??? - 33

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The next thing I knew, my feet brought me to a door with a nameplate full of flower accessories. One of my childhood's favorite hang-out—

"Isn't this Eden's room?" Natasha asked with a confused look.

I nodded, barely knocking on it. I didn't remember much about Eden, who was the patient one between us. She was kind, likes to see sword show at the plaza, blue was her favorite color, usually besides Elysia, Trix preferred to spend time with her than me, and lastly, how she was departed from this world. 

I knew this is the wrong way to remember someone, but my memories wasn't that great to begin with so those were the ones I could remember from her.

Then, we heard someone shouting from inside.

"Is someone there?!"

It was Elysia.

That explains a lot about why there are two dots inside Eden's room.

Trusting my intuition, I shouted back. "Yes, it's me! Viona!"

"Thank goodness!" Her voice relaxed a bit, "please help us!"

That's rare for her to plead to someone like that. I guess she can read the situation to know when it's risky to make a joke. Never mind, we have to focus on this problem.

"Is there anything I can do?!"

"Just break the doorknob!" she shouted.


With enhanced strength and an anti-burn charm, I broke it as I was told to. The door opened, and I walked into a shocking truth. My hand quickly hid Natasha's eyes while I shut my own eyes while slowing my tune as my heart calmed down.

"Elysia, how onearth you and Eden can be in this situation??" 

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