09: Tea, Talks and Grindylows

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CHAPTER NINE ❊❊❊❊❊❊❊_____________________________________

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          SINCE THE INCIDENT WITH BLACK, little exciting had happened at school and the days all seemed to be jumbling into one. The rules within Hogwarts had tightened, meaning weekends had become both a pleasure and a nuisance. In many ways, they were a desired break from constant studying and gave students the chance to let loose after a drawling week of lessons. Yet on the other hand, they often found that there was very little to occupy themselves with, and boredom would strike like an impeccably dull bolt of lightening— if that were even possible.

Dana's Saturday was spent catching up on her Care of Magical Creatures homework and Flitwick's essay on the Incendio charm in the library with Lilith. Overcome with irritation, she ironically ended up setting it on fire out of frustration, using the very spell it had been based upon. Madam Pince was far from impressed and threw her out shortly after with a large deduction in points for Gryffindor.

On the contrary, Sunday was looking up. She had devoted the afternoon to visiting her owl, Edwin, but instead found herself distracted at lunch by Cedric and Patrick, forgetting this completely.

"Daniela! Get your arse over here!" yelled Paddy through a mouthful of bread from afar.

Realising everyone was now looking, she made her way over to them quickly. There was nothing Dana hated more than being full named— especially in public, and she glared at him.

"If you call me that again, I'll personally take you into the Dark Forest and feed you to an Acronantula." she told him, as though it were only fair. "What's up?"

"Come join the big kids." said Cedric, pouring her a glass of pumpkin juice and gliding it across the length of the table towards her. She caught it before it could slip off the edge.

"Why do I get the feeling you're both about to proposition me?" she said cautiously with narrowed eyes.

When the two boys exchanged conceited grins, she knew she was right. Nevertheless, she jumped down and removed her denim jacket, clasping her hands together as she waited patiently.

"Pads and I are organising a party for the end of the month in the Hufflepuff common room— you in?" Cedric proposed, eyebrows raised.

Dana cocked her head as she considered this for a moment, but ultimately knew her answer was going to be a yes, "Always. Won't be easy though, more teachers are patrolling the corridors at night now after Black broke in."

"We're working on it, don't worry. Anyway, since when did you become such a pansy?" scoffed Paddy, who was setting up his Wizard's Chess set.

Desperate to put off traipsing all the way up to the Owlery like she was supposed to be doing, Dana sat and joined him in a game. Cedric had his head propped up against his hand, watching them play.

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