Chapter Twelve: Meeting the Parents!

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Nanu and his dimensional children return from their little excursion as he turns of the TV to watch any more regional matches that may be happening today. As he flips through channels, he finds LDS's match, and his eyes widen from who he sees dueling. "Hey, Athena. Come here real quick." Nanu calls his twin over, who seemed to be washing dishes.

"What is it?" She asked as she leaned her arms on the back of the couch and watches. "Vince...?! What school is this!?"

"LDS." Nanu answers.

"I see... So father must have taken him to that area then..." Athena sighs.

"Seems like it." He nods. "And it looks like he changed his deck."

"Yeah..." She sighs, and returns to the kitchen to finish up her dish washing.

"Athena, we have a dishwasher for a reason!" He shouts from the living room. "I can barely hear the tourney!"

"The hell's a dishwasher?! I don't trust a machine to clean my dishes when I'm perfectly capable of doing it myself!" Athena shouts back.

Nanu sighs, and decides to just turn on the generated subtitles.


A few hour after that, the door to the house flies open, and a short woman enters the house with a briefcase and wearing a nice suit and tie. "Kids! Mommy's home!" She exclaims to the family, who all stop what they were doing to go greet her.

"Welcome home, mom." Nanu says as he takes her coat.

"How was your trip?" Athena asked.

"Would you like something to eat? I can whip something up for you." Alice offers.

"Perhaps some relaxing music?" Azura gave her own offer.

"Hehehe! You kids are too much sometimes. Don't worry, I'm fine. I just came to change my clothes and see how everyone was doing." She smiles. "I'm actually going to go out for a few more hours and go drinking with some girl friends."

This is Laura Kanzaki. Mother of the Kanzaki family. Yes, she looks like she's 10. But she is, in fact, 35 years old. That's right, we're going full out tiny mom anime troupe as well!

"Oh yeah! Where are Nanu's kids?! I wanna meet my grandchildren!" She asked excitedly.

"Chaeyu and Damien went out to duel some more at the nearby park." Nanu said. "But Damien isn't actually my kid."

"Aww...! Okay, fine. Tomorrow then." Laura smiles and goes upstairs to change her clothes into a more casual outfit. "Well then, I'll be off. Be sure to keep up the good work, Nanu and Athena." She smiles and leaves the house once more to meet up with her friends at a bar in the city.

"Don't get too drunk!" Nanu calls to his mother as he closes the door.


Laura arrives at her favorite bar in town, waiting for her friend group to show. The first to show up was a tall, attractive woman with brown hair. She was several times Laura's height, but they got along great.

This was Eliza. She's a fortune teller, and Mecha's mother. Tall, busty, and thicc in all the right places. The complete opposite of Laura, and uses the Fortune Lady archetype.

"Laura!" She waves with a smile.

"Hi Eliza!" Laura waves back. "How was your day?!"

"It was good, thank you for asking." The taller woman says.

"You really couldn't have picked a closer bar?" Another woman says, walking up to the pair with another lady with brown hair.

"Hey Ari-tan! Hey Thunder Tits!" Laura greets the pair.

"Sto—!! Urgh...! You really are annoying." The woman known as Thunder Tits speaks with a groan.

This was Ishtar Raijin, the "father" of Yoshi and Hoshi of LDS. She uses a Thunder Dragon deck. She is the corporate CEO of Raijin Motor Factory, who are the top makers and distributors of top quality Duel Runners.

As for the lady next to her, she is Aritsu Raijin, the mother of Yoshi and Hoshi. Wife of Ishtar. She is the current principal of Leo Duel School, and uses a Gem-Knight deck.

"Also, to answer your question, this is my favorite bar. I'd rather be sent to the Shadow Realm than give another bar my patronage!" Laura says adamantly.

"Thankfully I get to choose the bar for our next meetup." Ishtar sighs.

"Hehehe. You two are always entertaining to watch."  Eliza giggles.

"Yes. There's never a dull moment when these two are together." Aritsu agrees with a smile. "Shall we head in?"

"Yeah, let's!" Laura opens the door for her group as they enter, and take their seats at the bar. They usually sit with Laura and Eliza on the left, and Ishtar and Aritsu on the right, with Laura and Ishtar the furtherest away from each other so they don't go at each other's throats.


"Don't bad mouth me, Laura...! I had to walk 20 miles to— *hic* —get to school...! Uphill, both ways on one foot...!!" Ishtar grumbles, takes a swig of her beer, then continues her story. "My other foot was— *hic* —starting a business!"

"Bitch, we— *hic* —went to the same school! And took the same— *hic* —route!" Laura shouts back.

Yeah. This is why they usually sit apart from each other.

"Shaddap, I'm tryin' to be draaamtic." Ishtar groans.

"Well you're failing." Laura says.

"Failing like your school grades?" She fires back.

"You did NOT!" Laura gasps.

"I did and I'll do it again." She says.

"You...! You...!!" Laura couldn't come up with a comeback, until. "At least I'm the better duelist between us!"

"You use Drytrons, that doesn't count!" Ishtar shouts.

"Not my fault you got a skill issue." Laura snickers.

Ishtar slams her hands on the bar and stands up. "You wanna f**king go, midget?!"

Laura also slams the bar and stands. "Yeah I wanna f**king go, Thunder Tits!!"

Just as things were about to escalate, the two suddenly slump over and pass out.

"Oh dear. They passed out." Eliza sighs.

"Thankfully. I really didn't want them to actually duel." Aritsu smiles. She slowly puts Ishtar's arm over her shoulder and stood up. "Well, I should take her home now. It was a wonderful night. Thank you." And with that, the night was coming to a close.

Eliza lifts Laura in a princess carry, and takes her home. She's greeted by Athena, who takes her unconscious mother inside and to straight to bed.

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