31: Light and Dark Within Us

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CHAPTER THIRTY-ONE❊❊❊❊❊❊❊_____________________________________

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THE ASTRONOMY TOWER appeared brighter than Dana had ever seen it at night, a silver wash projecting down from the crescent moon above and onto the wide open platform. She wasn't exactly sure how she knew Remus would be there, but he was.

Seeing him made her think back to last year when he had found her up there alone— as though it had come full circle now. Looking back, Dana forced herself to wonder if it was worth it. All the trouble, the hurt. Part of her would always believe it was. That he was worth it.

"You asked me if I was happy." she said, making her presence known. "I'm not."

Remus lifted his head but didn't appear startled.

"You shouldn't be here. You should be down there enjoying yourself with him, someone who's truly good enough for you." he croaked out lowly. "I never deserved you and I should've known that from the beginning. I mean, look at you. You're beautiful, kind, hilarious— everything. And, well, I'm nothing compared to any of that."

She tried to argue but he cut her off.

"I'm just a halfbreed, Dana. A filthy halfbreed, and that's all I'll ever be." he said.

"For the love of Godric, Remus." she reached out for him now, forcing him to face her. "I know you're being blackmailed— that all of this is some sort of twisted way of trying to protect me. You made me hate you! You made me wish I'd never met you."

Dana knew it would knock him back and it did, but it was true. Besides, her anger was too pent up, too raw, and she wasn't done yet.

"I couldn't face being responsible for you being made an outcast just like me." he muttered.

"Fuck you for making that decision. That's my choice."

"Fuck me? Fuck you right back!" Remus spited, beginning to pace. "It's the wrong choice, Dana. Think of what your parents would say if they found out their only daughter was involved with a man twice her age— let alone a werewolf."

"My parents have tried to make decisions for me my whole life, I'm not letting them choose this. If they don't like it, then I'll be more than pleased to tell them to stick it where the sun doesn't shine."

Remus stopped pacing, "You don't mean that."

"I do."

All of the pain she'd felt these past few months was reflected straight back in him, and she was sick of arguing. Then again, all they seemed to do was argue. But he was the only one she cared enough to bicker with, because maybe it was the only thing worth fighting for.

Faint music from the dinner party trailed up to reach their ears, slow and soft. One of Dana's hands gradually slipped down his sleeve until their hands met by his side.

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