Chapter 42

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"OH MY, THIS IS THE COOLEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. EVERYONE WAKE UP AND COME LOOK." Tae was excitedly screaming and bouncing up and down like an excited puppy dog. 

Yoongi stood there rubbing his eyes sleepily; his bedhead was all over the place. "I get you are excited, but do you have to scream like a banshee and wake up the entire ship?"

Tae whipped around, "but you don't understand. My room wasn't like this last night. Do you know who did it?"

"Of course I do," Yoongi mocked. "I was there."

"You did this?" He all but screamed happily in Yoongi's face.

"Well," Yoongi's face was all bashful yet cheerful. "I helped do it, but Sky was the orchestrator and director. We just followed the little mate's orders."

"Sky did this?" Tae's look was beautiful. He looked so hopeful and in love.

Jungkook groaned against the back of Sky's neck, "I told you that he'd wake us all up once he saw his room."

"Didn't think it would be this early or that loud," she sounded so annoyed, but Jungkook could tell that she was amused more than anything. Maybe she was still sleepy, but once he had some food in her, she'd be fine.

Tae crashed into the room and dove right onto Jungkook's bed. Thankfully, Kook has swift reflexes. He flipped Sky over to where she was on the other side of him and away from the pouncing Taehyung, who was so excited about his room. "Tae, you could have seriously hurt her and the baby. You have to control yourself. You have a good 50 pounds on her easily."

He sniffed a bit, his bottom lip wobbling as the first tears fell. Jungkook wanted to reach out to him and comfort him. But he needs to learn his lesson; what if he hurt one of them, or what if Hobi saw? Tae wouldn't be able to walk for a week after the spanking that man would give him. "I'm sorry," Tae whispered before trying to get out of bed.

"Baby, it's okay; you just need to be aware."

He sobbed a little more, breaking Sky's heart, "Baby, come here."

Tae quickly crawled over the two to get closer to her. He gently, oh so gently, laid his head on her shoulder and wrapped his arms and tail around her, mindful of her tummy. "I really am so sorry. I never would have been able to forgive myself if I had hurt you or the young."

"I know that sweet boy," she cooed as she petted his hair softly. Once he had calmed down, she fisted his hair and pulled his head to where they were face to face, mouths just a breath away from each other. "But you still need to be punished; otherwise, how will you learn?"

He whimpered, his eyes sliding closed. "I understand," he whispered pitifully.

"Of course, you do because you are such a good boy for me, aren't you?"

His head nodded quickly, as much as it could, with her hand still fisting his hair. "Wanna be a good boy, your good boy."

"And you are," she kissed his forehead, and he sighed so sweetly. She pulled his head gently back to her shoulder as she resumed petting him. Her gaze found Jungkook, "he seems like the type that doesn't like being spanked."

"It depends, if he gets fucked after he thoroughly enjoys it. If he's denied, then you are correct."

She nodded her head, thinking. "Who usually does the spankings?"

He flopped down on his back, hands behind his head in the epitome of casual. "Jin, Yoongi, or I do them."

"Hmm," she mused. She stopped her ministrations on Tae, needing him to focus. "Baby?" He lifted his head to look at her, eyes already sleepy and glazed. "Who spanks you the hardest?"

He blushed bright red, biting his lip and avoiding eye contact. A deep chuckle was heard from the doorway, and Tae shivered. gotcha. "That would be me. Our little Princes don't like it when I do the punishment because I don't coddle or fuck them after."

Sky's eyes found his brown ones as he smiled at her, "Would you be willing to spank him for me? While I could do it, I have a much better punishment in mind."

Jin smiled, his face looking like pure innocence. But Sky saw him for what he indeed was: a sadist. She's going to have to fix that. He stalked towards the two; his hand went to Tae's hair as he tugged, pulling him away from Sky's body. Tae gasped and started to whine, but Jin tugged harder, and he stopped, just following him willingly. "I'd love to help you punish him; it'd be my pleasure."

And it indeed would; he loves punishing his naughty Princes. She smiled as she got up from Jungkook's bed; she turned to look at him briefly. "I'm going to do this punishment, and then we can eat and go to Earth."

"Not sure if he'll be down to come with us," Jungkook mused.

"That's fine; it's his choice. See you in a bit," she said, leaving the room. "Take him to his room, Jin. I have a feeling he'll need his comfort by the time we are done with him. I'll be there shortly." She started to walk off, saying, "Do not start before I'm there. " She was finally gone.

Sky got to her room and quickly changed into one of her outfits. One that would allow them to see what she was doing but not see her since there was a very strategic hole placed right where she needed it. She grabbed the vibrator she needed, the one with a suction cup base and a remote. Jin would need that; it would be part of his reward for helping her.

Once she arrived at Tae's room, he was already naked and placed on Jin's lap. Jin's large palm was waiting there, tensing every few seconds, causing Tae's adrenaline to spike and to be on constant alert.

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