Chapter 27

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"Baby," Yoongi wasn't sure how to tell her, so bluntly, it seemed like the best option to get it over with: "They are already going to know. If we return with a young, they'll know we found a breeder. Even more, if we keep coming back with more young."

She started rocking back and forth, her arms over her stomach like she was trying to find comfort. They were wrapped around her much like their tails do, "this is bad, this is so bad. I never should have agreed to this. This was a massive mistake. I'm going to get to your planet, and they are going to lock me up. Then they are going to go to war with Earth, and thousands are going to die."

"What do you mean thousands will die? No one died when we took you."

"Jimin, you took someone that honestly had no one. Scotty would be the only one who would notice that I was gone. But what if they take someone that has a husband, or kids of her own? Don't you think a man would fight to protect the mother of his children? What would you do if someone was trying to take me?"

"We'd fight them," Jimin growled out.

"Now imagine if we were married for years and had babies together. That need for protection would be increased by so much. People are going to die, World War 3 is going to happen, and it's going to be all my fault." 

She fell on the bed on her side and curled into herself; she kept crying, saying she messed up. They couldn't get her to calm down; she was getting slightly hysterical, and honestly, it scared Yoongi. They couldn't get her to stop, and they were so afraid that she was going to hurt herself. So he did the only thing he could do: he knocked her out with a shot to her arm. When the cries stopped and her breathing evened out, he kissed her tears away, "I'm so sorry, baby. Please forgive me, but I'll fix this."

 When they returned to the common room later, Hobi, Jin, and Joon were back. Jimin fell down on the sofa, and anyone who knew him could tell he was struggling with something. "Once the other two get back, we have to talk. This is bad, so so fucking bad."

Jin was in a panic. "What's going on? You are scaring me."

 Yoongi fisted his white hair in frustration. "We'll explain everything once they are back. I really don't want to have to talk about it more than we absolutely need to. But it's not good; it's something we didn't even think of."

Joon looked back and forth between everyone. "Well, do you want us to tell you what we found, at least? It might take your mind off of it. We can always catch the other two up when they get back after we talk about what you need to say."

"Please," Jimin whimpered, "anything to make me forget my heart is breaking."

Hobi wanted to cry. He didn't know what had happened in the several hours they had been gone, but this wasn't good. "Well, apparently, they propose with these things called rings down there. They wear them on their fingers, and once they are married, the man gets a ring."

"Sky said something along those lines earlier to Jimin, granted neither of us knew what she meant."

"Also there are so many babies and children, they are plentiful. I wonder why we didn't see any that first night we went down to get Sky."

"You were on a college campus, Joon; there aren't a lot of kids there. Plus, it was nighttime, like the middle of the night."

Everyone turned to look at Sky. She was standing there between Tae and Jungkook. She had some items in her hand and looked happier than she did when they left her earlier. "We need to talk, all eight of us." She walked into the room and made them sit down. "I'm not sure if Yoongi and Jimin told you about my concerns, but regardless, I want you to hear it from me."

She spent the next hour telling them about how she couldn't go back, how she was afraid it would start WW3, and how she didn't want to be taken and become a breeder for other people. Nobody said a word; they just let it all sink in. Hobi was the first to crack: "We haven't told the Admiral that the mission was a success. Let's tell him it was a failure and that we are moving onto another planet."

"And then do what huh?" Jungkook sneered. "She may not have my crest yet, but that doesn't mean I wasn't planning on giving it to her. Are you planning on leaving her here, with your young? I won't do that to her."

"I'm not going to 52 with you guys. As much as I don't want to be away from you, I can't do that to Earth; I'm sorry. I'd love to explore space with you, but I can't in good conscience doom my planet."

Tears were falling down several of their faces. "We tell him it didn't work, and we are going to another planet. We set our ship on autopilot, on a crash course into some inhabited planet. We stay here. We have enough gold and diamonds that we can stay here and be set for life. We stay here with Sky and raise our family together."

Joon frowned slightly as he looked at Hobi, "It could work. But did you forget that we are aliens?"

"That doesn't look like one as long as we have clothes on. We can survive down there; there will be no more going to war and on missions for months. Joon, you can have a garden and read books, not pilot a ship while we are being shot at. Doesn't that sound so much better?"

"Of course it does, Tae. It sounds like a dream. But can we really pull this off? Can we make it to where they don't come looking for us?"

Jin's mind was running a million miles an hour. He was the tactical one, the one who came up with the battle plans that helped them win numerous battles. "We might actually be able to do this. But there's one thing we need to fix before we even think of bringing Sky back to Earth."

He slapped down a piece of paper, "oh shit," Sky mumbled. 

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