Chapter Four: Visit from LDS

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The day starts like normal. Nanu sleeps in, his sisters have to wake him up, the sisters leave for school. Along their way, they meet up with Kyoki, who usually walk with them to the Duel Academy.

"Good morning, Kyo." Azura greets her best friend.

"Good morning Azu...! G-Good morning captain..." He gives a polite bow to Athena.

"Morning." She greets him with a pleasant smile.

Athena Kanzaki, team captain of the Gamindustri Dueling Academy Duel Team. Her deck of choice is the powerful D/D/D deck. Kyoki, meanwhile, is also a member on the Duel Team. However, he has a bit of a reputation, known as possibly the worst duelist at the school. And this is true. To the students body's knowledge, whenever he duels, he freezes up and ends up losing. But this is not always the case...

As the three arrive at the school gates, they split off, leaving only Kyoki and Azura.

"Say, Kyo, what's it like dueling in tournaments? I'm rather curious." Azura asked as they sat at their desks, which just so happen to be right next to each other.

"T-Terrifying..." The nervous boy replies.

"Oh c'mon, Kyo... I genuinely want to know." Azura keeps pressuring him to spill the beans.

"W-Well... I-I don't think I'm the best to ask this sort of question to... Maybe you should ask Athena-senpai..." He says with a quiet chuckle.

"Geez..." Azura sighs as she looks forward. "I've always admired how you stepped up to be part of the duel team. It's very unlike you to put yourself out there." She smiles.

"Y-You think...?!" He asked with an intense blush.

"Of course. It was a big step. I was shocked, and...well, not to sound rude or doubt your abilities, but I always thought you couldn't cut it. But then you and Athena-nee made it all the way to regionals...! It inspires me!" Azura gleams with happiness, which is a side only Kyoki and the Kanzaki family ever get to see. "Maybe I'll write a song about you guys."

"P-Please don't...! I-I mean...! It's not like I think it'll be bad, I-I was just thinking that it could be embarrassing...!" He says and tries to hide his face. He knew Azura liked to tease him, but she said this with a serious look in her eyes.

"Fine, suit yourself." She sighs, and goes into student mode as the teacher steps into the room.


Duel period comes by, as Kyoki and Azura begin to the main building and enter the school yard / front gate, they spot a pair of brunette girls in different school uniforms. They recognized the uniforms immediately.

"Leo Duel School students...?" They both wonder.

The pair of new faces seemed to be sizing up the other students who were already dueling.

"Hmm... Just a bunch of small fry..." The busty one says.

"Well this is boring... Why did our captain think we should scout these guys out?" The second said. They seemed to be twins.

Seeming to have come out of nowhere, Athena speaks up from behind them.

"I didn't know LDS students were allowed to trespass on another campus." She said in a serious tone. "What are you two doing here anyway?" She glared.

"You must be the captain here. Aaaaa...? Athens?" The busty brunette gets her name wrong, which made the other start laughing.

"Athena. And I'll have you know that you two aren't authorized to be here right now." She continued to tell them off.

(OC) Neptunia x Yugioh: Yugioh Dimension Where stories live. Discover now