Chapter 27

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Kennedy had instructed her to ask for a certain air hostess when she arrived at the airport, everyone was being so mysterious that it made her nervous and excited at the same time. She hadn't spoken to Lewis for a week, the last time she did he told her that he wanted to recreate the first time they met but with fewer distractions, it didn't make sense.

"Hi, there! I was told to ask for...", "Mrs. Rollins yes?", she said with a smile. The name seemed so foreign but so nice. She led her to the plane and then her seat in first class. "Here is your favourite wine, if you need anything please press this button and I will be here asap ok?", "Ok, thank you very much", she appreciated and made herself comfortable. She did not know what to expect considering most of them were speaking Arabic and looked very rich but she decided to mind her own business. The air hostess who seemed to be dedicated to her for the day passed by now and then to see if she was ok and informed her that the flight was eight hours so advised her to stretch every once in a while and even helped her pick some movies to watch in her cube. She brought her some fruits and more wine and made sure she felt like a princess. Somewhere in between all the things the lady was doing for her she fell asleep, it was very peaceful until she heard someone calling her name, when she opened her eyes she saw a smiling Rahma holding a blindfold, she looked at her with confusion. "You need to wear this until you arrive at your destination", "Oh my! Ok then", she replied allowing her to tie the blindfold on her face and lead her to the unknown. She was pulled into a car and the driver introduced himself as David. The ride was an hour long and she couldn't tell if it was really that long or if they just drove in circles. They suddenly came to a stop and David helped her out of the car while instructing people to collect her bag that was in the trunk. "Mind your steps Mrs. Rollins we are going to a few stars", he instructed and she obeyed. "Please stand here", he said and let go of her hand. "You may remove the blindfold now", he said. When she removed the blindfold she found herself on a balcony that was overseeing the prettiest beach shore she had ever seen and the breeze was just breathtaking. "This is amazing...", she whispered to herself getting the chance to look around the room she was in, it was luxurious and was decorated in white and gold. "This is your attire for the night, I will let you freshen up and I will be back to pick you up at eight o'clock", David said while looking at his watch. She replied with a thank you and went to take a bath as soon as David left because she only had forty minutes to prepare herself. The dress prepared for her was gold and backless, she thanked Jenny for helping her do lingerie shopping before packing. The bathroom was royalty and everything smelled amazing. True to his word, there was a knock on her door at exactly eight o'clock. "You look amazing Ma'am", "Thank you David", she replied suddenly feeling shy. "You won't be needing heels, Ma'am, Slippers will do", he said smiling. "Ok, let me go and change", she wore gold slippers that were placed next to the dresser as if waiting for her. "Am done". She followed David down the stairs, the more they walked into the hallway the more she heard the ocean waves, it was clear that she was going to have dinner by the beach. "Ma'am, this is as far as I go, enjoy your dinner and congratulations", he said making her even more confused. She decided to continue the path, full of nerves.

As she came to a clearing she saw only one table set close to the beach with a band next to it, playing very slow music, there were candles and flower petals scattered around it. When her eyes drifted next to the table they met a smiling Lewis, he looked amazing in his white linen shirt and pants, he was barefoot which made her laugh. "You are barefoot Babe", she said when hugging him, making him laugh too, "Tell me about it. Love can make you do crazy things I tell you", he joked and kissed her forehead, leading her to the table. When they were comfortable a waiter approached them out of nowhere and took their orders. "How?", "I have my tricks too", he replied with a wink making her laugh. "I love you," she told him sincerely, reaching out for his hand on the table, they held each other's hands until dessert when a cake was brought making Zeb feel like the worse girlfriend in the world. It was their first anniversary and she forgot. "Oh no! It's been a year? are you sure?", "Babe you make it sound like it's a bad thing, didn't you want us to reach a year?", Lewis asked concern written all over his face, he was clearly misunderstanding her reaction. "No, Babe No... I just feel bad because I can't believe that I forgot it was our anniversary, am sorry, a lot has been happening and I just lost track of time, I love you so much, only you Lewis, I promise", her confession seemed to make him relax and a smile appeared on his face. "Well am happy that is so because I have a lot to make up for", "Babe, it's in the past come on", she begged but it did nothing to make him stop regretting. It was all over his face and she wanted to get rid of that feeling. At the end of the day, they were both human and making mistakes was going to be part of the relationship. "Lewis my love, making mistakes is part of any relationship and you know that, so let's look past it all and focus on building our family, Zack and Zoe adore you, I adore you and I would like to believe that we will fight for this love no matter want, deal?", "Deal", he said while standing up and pulling her away from the table for a dance from the music the band was playing, he made sure to steal a kiss once or twice making her giggle, he reminded her about the first time they met making her remember how much she wanted to go home that night but instead ended up at the bar, she was glad she went out with Mellisa that day otherwise they wouldn't have met. Two bottles of wine later, they were satisfied. They walked back to their room, Lewis leading the way. It was clear that he knew his way around the magical place and she couldn't wait to see more of it the following day.

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