Mini Chapter: Damien's Determination

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"Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, attack! Spiral Flame Strike!" Damien calls out and defeats another duelist at a card shop.

"Aw man...! I thought I had you for a second." His opponent sighs. "Good game, Damien." He says with a smile.

"Ah, yes, thank you for playing me." Damien says and shakes his opponent's hand. While he did win, it was only by the skin of his teeth, as he had bricked earlier in the game. 'Is there a way to fix that so it doesn't happen...?' He would wonder as he heads home. He tried to ignore the fan girls who were flocking him as he walked, and eventually sat down at Nanu's living room coffee table to overlook his deck. 'If I'm going to stand a chance in the Pro Series, I need make sure I don't brick so early in the game...' He thinks to himself.

After coming up with dead ends, he decides to go to Chaeyu for help, since she's also revising her deck for the upcoming Pro Series. "You wanna rebuild your deck?" She asked.

"Mhm." Damien nods. "I want to make sure I don't flood my starting hand is literally unplayable." He says.

"Well, yeah, I have Odd-Eyes in my deck, but I'm not sure how to help you..." Chaeyu says. "Why don't you ask dad? He knows a lot about cards."

"He's still at school for that monthly tournament." Damien says.

"Oh, I guess that's true." She sighs. "Oh! How about Auntie Alice?! She recently went to open some booster boxes, so maybe she has extra you could use."

"Hmm... Yeah, okay. I'll ask her then." The white haired boy nods and goes to find Alice, who was just down the hall. "Auntie? Can I ask for your help?" He asked as he knocked on her door.

"Yeah, come in." Alice announced, letting Damien enter her room. "What's up?"

"I want to upgrade my deck. For the Pro Series." He tells her straight.

"Upgrades, huh? You're running Odd-Eyes, right?"

Damien nods.

"Perfect. Then I have just the cards you need." She beckons him closer. "I was opening some packs the other day looking for some more cards to add to my own deck, but ended up pulling a lot of support cards for Odd-Eyes too. Here. Since I don't run this deck, he'll be better being put to use by you instead of collecting dust in my collection." Alice smiled and offered Damien a card.

"Odd-Eyes..." He mutters as he stares at the card. With a nod, he accepts the card. "I'll take your entire stock!" He says, then blushes. "Th-That you're willing to give me, of course..."

"Hahahaha! No problem. I got plenty of cards. I'll also throw in some of Nanu's collection cards as well. He's got plenty of cards for all sorts of decks." Alice smiled and even offered to help Damien build his deck. But since he and Alice would be competitors soon, he decided he would build the deck himself so she doesn't have an unfair advantage if they end up dueling each other.

Once Damien had obtained the extras Alice and Nanu don't use, he starts his deck construction in silence, using up as much of his brain power as he could expend to think up strategies and countermeasures. And after hours of preparation, he finally finished it in the middle of the night. He holds up his deck, gives his cards another quick read, then nods in approval. "It's perfect..." He says to himself and passes out from exhaustion.

(OC) Neptunia x Yugioh: Yugioh Dimension Where stories live. Discover now