Chapter Fourteen: Phantom Rage

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"I'll go first!" Yoshi exclaims as she shows off Danger?! Jackalope in her hand, then hides it again. "Pick a card, any card!" She says with a smile.

"Look. I know you're trying to have fun with this, but I'm not here to play a game with you. I'm here to get revenge for my teammate." Kyoki glares at the brunette, souring her mood. "I pick the card on the far left."

Yoshi discards Danger?! Jackalope. "Looks like it got away. But thanks to that, I can Special Summon a Danger monster from my deck in Defense Position! Great ruler of the forest, stomp forward and demolish everything in your path! I summon Danger! Bigfoot!" Yoshi summons her ace monster to the field, in Defense Position unfortunately. "I set two cards face down and end my turn!"

"My turn then. Draw!" Kyoki's turn starts now. "To start, I Normal Summon The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak! Then, using The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots, I Special Summon it! And when a Phantom Knights' monster is Special Summoned, I can also Special Summon The Phantom Knights of Stained Greaves! Using Stained Greaves and Silent Boots, I build the Overlay Network! The souls of the fallen rise to fight again! Rise, my monster! I Xyz Summon! Rank 3, The Phantom Knights of Break Sword!"

Kyoki brings out one of his other monsters, as a ghostly horse lets out a grime neigh with a Dullahan atop his steed. As his name suggests, he wields a broken sword in his left hand.

"I activate Ancient Cloak's effect! By shifting himself into Defense Position, I can raise the ATK of 1 of my Dark monsters on my field! Break Sword gains 800 ATK! Battle! The Phantom Knights of Break Sword, smash Bigfoot to pieces! Breaking Sword Swipe!"

Since Bigfoot has no DEF, he is destroyed instantly, but Yoshi takes no damage.

"I end my turn."

"Man, you're really serious. You should smile more while dueling." Yoshi puts her fingers at the corners of her mouth and lifts them up. "Like this!"

"Just take your turn." Kyoki groans.

"Okay, okay, fine. Sheesh." Yoshi draws. "I activate Danger! Nessie's effect! Show, shuffle, then pick a card!"

"The right card."

"Bzzt! Wrong! Too bad for you. But now, since Nessie was discarded, I add a Danger! monster from my deck to my hand! And I add Bigfoot. And then activate his effect! 50/50 shot, which do you choose?!"

"The card on the right."

"Wow, you're correct. I discard Danger! Chupacabra. But is that good for you? Cuz now I can Special Summon Bigfoot from my hand! And then! When Chupacabra is discarded from my hand, I summon a Danger from my GY! Come back, my other Bigfoot!"

And just like that, Yoshi has summoned 2 Bigfoots to her field.

"I attack Break Sword and Ancient Cloak with my two monsters!"

Kyoki's field disappears like a cryptid, and is dealt 1000 damage from the battle with Break Sword.

"Break Sword's effect activates! When he's destroyed, I can Special 2 Phantom Knights from my GY with the same Level, and give them 1 extra Level! Come back, Silent Boots and Stained Greaves!"

And just like, he gets a field again.

"I end my turn." Yoshi smiles.

"Draw!" It's now Kyoki's turn, as he starts with his draw. "To start, I Overlay my now Level 4 Silent Boots and Stained Greaves! Formed in pitch black darkness, to fight those foolish enough to oppose your treacherous fangs! Descend now, Rank 4! Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon!" Kyoki's ace takes the field, appearing within a smokescreen with a loud, hiss like roar. "I activate Dark Rebellion's effect to detach his materials and halve your Bigfoot's ATK, and gain that ATK! And then, I activate Ancient Cloak's effect in my GY to banish him, and add a Phantom Knights card to my hand. And I activate it right away! I activate my Spell Card, The Phantom Knights Rank-Up Magic Launch! I Rank up Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon to Xyz Summon with him as material! From the depths of purgatory, cry forth your requiem of rebellion! Let it echo through eternity and be reborn! Rank-Up Xyz Change! Descend now, Rank 5! Dark Requiem Xyz Dragon!"

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