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It's been... I don't know. No one was bothered to tell me and there's only darkness in here. I felt like I was drowning in this bottomless space, yet everything about this calming me down.

It's ironic when I supposed to be a time magic user, yet my sense of time stopped before I knew it.

When laughing at my attempt to make a joke, a light suddenly engulfed around me. The dark sea turned into the brightness that I had to close my eyes before they turned blind. In confusion, I tried to move my hand if there's something being nearby. Then, the light calmed down as white turned colourful world yet a semi-blurry sight for me.

Did my eyes become worse than before?

My eyes looked up to the blue sky without soft clouds decorating them. A soft melody slowly went into my ears. I glanced to the weird white stick that connected to many stars that seemed hard enough to destroy a glass.

What if they fall into my face?

My head shook to sway the scary thought away from me. To avoid thinking negatively, my ears focused on the sweet melody while searching something that I could recognized. Unfortunately, it failed. As if, everything is a new experience for me.

Like a baby, just kidding.

"But, you're a baby yourself, Zaphkiel."

My eyes widen. I looked around again, but my eyes still don't recognize where the voice coming from until there's something moving outside of my reach. It was bigger than me even though it's still a size of toddler, compared to the size I knew.

Maybe they were correct about me being a baby right now.

The toddler smiled then continued, "Aunty told me that your name is Zaphkiel. Is that right?"

How do I know? My name isn't- I couldn't even know how to talk, why are you asking me that??

A chuckle chimed in. Strangely, this made me warm inside. Then, something touched my palm. Impulsively, I grabbed the warm finger that touching me.

"You're so cute, Zaphkiel."

Cute? Really?? That's strange from a toddler who can already talk in a full sentence.

The toddler tilted their head, "I don't understand what you implied here."

This toddler even using an extraordinary word- Wait. Did they just read my minds??

"I did," their voice seemed proud, "Aunty said that my mom also could do it."

Ah. So? Who is this aunty of yours?"

"Your mom."

I beg your pardon?!

They gazed me straightly, "it is what it is."

My jaw dropped when I heard their nonchalant response to mine as my hand released their little finger.

Seriously? You're my cousin?

They're giggling until the door crackling open. Some big gentle steps walked after the door closing. It was such a sudden surprise that the toddler turned their head to the source of the noise.

"Ara? Karma, were you checking on your baby cousin?"

When the steps stopped, a feminine looking adult with blonde hairs and blue eyes gazed down on the toddler. They patted their monochrome head lovingly. My sight still in semi-blurry image so I couldn't recognize her at first.

So, it was true that they is my cousin... But... Their voice seemed familiar-

"Aunty, look! Zaphkiel is cute, she looked similar with you!"

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