13: Sibling Rivalries

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CHAPTER THIRTEEN❊❊❊❊❊❊❊_____________________________________

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            NOVEMBER WAS DRAWING TO AN end and the first Quidditch game of the year was set to take place that very weekend, causing a contagious buzz of excitement to flow through the Castle. Although this was a thrilling day for the many students who were able to freely enjoy it— for the players, it meant that their usual training sessions had been increased to no end in anticipation for the match.

Despite having a busy day ahead of her, Dana took a leisurely stroll down to Transfiguration, running relatively on time for once. The waves of her hair blew past her shoulders as she passed by the staff room, stopping suddenly in her tracks when the door flicked open unexpectedly.

Professor Snape hovered inside, his frustrated tones drifting out just loud enough for Dana to hear.

"I must express my concerns again, headmaster. Having personally been put at risk by his condition once before, I do not believe it wise that he remains teach—"

"We have been over this, Severus. My mind will not change. It would be wise for you to refrain from questioning my judgements in future."

Though calm, Dumbledore's voice was firm.

Still stood in place, Dana furrowed her brows, wondering what an earth Snape had been referring to, when the professor strutted out of the staff room and almost walked head first into her. He already looked livid, and it only worsened when he realised the cause of his blocked path.

Was it that obvious she had been eavesdropping?

She took an experimental step forward, attempting to slip past. Snape was quick to grab the neckline of her school robes and pulled her back.

"Not late to class, Diggory? That must be a first." Snape sneered, his hooked nose peering down at her threateningly.

"I guess all your detentions have finally put me off, sir. Don't reckon I could bare being in your company any longer than necessary." she admitted coolly, shrugging him off.

Snape ignored the snarky comment, giving her a vindictive look (relatively speaking, he probably agreed with her just as much). Dana was just relieved he hadn't suspected her of snooping. Either way, he didn't bother to waste an opportunity to taunt her whilst there were no other professors around.

His lip curled before he spoke again, "I do hope Gryffindor are well prepared for their match this Saturday, I hear a dreadful storm is due. It would be a pity if the poor conditions damaged your chances."

"I'm sure we'll manage. It's only Slytherin, after all." said Dana, attempting to get past him for a second time, to which he prevented her.

If it were possible, his lip curled even more.

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