Chapter 29

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Their breakfast was interrupted by her phone ringing and when she picked it up to see who was calling it was an unknown number, she decided to answer as Lewis went to the buffet to add more meat, complaining about her drying his energy. It made her smile considering she was the one who needed to recover. "Hello? am I speaking to Zeb?", the voice was heavy and not familiar. "Yes, this is she", she replied nervously. "Am Cavril, I am one of Morgan's sons, you catered for my birthday a week ago", the images came back to her in a flash, he was the Son that kept on looking at her the whole night after his mother introduced them, his demeanour made her feel shy every time he complimented her. "O-oh hi Cavril, what can I do for you?", "Well, we have a family gathering coming up and I was hoping you could go with me as my plus one. It's not like a date but Mother would like you to join us but unfortunately, am the only one without a plus one so yeah, she told me to ask you if you would be ok with it", she thought of it for a few minutes and took a deep breath telling herself there was nothing wrong with accepting, it's wasn't a date so she agreed. He promised to pick her up on the day and she shared the address with him. "Who was it?", Lewis asked when he returned with more food and a glass of juice she requested for. "Morgan's son, they are having a family gathering and she has invited me to join them. "Ok, just be careful", the way he said it made her uncomfortable, and he noticed, "Babe, I didn't mean it like that, am just", "Jealous?", she asked wiggling her eyebrows making him blush, he never liked exposing his insecurities. "Lewis, I have eyes on only one Captain Rollins so trust me, I will never change my mind", she pulled him into a kiss not caring who was watching, her mouth massaged his, making him moan into the kiss indicating it was time to pull away. "Zeb you drive me crazy and I don't want to share you with anyone", he said with a serious face. "You won't, but you do know that I have male friends right?", she teased. "Even though I hate it, I will try to be ok with it when I meet them, they better not be touchy touchy though, all this is mine", he said pulling her in for a bear hug.

The rest of the day was full of more sightseeing, ice cream, a beach walk and finally, dinner at a restaurant that had the most romantic setting ever. "Zeb, are you happy? I mean with me, with our family", his question caught her off guard that she almost choked on her cocktail. "Of course Lewis, you are amazing to me and the kids, sometimes I feel like we have known each other for ages and I wouldn't change a thing", she told him honestly hoping that he could see it too. He reached out for her hand and she gave it to him without a second thought. "Even after I did what I did? you don't think that I would, I would repeat it again?", he said the last part in a whisper, guilt written all over his face. She squeezed his hand and when their eyes met she asked, "would you do it again Lewis?", "No Zeb, I would never, I swear to you", "And I trust you. I won't lie, sometimes I do think that one day you may slip up again but I also believe that you love me enough to not do it again, I choose to believe that our love is stronger than my fears", "I love you Babe and am sorry if I am over demanding sometimes, especially on the sex department, I just like being intimate with you, like a lot", he laughed nervously. "My love, am an adult and I would never agree to do something that I don't want to do ok? you have nothing to apologise for except maybe turning me on right now", her answer made his eyes go wide in shock, calling the waiter fast to clear their bill. Zeb was laughing at his childish behaviour but he didn't seem to care. They had planned on walking to the hotel but he called an uber instead. When they reached the hotel and in their room, he didn't even give her time to breathe, all their clothes were on the floor and he positioned her on the couch entering her from behind. He made love to her the whole night, she had lost count of how many times she had to cum for him to only reach his high three times. It was around four in the morning when he decided they should sleep, he went to the bathroom and soaked a towel in warm water, dried it and placed it between her thighs, it made her feel relaxed and drifted to sleep soon after.

"This place is amazing Zeb, you're amazing", Lewis told her as they were entering Zeb's restaurant. He decided to take her to work the next morning after they returned from their getaway. Her workers greeted them as they were passing through her office. "Thank you Babe", she unlocked the door and welcomed him in, he took a selfie of them when she had her uniform on, and she knew that he was going to post it soon after. "I have to go now, am meeting Brian and Jonathan for lunch", " Oh really? Jonathan... going on a lunch date??", she asked with a smile. She pulled him in a kiss and walked him out. 

The rest of the day went in a flash, full of orders to deliver and taste meetings to schedule.
"Mama! Come look, I baked cookies come!", she was welcomed by Zoe, who kept pulling her towards the kitchen. She found Brian and Jonathan trying to steal Zoe's cookies. "Papa! They are stealing my cookies again", she whined only for Lewis to turn around, eating a cookie as well, Zack was laughing while taking pictures of them. It made Zeb laugh at them as well. "We're sorry Zoe, they are just so good", Brian said while eating more earning a smack on his hand. "We are sorry Princess, if you forgive us I will buy you another set of cookie cutters", Lewis told her with puppy dog eyes, "pinky swear?", " yes princess, pinky swear", " in that case, you can eat them all Papa". She said happily while walking out of the kitchen with two of the cookies and a glass of milk. "Well that was dramatic, let's see what the fuss is about", she ate a cookie from Lewis's hand, "Babe!", he whined causing Brian to roll his eyes at them and Jonathan to laugh. She hugged the boys and went to her room, she took a bath, got dressed in her pajamas and got to bed thinking about what she was going to wear to Morgan's family party.

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