Chapter 5

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Sky showered and pulled her cup out to clean it. There was barely any blood, so she was right; she would most likely be done tomorrow. She put it back in and then dressed in the too-big clothes. True to his word, Tae was back in 20 minutes. "Ready?"

"As much as I'll ever be, I guess. This is strange, you know? You guys are aliens, and you want to knock me up."

"Technically, you are an alien to us and why would we knock you? That makes no sense at all."

"Pregnant, you want me to get pregnant with your baby."

"Oh, our young? Yes, we want that desperately. We've entered the lottery every year in hopes of getting a breeder. Since all of us are in the military, we thought we'd have a decent chance, there are seven of us. But it's been over a decade for some of us, and we've never gotten one. We want our own young, that's all."

Sky felt bad for them; it is so hard being a bunch of males and not being able to have a child when that's all you really want.

She's gotten to meet them all, learn their names, and see just how sweet they were with each other. You could tell that they all loved each other very much. You could do this; it's not like you have anything waiting for you back home. And you've always been interested in space, so now you'll actually get to see it. You can do this; you can make them happy. "If I do this, if I give you guys young, can I explore space? Back home I use to look at the stars, I've always wondered if there was more out there."

They all looked at each other, "well we do go on missions a lot, I guess we could take you with us. But what about the young?" 

The grumpy one, Yoongi, glared at her, "We kinda assumed that since we were going to keep you, you'd watch them when we were on a mission."

Now it was her time to glare, "You want me to birth your young AND raise them? Bruh, you are asking a lot. If I'm going to be involved, I need to think about this more." Sky turned to leave so she could go back to her room. How the hell was this going to work? She thought she was giving them a baby to raise, but she'll be a mom if she's there. She'll be raising the baby; is she ready for that? She's only 21, barely even 21, like she turned 21 just a few months ago.

Now she's about to live with seven aliens, pop out their young, and raise them alone while they are off galaxy hopping. They are in the military; it's probably dangerous. What if something happens to them? Then she'll be stuck on some strange alien planet with a bunch of half-human/half-whatever they call themselves. What do they call themselves?

Sky flopped down on her bed and sighed; this was strange as fuck. Can you do this? She thinks she can; they seem friendly and like they'd be great dads, but she wasn't expecting to raise children this early. Maybe that's something you can talk to them about like she'll be their 'breeder.' Again, that's a weird name for women, but whatever, they are aliens. However, does she have to be involved with the baby? There are seven of them. Was that not enough adult supervision?

 Maybe they can get her a small apartment where she can stay. And there are seven of them; surely they don't all have to leave at the same time. And what about their parents? That's a lot of grandparents. If they are anything like they are on Earth, they'd be more than happy to help out with their grandkids or whatever they call them.

Sky stayed in her room the whole day until it was nighttime and quiet. Then she snuck out of her room and headed towards where she thought the cafeteria was. Unlike her shower, none of this was in symbols but a strange language she couldn't read. "Do you need help?"

She spun around, and Jungkook was standing there. She squeaked a little and jumped back like she was doing something wrong. "Sorry, I'm just hungry."

He rolled his grey eyes, "of course you are, you missed lunch and dinner since you decided to hide in your room all day."

"I wasn't hiding," she mumbled.

"What was that?"

"Nothing," she resigned.

He dug around in the fridge and pulled some weird-looking food out. He got it ready and put it on a plate for her. "Eat; we need you to be healthy if you agree with us."

He looked at her, and it looked like he was thinking, "Jimin saw you and wanted you. Then, we observed you playing that game with the small ball. You seemed so happy and fun, Jin was onboard and when those two want something it's hard for the rest of us to say no."

Oh, so he doesn't want her? "Oh, so they only want to have young with me?"

"No, we all do."

Her head was cocked to the side a bit, "it sounds like only they wanted me to give them young. Why didn't the others choose someone else?"

"I didn't say we didn't want to have young with you; they were just the ones who picked you first. I have no issues with you carrying my young. You are cute; I like your eyes and the spots on your face."

"Freckles? They are called freckles."

He smiled at me, looking like a bunny. "Well, they are adorable. We don't normally see that many on 52, a few sure. But they are all over your nose and cheeks." His eyes got darker, as if he were thinking of something naughty. Surely not; he's gay.

Sky just started eating to break up the tension; when she was done, she told him they could begin the procedure tomorrow. If she didn't do it now, she would back out. They clearly want babies, and maybe she can find what she's looking for on their planet since she never seemed to find a home. She laughed at herself; she had to go to a sex club to even be herself sexually.

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