18: Chess and Charms

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CHAPTER EIGHTEEN ❊❊❊❊❊❊❊_____________________________________

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     JANUARY HAD BEEN A PLEASANT YET busy affair so far for Dana and the other seventh years as they all settled back into their usual crammed timetables. It certainly took some getting used to after so much dossing around over the holidays, yet she was finally back into the swing of it.

Professor Flitwick opened the door of the staffroom one lunchtime and Dana wandered inside, barely acknowledging his indignant orders for her to wait outside to be seen. She quickly spotted both McGonagall and Lupin playing a game of chess over in the corner of the room, a tray full of sandwiches sat beside them.

"You know you're not allowed in the staffroom, Diggory." McGonagall scowled lightly once Dana had approached their table. "Off with you, please."

"I just came to..." oh, lord. Now Dana was actually there, she struggled to muster the words. Eventually, she turned to Lupin. "I want you to teach me wandless magic. You know, if you have the time. It's fine if you don't."

He seemed thoroughly taken aback by the request, but McGonagall looked thrilled. For once, Dana was actually asking for help.

"I— of course I'll help you, Dana." said Remus, almost obviously, like she needn't have asked.

"Thanks." she said, a weight lifting off her shoulders. Dana soon realised that Flitwick was still stood watching her with his arms crossed and rolled her eyes. "Alright, alright. I'm going, I swear."

Yet just before she did, she noticed that McGonagall was ready to give up their game of chess and stepped closer to get a better look. 

"Bishop to D6."

Dana's order sent a polished white knight moving forwards, sharply dismantling Lupin's queen. McGonagall's thin mouth turned up in delight.

He had once taught Dana the tactic last term when they'd played a game in his office, given that she'd never been much good at chess. Lupin rolled his eyes and she left the staff room, stealing half a cheese and pickle sandwich from the platter as she went.

"I'm afraid she's going to do great things, that one." said McGonagall with a rare smile.

He raised a brow, "She's stubborn."

"She's a Gryffindor." the witch corrected.

Remus continued back to the game.


That evening, Dana, Lilith and Patrick all dumped their school bags up in their dorms and hurried down to the Great Hall for dinner, half starved.

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