05: All Work and a Little Bit of Play

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CHAPTER FIVE❊❊❊❊❊❊❊_____________________________________

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      "COME ON, GUYS! THIS COULD BE OUR first chance of winning the cup in years and I'm not having any of you ruin my— sorry, our— chances!"

It was Tuesday morning, and Oliver Wood was already yelling at the Gryffindor Quidditch team in the Great Hall. The group of them were sat having breakfast together— or should they say, enduring a pep talk from their house captain.

Dana piled up a plateful of sausage, bacon and eggs, trying not to look quite so unengaged. Quidditch was something they all took very seriously, of course, but sometimes Oliver had a habit of overdoing his point.

"You lot had better free up your schedules." Angelina nodded alongside him, dishing out pieces of parchment.

Dana's mouth almost dropped open as she glanced over the Quidditch timetable.

"Oh, we'll be fine." she then scoffed, tossing it aside. "With the amount of time slots you've booked for the pitch, none of the other houses will get a chance to practice."

Looking closer to see who on earth had approved it, she realised they had been signed by Professor McGonagall. That sly dog, she should've known.

"Dana's got a point." said George Weasley through a mouthful of toast.

"Two right." added Fred. "Angelina, chill out. We've got plenty of time to master our techniques. In fact, if you wanted to get rid of any particular opponents this time around, George and I would be more than happy to—"

"Fred, I will not tolerate any sabotaging of our opposition this year!" Angelina stated heatedly. "With it being Oliver's last year as our captain, we're going to make sure we don't risk our chances."

"I don't know, I personally enjoyed seeing Malfoy fall flat on his arse in our last Slytherin match." said Dana, and Harry grinned opposite her.

When Angelina looked away in a huff, Fred then sent George a wink which told Dana they would indeed not be sticking to the vice captains's stern new rules. She smirked and returned to her breakfast. It would seem that the rest of the team were too distracted to talk about Quidditch.

Harry had gone back to staring at his plate in a daze and the rest of the girls attempted to finish last minute Divination charts. In all honesty, Dana's mind had also been on other matters recently.

After having dwelled on it over the following couple of days, she decided to take Professor Lupin up on his offer to help her keep on top of the many spells they were covering in class. Truthfully, she had planned on turning him down out of stubbornness to receive help, yet once Cedric had caught wind of it, he as good as insisted she take the opportunity.

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