10: Protective Instincts

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CHAPTER TEN❊❊❊❊❊❊❊_____________________________________

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     DANA COULDN'T SEEM TO BANISH THE image of Filch's triumphant face as he caught herself and Patrick up in the Owlery after curfew. For whatever reason, it would appear that trouble gravitated towards the pair and it was quite clear that they would never learn from their rule breaking antics.

She took in a deep breath and inhaled the musky fumes of Professor McGonagall's office. They had been in there for what felt like hours after the caretaker disposed of them at the other side of her door like filthy pests. Only the opaque darkness which lingered out of the small window at the back of the room told them that it was the middle of the night, otherwise Dana would have been none the wiser.

Browsing her mind, she tried to think of anything she could say which would make the situation better when Professor McGonagall broke the agonising silence.

"Must I suspend you both simply just to drill into your minds the extent of your recklessness?" she said in resounding exasperation.

Clearly so many years of dealing with their poor behaviour had taken its toll on her.

"Come on, Professor, it's not as bad as it looks. Plus, Filch shouldn't be able to just sneak up on people like that." defended Paddy with a grimace. "As far as we knew, it could've been Black."

Hitting the palm of her hand to her forehead, Dana sighed. Paddy was not making this any better for them.

"It very well could have been Sirius Black, Mr Finnigan! That is quite the issue here. But it would appear that, yet again, yourself and Diggory seem to think you're indestructible."

Dana cut in, "Professor, we just—"

"You are both aware that the rules are stricter this year as a necessary precaution. I am afraid it's out of my hands, we're going to have to take this to Professor Dumble—" her words were broken off as the door unexpectedly flew open to their left and a man intruded into the office.


"Minerva, my apologies, I must explain. I believe I am quite to blame here." the professor announced, flashing his pale green eyes over to Dana.

McGonagall had a baffled look on her lined face, "Not at all, Remus. But I must ask you to elaborate, I don't quite understand?"

In all honesty, Dana couldn't help but share the very same puzzled expression.

"You see, Miss Diggory here was actually in my company this evening. We had arranged a detention and lost track of time. She mentioned that she needed to send a letter, so I thought— quite silly of me really— that I would give her permission to go up to the Owlery before returning to her dormitory. I wrote a permission slip for her, which she clearly left behind by mistake." he finished, sounding considerably calm and composed.

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