DAY 1 - 2

30 2 2

After eating breakfast, we went to our secret playground in the woods. Trix made me a crown of flowers as I gave her mine. It made me happy to play with her again. I was so lonely before, so this is nice to change my loneliness.

"Viona, did something happen to you?"

Trix was gazing at me with her sharp silver eyes while tilting her head. It's her usual cute style when she wants to ask me something privately. Sweet, but deadly to me.

Please stay alert and don't slip up the secret, Viona!

Carefully, I dodged her question.

"Did I do so-so-something unusual?"

"Yes," she replied, pouting, "you were smiling all over our breakfast. It's as if something good happened to you. I bet that you didn't even hear my nagging."

"Oh, you were?" I tried to tease her while mimicking her tilting head.

"I knew it..." her pale lips said glumly, making me want to tease her even more.

Unfortunately, I had to give in before she got really mad.

"I'm just joking."

Her ears perked up, and Trix looked at me like she couldn't believe me.

"Were you listening to me?" she asked.

"You were talking about how I skipped our chores and ruined your routines, right?" I sighed adoringly, "I'm sorry for waking up late today."

Trix smiled and said, "It's alright. I forgive you because you listened to my complaint well today."

We continued our chat about many things, like how we attempted to escape our punishment when we were still kids or went to a carnival with only the two of us. There are so many memories I wanted to talk about with her.

Unfortunately, I can't talk about the future that I want to change though.

Without us knowing, it's almost time for lunch. The sound of the big clock can be heard from the heart of our city. Trix suggested that we have a small picnic here. I agreed and helped her prepare the food and picnic blanket.

It's strange that a mere sandwiches, salad, and berries looked so delicious in my eyes. I thought my appetite wouldn't be rise again...

I grabbed one of the sandwiches and ate it slowly. The taste was like I remembered it before.

Thank goodness that I can be savoring this happiness for one last time.

Something has been rubbed against my cheek. Trix wiped away the water that flowed without me knowing.

"Thank you," I smiled when our eyes met.

Her cheeks turned red.

"Don't cry over the sandwich. You've already eaten it before," she said as she stuffed her handkerchief back into her pocket.

"I know, but it is so delicious... I will miss it when we graduate from our orphanage."

There was a silent pause between us, then a voice broke the silence.

"Graduation, huh?"

A pair of silver eyes looked at me with curiosity.

"Do you think we will meet again after graduation?"

My throat choked, as there was no sound from it.

That question. It's been my fear ever since I lost her. Can I hope that we can be together in this timeline?

"It's alright if you don't want it. I'll be relieved when you can be independent of me."


I quickly hugged her. My hands gripped her dress with no intention of letting her go. The tears keep falling from my eyes.

"Please... Don't leave me... I want you to be beside me. I can't lose you again."

I sobbed on her shoulder, "I will do anything for you... That's why you don't have to go anywhere—I beg you, please."

Trix didn't say anything while her arms slowly shortened our distance. I felt comfortable with her. We were still in the same position until the big clock chimed again.

"It's already that time. We should eat fast before the clock makes a noise again."

Trix tried to release herself from me but failed.


I gazed at her silver eyes while my arms still around her, "can we hug for five minutes more, please?"

"No," she rejects my suggestion, "we must finish our picnic now."

"Okay..." I was upset as my arms released her from me.

It's understandable that she didn't want me to be around her all the time, but I wished that she let me hug her longer than this.

Trix held my hand and said, "don't be sulky. I promise we can sleep together in the same bed until your birthday."

My sulking face turned into a smile. While humming, I've lost count of how many times this happiness has come to me as my heart dances to follow my favorite rhythm. A happy tune emerged while I nodded cheerfully. While doing all of that, I secretly gazed at her.

Oh no, her face is so kissable... Should I kiss her now?

Realizing what I was thinking, I mentally slapped myself.

Dang it, not now! You need more restraint to hold yourself back.

I turned around my face to hide how reddish it looked while my craving for her was still haunting me throughout our lunch.

"What's wrong?" Trix tilted her head, "your face is red, you know?"

"Nothing," my eyes still couldn't meet her eyes, "let's just cleaning this and go home as you wanted to."

Trix sighed then we continued cleaning our picnic so we can finish itbefore the next bell ring.

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