Chapter 54

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If you had told Yoongi when he woke that morning that he'd been shoving something inside Tae, he would have been like, 'Sure, sounds like a normal Tuesday,' but this was not a typical Tuesday. "Are you sure this is a thing, and you aren't just fucking with us?"

"Do I need to remind you guys that Google exists for a reason and that you can fact-check anything I say?"

"So I fill his ass full of warm water repeatedly until the water runs clear, and then he's clean?"

"Yes, but this will have to be done every time before sex. If not, you run the risk of possible fecal matter getting on whatever dick goes inside the other. Odds are that it won't be too bad since you guys are self-cleaning. This should remove the harder parts, and your body should take care of the rest. So as long as you do this after you poop, it, theoretically, should be fine."

So there he was, holding up a bag in the air, with a tube running down into Tae's ass as it filled him up. Tae was whining about it, saying he didn't like it, "I'm sorry baby, but it says you have to keep the water in there for at least 20 minutes." He bent down and petted his hair, "you are doing so well, being such a brave boy and going first."

"Jimin isn't going to like this at all," Tae whined.

"I know, baby, but we'll help him, I promise."

Sky sat up from the stool she had dragged in, "I'm going to go start lunch; it'll be ready by the time you guys are done. I think you two should tell the others about this so they aren't as freaked out as he was. I'm not sure if any of you have discovered poop yet, or if he was the first."

"JK did it the other day; it smelled horrible."

She giggled a bit, "Well, it's not like anything is going up his butt, so he doesn't have to worry about the enema. But yeah, we'll talk after we eat."

"Don't be so sure about that; I'm fairly sure that Jin is trying his hardest to fuck him."

Before she could even reply, Tae started to complain loudly from the floor of the shower, "I don't want to eat more human food; that means I'll have to poop that disgustingness again."

"Tae, you are stuck on Earth. Shit happens, literally."

Tae spent the entirely of lunch describing just how horrible pooping was and how cleaning it out was even worse; poor Jimin was freaking out. Jin leaned over towards her, "You are thinking hard. What's going on inside that brain of yours?"

"I'm going to have to buy laxatives or something to force them to poop; I just know it."

His eyebrows went up, "you can do that? You can force them to do it?"

She wanted to scoff, like, how dumb do you have to be? But they are trying their best, and that's all 

she could ask for. "Yeah, they are pretty cheap, and some even taste okay since they aren't great with pills yet. They work fairly well, too."

He chuckled a bit, "You'd think as much as they love to swallow cum that they'd easily be able to down those tiny multi-vitamins you bought them."

She lightly tapped his cheek with a grin, "yet my baby always takes them so well."

He growled a bit before kissing her roughly; they still hadn't slept together. They are on this dom stand-off. "How many times must I tell you that I'm not your baby, that you are mine."

"As often as I have to tell you,, I'm not your baby, but you are mine."

"I can't wait until you are no longer massively pregnant, and I can pound into you safely."

Hobi snorted as he helped Sky stand up. "Well, until then, be nice and don't rile her up. It's not good for her. You know she can deliver any day now."

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be good."

Sky enjoyed being babied by Hobi; he was the only one that she didn't fight about unless she was sleepy or needy. The others took full advantage of her in that state and babied the shit out of her when she first woke up or really needed food or attention. But Hobi could baby her at any time, and she loved it. It had to be the baby needing their father close, so she gave up caring about it since Hobi also loved it so much. 

She was glued to his hip the entire day. If he got more than a foot away from her or wasn't touching her in some way, she spiraled. It made bathroom breaks interesting and highly embarrassing. She either cried outside the door while he went or cried on the toilet while she went. "Is she okay? Like, I'm not jealous, but she's been especially needy today, and she won't let anyone else help. Not even the princes and she rarely turns them away."

Hobi looked at Yoongi; he was just as confused. Then it hit him, "She's going to go into labor soon, like really. Is everything ready?"

Yoongi's back went ramrod straight. "Oh yeah, of course it is. Is she still set on pushing the baby out herself the human way, or did you talk her into the 52 way?"

"She wants to be awake when it happens," he countered.

"It's going to hurt, even if we use the drugs."

"I know," he sighed, "but that's how they do it here unless it's an emergency and they have to put the mother under."

"We could pretend it's one," Yoongi said, raising his hand to stop Hobi from arguing. "I know what you are going to say, and I don't exactly want that either. I just don't want her to be in pain, and I feel like some lies are okay if he keeps her from hurting."

"I get where you are coming from, but if she ever found out, she'd kill us."

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