DAY 2 - 14

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In the afternoon, we arrived at the white bridge, which many people didn't dare to be nearby. That's why it's almost deserted, and we're the only ones left.

But, why it was feared to begin with?

I turned at my best friend as we're sitting under a big tree. She looked calm while relaxing, a good time to ask her about my curiosity. Then, my hand held hers to focus her on me. When the silver eyes gazed at me, I asked her carefully.

"Trix, why were people afraid of this bridge?"

"I thought you remember after I told you two years ago," my best friend's eyes widened then she continued, "I don't want to tell that all over again because it's a very long story."

"Can you please tell me again?" I begged with all of my might, "I don't remember the story quite well..."

"What if I promise you that I won't cause any trouble for you ever again?"

Trix faced me with a surprised look as her hand gripped me harder.

"Are you serious? You will behave from now on?"

I nodded, "I promise."

Ensured that I will commit to what I said, her pale hand started to play with her navy hair.

"Let me think for a moment."

Time passed as she scaled what I offered to her and her unwillingness to tell me. After so many thoughts, my best friend turned to me defeatedly.

"Alright," Trix sighed, "I guess that I need to tell you from the beginning all over again."

I grinned when she finally accepted my request as my hand freed hers. After making herself comfortable, she started to explain the rumor of the white bridge.

"A long time ago, this bridge appeared mysteriously. No one knows who its creator was, as it was here before the village was established. People believed that, on the other side of the bridge, many supernatural creatures lived there. That's why people didn't dare step over the border the first time."

"Then, why is this place popular now?"

"Many years later, people got curious and planned something. They sent some brave people who didn't acknowledge the superstitions to the other side of the bridge. After several days of camping out there, one of them said that it was just a normal mountain.

Nothing suspicious happened, and no one got a weird illness. The expectation crumbled after all the people heard that. Now, this bridge has become the villagers' favorite place to enjoy the beautiful scenery and share good memories here."

My eyes blinked, "That's all?"

"What? Do you want to know more?" Her eyes are glancing at me with an odd look, "You were never interested in this 'just only a rumor' thing. Did something happen to you?"

My eyes can't look at her again, "W-well... I had-had a nightmare last night. I need to know if that's related to it."

"Hmm," Trix still stares at me doubtfully, "that's convincing from you."

"Please don't say it like that," my hand keep fidgeting, then something flashed on my mind, "oh right. You promised to tell me about your parents, I want to hear it now."

"Alright, but stop fidgeting, you keep distracting me."

"Can you keep it for me?" I teased her with puppy eyes, "please~"

Then, I felt my hand being touched by a soft hand again.

She smirked, "sure. I will hold this 'heavy' thing for you."

My face heated really face and it felt hot as my freed hand kept fanning them.

"Eh? No, I was just kidding. You shouldn't have to!" I panicked, attempting to reclaim my hands. But, Trix still has such a firm grip on them.

"You reaped what you sow," she smirked, "and we'll see how long your face stays red until the end of my story."

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