35: Are You Barking Mad?

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CHAPTER THIRTY-FIVE❊❊❊❊❊❊❊_____________________________________

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"CHRIST ON A BROOMSTICK. WHAT are you doing here this early?"

The Shrieking Shack was dimly lit, draped in its usual coating of dust that made you want to choke your lungs up as soon as you entered. Dana shook her head at the state of the man sprawled out on the large bed, his voice thick with sleep. There was no telling when he had last seen daylight.

"Early?" she dumped her jacket into a heap on the piano, causing the keys to clang heavily. Sirius winced. "It's five in the evening, you lazy son of a bitch."

At that, he immediately opened his mouth to retort with something equally as rude, when he sighed.

"Oh, fine. I'll give you that one." he said bitterly, stretching. "My mother truly was a mighty bitch of a woman."

Sirius squinted against the beam of light which dipped into the room as Crookshanks squeezed his was inside, leaving the door ajar. The reddening sun flickered against the cat's fur and he pounced up onto the bed, whining eagerly for attention. It would seem that Sirius's focus, however, was already elsewhere.

Head tilted to one side, he watched as Dana crawled beneath the old piano.

"What's up?" Sirius asked wryly. "Left your rat shit and dust under there?"

Dana ignored him, grimacing as she parted a heap of cobwebs. Only last week had it occurred to her that a leftover bottle of Ogden's was still stowed up in the Shack ever since their escapade on Patrick's seventeenth birthday, and she figured now would be the perfect last chance to make use of it.

Spotting a loose floorboard, she dug up the wood and eventually clasped her hand around the cold neck of a bottle. It was covered in a layer of debris and she uncorked it, taking an experimental whiff. Still drinkable. When she sat back up, Sirius was no longer lounging in bed.

"Don't you dare tell me that thing's been existing under there this whole time, Diggory!" he cried indignantly, now stood over her with his hands on his hips.

Dana rolled her eyes at his dramatics and summoned two glasses out of thin air. Anyone would think she had just run off with the love of his life.

"Being an alcoholic as well as a hermit wouldn't have done you any favours." she waved him off, pouring out a measuring. He pulled a disgruntled face at her logic. "But given that school's officially over, I thought we could celebrate my good fortunes. Unless you want me to take this and—"

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