36: Bittersweet Goodbyes

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CHAPTER THIRTY-SIX❊❊❊❊❊❊❊_____________________________________

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DANA CROSSED THE LENGTH OF the room countless times. She fired every spell she could think of at the door, kicked chairs and tables, sat and stared into nothingness. Hours went by and the moon crossed along the night's sky, large and bright and undeniably full. The classroom she had once found so much comfort in now only made her feel trapped and afraid, hopelessly wondering what was going on beyond its four walls.

She tried to push away the horrifying scenes which prised their way into her mind. Of Remus transforming, teeth enlarged and claws piercing through skin. Of the wolf, not hesitating to attack those that crossed his path. It made Dana sick with guilt to picture such things, but there was little else to do other than imagine the worst.

The door lock clicked and Dana jumped up from the floor. It was tentative, quiet. She stepped forward and it swung open. Nothing could have prepared her for the fury which drained her of colour at the sight of Snape and... Fudge? The Minister was stood beside him, hands clasped together. A sickly smile was plastered over Snape's face.

That was when Dana knew it must have been bad.

"But you can't!"

"Hush, dear, enough now. You need rest."

Madam Pomfrey was busy fussing over Dana half an hour later, attempting to thrust a Sleeping Draught onto her with no success. They were in the infirmary and she had just learnt of the news of Sirius's fate. Ron was in the bed opposite her, both Harry and Hermione beside him. None of them had yet woken up. Apparently Snape had found them unconscious and brought them all back up to the castle with him.

"Black is a criminal, girl. We must do what needs to be done." Fudge disregarded her, now looking to the Potions Master. "I must say, Snape, your actions tonight have been nothing short of heroic. You must tell us the full story."

Snape, a hero? Dana could have gagged. She turned to face him, quite sure that she had never seen him so smug.

"You liar!" she seethed, stealing his attention. "You've had it in for Sirius ever since school! You only locked me in that room so that you could—"

"— Ensure your safety, of course, Miss Diggory." Snape interjected, mocking her. "The welfare of my students has, and will always be, at the very top of my priorities."

That was it. Dana lunged at him.

By the time she had gotten ahold of the front of Snape's robes, Pomfrey was already behind her, throwing her back down onto the bed. She still didn't have her wand, so her hands had to do. He flicked his dishevelled hair from his face once she was ripped away, glowering at her. She glowered right back— wanting to hit him, wanting to hurt him. Dana wasn't sure where her dark thoughts were coming from, but she couldn't help feeling that she were still trapped in that classroom.

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