DAY 2 - 18

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Calm down, Viona. You already expected this before casting that dangerous spell.

I calmed down a bit while casting the spell of cleanliness. Instantly, things that were tainted with red, are in the same state as previously. No blood was ever seen again, except in my mouth. I wiped the blood from my face and left before anyone saw me.

When walking back to my room, I was lost in my thoughts. The turn-back time spell was unbelievably real. Everything is like a dream and an illusion. Fortunately, that vomit was painful, so I can rest assured that this is my reality.

I have to wake up now.

My time is running out, and tomorrow will come in several hours. The book described how my memories may fade if there's nothing change at all in this timeline.

Thank goodness, I still remember the details of what will occur on my birthday. It's meant that there's some change already without me even do any drastic measure to change.

I tried to remember what happened at that day with the things I have on memories. All of them were from the detective that investigated the incident. They were kind enough to inform me after the incident. Sadly, it still lacks evidence so I need to find more of it. To do that, the source of the fire will be my priority tonight.

I tiptoed quietly in the hallway. No one is here, but I still need to be careful, as some children have more sensitive ears. When I arrived at the supposed fire location, I looked inside cautiously.

No one is inside the hall.

Feeling safe, I stepped inside the hall while my hand still holding the bowls. My head looked around to see if I can find something that can combust into fire. Not seeing the one I wanted, I searched more carefully for the second time.

It's so dark here, my eyes can't see anything-

"Do you mind explaining why you are still up, dear Viona?"


I turned my back with nervousness and said, "Oh, good evening, Matron... I didn't notice you there."

At the door of the hall, my parental figure crossed her arms while one of her hands holding a lantern.

"Good evening," Matron said while smiling, "it's almost midnight. Are you having trouble with sleep, my child?"

"Yes-Yes," I replied shyly, "my birthday is tomorrow, and I was wondering where it would be."

"I see..." Her eyes stared at my hands. "It seems that you have already eaten dinner. May I have your bowls?"

I gave the bowls to her hand that didn't hold the lantern and said, "Thank you, Madame."

"You're welcome."

Her gray eyes then gazed at me, investigating what I really wanted to do. Then, she uncrossed her arms as she sighed.

"Go back to sleep now. Your birthday will be tomorrow's afternoon, and I need you to do groceries for dinner before that," Matron said with a stern tone, "oh. Please come to my office at a quarter to six, Viona."

Hearing that, my heartbeat became fast.

There's a change in this timeline. It's my last chance to stop the culprit before they commit their crimes. If that happens, everyone still has their future!

"I understand, Madame. I'm not going to forget to do the groceries tomorrow!"

"Good," Matron nodded proudly, "then... Good night, Viona."

I exclaimed, "Good night!"

After she bid farewell,my parental figure left to her bedroom. As soon as I didn't see her, I skippedquietly to my room. My heart couldn't wait tomorrow comes as I hummed throughmy way.

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