Chapter Five: Danger on Campus

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"I'll go first, if that's okay." Azura says to her opponent.

"Of course." Yoshi smiles.

"To start my turn, I set my Pendulum Scales with DoSolfachords Cutia and Coolia. Then, I activate my Field Spell, Solfachord Harmonia. And now, I Pendulum Summon. Come out, LaSolfachord Angelia and FaSolfachord Gracia. Using Gracia's effect, I can add a Solfachord Spell or Trap to my hand. I set a card face down and end my turn." Azura wraps up her first turn of the game.

"Solfachord... Are you a singer?" Yoshi asked.

"I am. So?" Azura replied.

"Nothing. Nothing. Just thought it was neat." Yoshi says and draws her first card. "I activate my Field Spell, Realm of Danger! And then, I'm going to activate one of my cards effects from my hand." Yoshi smiles and shows one of her cards. "Danger! Bigfoot. By revealing him, I'll give you a chance to pick a card in my hand to discard." She smiles and shuffles her hand. "Pick a card! Any card!" She shows off her hand. She was clearly trying to make this more fun for the both of them by giving Azura a friendly smile.

"I choose... The card on the left." Azura makes her choice, and Yoshi discards Danger! Dogman.

"Too bad. You choose wrong. With that, I can Special Summon Danger! Bigfoot from my hand!" Yoshi places down her strongest card just like that. "And draw a card as well. And then, Danger! Dogman's effect! When he's discarded, all your Monsters lose 1000 ATK!" The brunette raises her duel disk, and a loud howl that was more akin to a scream echos over the battlefield, dropping Angelia and Gracia's attack powers. "Next, I activate Realm of Danger's effect! I can choose one Danger! Monster and allow it attack directly as long as both the cards remain face-up on the field!"

"Oh dear..."

"Next, I activate my Equip Spell, Danger! Feets of Strength! I Equip it to Bigfoot and he gains 800 ATK! He can't be destroyed by card effects, and can also make 2 attacks in a row against your monsters! Now, Bigfoot, attack Gracia!" Yoshi commands.

And with that, Azura is forced to take 2300 damage.

"Attack Angelia!"

And now, Azura takes 2500 damage, leaving her at 4800 LP.

"I end my turn." Yoshi smiles.

"I draw." Azura takes her turn next. "I Set 1 card face down, and Pendulum Summon again! Come out from my extra Deck, LaSolfachord Angelia. I end my turn there..." Azura sighs. 'I can't deal with that Bigfoot yet... I need to find a way to get rid of its Spell cards before I lose...' She thinks to herself.

"That's it? Okay then. My turn. I draw! I go straight in for an attack! And thanks to Realm of Danger! Bigfoot can attack you directly. So I think that's exactly what I'm going to do!" Yoshi swings in for a powerful 3800 attack.

"I activate my Trap, Defense Draw! I can reduce battle damage to 0 for this attack!" Azura announces as she gets knocked back. "And if I do this, I draw 1 card." Azura draws.

"Hm. Oh well. I end my turn." Yoshi shrugs.

"I draw...!" Azura takes her turn. "Perfect...!" Her eyes shine. "To start my turn, I Pendulum Summon out MiSolfachord Eliteia and FaSolfachord Fancia! Eliteia's effect, when she's Summoned, I can return a Spell or Trap card you control back to your hand! I target Feets of Strength!" With that, Azura had managed to get rid of that annoying card. For now. And then, Fancia's effect, I put a Solfachord monster in my Extra Deck back into my hand. I put Gracia back into my hand. Next, I activate Solfachord Harmonia's effect. If I have at least 3 Solfachord Monsters with either Odd or Even Pendulum Scales, and I can target 1 card you control and destroy it. I destroy Danger! Bigfoot!" And that was how Yoshi got humbled by a bunch of pretty singing ladies. "And now, I attack with Angelia for 2300, Fancia for 1600, and Eliteia for 1100!"

