymore, I know you are on birth control so can we?", his eyes were full of desire that she could not bring herself to say no to him. "Yes, make love to me Lewis", with those words she felt him penetrate her slowly, their fingers interlocking and him thrusting slowly with his head buried in the crook of her neck. She heard him moaning as his speed increased making her moan in return, Making love to Lewis was different, she didn't feel anything but pleasure. It was like their bodies knew what to do and they just had to be connected, he never demanded much from her, it was like he only had one aim which was to make sure they received equal pleasure. He made her cum countless times until they fell asleep somewhere around three in the morning, all she knew was that he was there for her and that she could trust him with her heart.

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