Chapter 57

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"You seriously haven't slept with any of them besides Hobi, and it was only once?"

Sky smacked her hand over Scotty's mouth, "want to announce it to the entire world, the fuck."

He smacked his hand over her mouth and pulled her hand off of his, "You want to not cuss in front of my baby?"

She licked his hand to get him to move, "he's my baby, you dick weed."

"Schematics, you know, po-tay-toe, po-ta-toe." He took Hasin from her arms and placed him on the shopping cart seat, "but for real. Hasin is seven months old now; that's like a year without sex."

"We do other things," she mumbled.

"No, you do things for them and then play with yourself in your room. Why don't you go back to the club?"

She stopped walking, eyes comically wide, "you knew about that?"

"Of course I did; I followed you one night when you made some lame-ass excuse about how you couldn't come over."

"We'll talk about you stalking me later, but let's get back to the matter. I want to sleep with them, but whichever one I sleep with means I'll have their baby. I know they want that, but I'm unsure if I am. Hasin isn't even a year old yet."

"Birth control dumbass, like do I need to explain the birds and the bees to you?"

She snorted, "I guess I should talk to them. But it's not like they need me. They have each other, and Lord knows they get down daily with one another."

"Oh, trust me, I know; I've seen more alien ass than I ever thought possible."

"Well, maybe it wouldn't be an issue if you knocked before walking into our house."

He started pushing the cart again, blatantly ignoring her while talking to Hasin like she wasn't there at all. Finally, after 40 minutes, when loading all of the groceries into the back of the SUV, he turned to her and smiled like he was about to do something terrible. "I found a girl I want to introduce to Jackson and Mark."

Her hand paused as she put the last bag into the car, "you, huh, what? A girl?"

"Yeah, since they are staying here, I thought, why not let them have what you have with your mates."

"But they are aliens," she hissed.

"I know, but."

"And there are two of them."

He glared at me, "And you have seven; why are you getting judgy?"

She smacked him several times. "God, you are so dumb. Not everyone is about that poly lifestyle, you dick. Let alone would be okay with aliens."

"I made sure she was okay with dating more than two men. What do you take me for?"

Sky held up the two loaves of bread and placed them over his ears, "what are you?"

"A snack?"

She smacked him with the bread, "No, an idiot sandwich." She tossed the bread back into the car, closing the door before entering the passenger seat. "Fine, if she's okay with two guys, she can meet them. But don't say anything about the alien part until we know whether we can trust her. Okay?"

"No, I'm going to lead with that so she can go screaming to the cops and have me locked up in an insane asylum." 

"I hate you," she mumbled, making Hasin laugh in his car seat.

"You love me," he looked at Hasin in the rearview mirror. "Doesn't she, buddy? Your mom loves me so much." Hasin squealed happily, his little chubby fists beating on his legs as he kicked the back of the seat. 

"I hate that I can't see him. I can't wait until he's two, and we can turn his car seat around."

"Only if he's big enough, he's kinda small. He might have to stay rear-facing for longer."

When Hasin was six months old, another ship came into our orbit. Jackson, Scotty, Jin, and Yoongi decided to investigate. "Do not take another eight hours. My heart can't take it."

"Baby, I promise you that nothing will happen to me before I get to dick you down."

She turned to look at Yoongi, "Take him before I start beating that pretty face of his."

Yoongi laughed as he grabbed Jin's arm and pulled him towards the pod while laughing his ass off. It didn't take them eight hours; it took them nearly twelve, and by the time they came back, Sky was at her wit's end. She didn't greet them like last time; she stood on the porch with her arms crossed and a glare. Once she saw they were safe, she turned around on her heel and locked herself in her room.

"She'll be okay; she was just worried about you guys. So I'm guessing it was unmanned since no one returned with you?"

Jackson had his arm around his mate but turned to look at Joon. "Yeah, it was. We searched the entire ship for anything we might need, then charted its course for a crash landing on the moon's far side."

Joon said, "Ahh, so it'll look like it crashed since it was unmanned?"

"That's the plan. Our ship must have been found orbiting 52, and when they saw it was empty, they didn't want to risk losing any more explorers."

"Do you think this will be the end of it?" Jimin asked them, tears already welling up in his eyes.

Sky paced back and forth in her room. Hasin was almost a year old, and Jimin had been begging for months for her to have his young. He had the others convinced he could go next, so he had to get Sky on board now. It wasn't that she didn't want that; she still hadn't slept with any of them besides the one time with Hobi. But what if that's not what they want? They have each other; they don't need her.

"Is it because it's me? Do you not think I'll make a good father, or am I not strong enough for you to have young with? Would you rather it be one of the others? I know I'm the weakest here, but Sky, I love you so much."

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