With that, Yoshi takes 5000 damage in one turn, leaving her at 3000 LP.

"I end my turn." Azura says. 'I'm safe...!' She smiles.

"Hey, H-Hoshi...? How strong is this Yoshi person...?" Kyoki asked.

"She's actually number 1 at our school." Hoshi says to his inquire. "And I'm number 2." She adds.

"For good reason it seems. A Danger! deck is no laughing matter. While you may get lucky from time to time, overall, the deck has little negatives and few counters." Athena explains. "She got lucky she was able to pull out Eliteia so early in the game."

"What if Azu managed to discard Bigfoot at the start of the game, then...?" Kyoki asked.

"Chances are she would summon out Dogman and destroy a card on Azu's field. Since when Bigfoot is discarded from the owner's hand, it destroys a card on the field." The third year explained.

"I see..." Kyoki nods.

"Not bad... I draw!" Yoshi takes her turn now. "I activate Danger! Chupacabra's effect. Show it off, shuffle my hand, and pick a card!" Yoshi smiles.

"The second card on the right." Azura says.

"Heh. Good job. I discard Chupacabra. But is that a good thing for you? Because thanks to that, his effect activates! I can Special Summon a Danger! Monster from my GY now! Return to my field, Danger! Bigfoot!" Yoshi returns her monster to her field.

"Not good..." Azura mutters.

"I Equip again! Danger! Feets of Strength! And then, Realm of Danger! Bigfoot can now attack directly again!" Yoshi grins. "Now, Bigfoot! Attack directly!"

Due to a face down that can't be activated yet, Azura is forced to take 3800 damage, leaving her at 1000 LP.

"One more attack and she's finished..." Athena mutters. 'C'mon Azu... I know you can pull something out...'

"I set a card face down, and end my turn." Yoshi ends her turn with that.

"I...draw...!" Azura starts her turn. She looks at her card, and sighs. "I bricked... I set my card face down and end my turn..." Azura says.

"Doesn't she know that Bigfoot can't be targeted for attacks thanks for Realm of Danger?" Hoshi wonders.

"Huh...? What do you mean...?" Kyoki asked.

"Realm of Danger! lets a Danger! monster attack directly. But it also forces that targeted monster to not be targeted for attacks." Hoshi explains.

"But doesn't that mean Azu can't attack...?" Kyoki asked.

"Not quite. See, while Bigfoot can't be attacked, there's a specific part in the card's text that says the opponent can still attack directly." Hoshi told him.

Hearing this, Azura's eyes widen. She could've won the duel that turn. Yet she didn't know that. This classic blunder of not reading card effects has come to bite her.

"I draw!" Yoshi takes her turn. "And now, it's time for the finale. Bigfoot, attack directly!" Yoshi commands as the giant Sasquatch charges forward, steamrolling past Azura's field, and slams his fist into the blue haired beauty, sending her back a few meters, and she laid on the ground.

Like that, the duel was over, as Azura lays there on the cement.

"I lost..." She says as a small tear rolls down her cheek. "I...lost...!" She repeats as her voice starts cracking.

"Azu..." Kyoki mutters and goes over to comfort his friend.

Athena followed after him, and hugs her younger sister. "You did great, Azu... I should've said something sooner..."

"I' sorry... Athena-nee..." She sniffles and hugs her sister.

Off to the side, Hoshi punches Yoshi. "Why the hell did you leave out the 'can't be targeted for attacks but can still take direct attacks' part of the card?!" She scolds her twin.

"What? I thought she would've known that already." Yoshi says, confused.

"No, you idiot...! She's not even part of the Duel Team here! She's just a choir student!" Hoshi continues to scold her. "Go apologize!" She points at the group of three who were comforting the blue haired girl.

Yoshi nods, and goes over to them. " I'm sorry... I should've been more clear with my cards..."

Not giving an answer yet, Athena sighs. "We're tied at 1 win and 1 loss each. I say this calls for a tiebreaker." She says and stands.

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