Chapter 51

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Joon showed up, and he brought her blanket, pillow, and teddy bear. She was so happy that she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him as a thank you. "Well, that went better than I expected," he chuckled. 

"Sorry, it's just you have no idea how happy I am to have these things. Thank you, Joon, so so much."

"Of course, we'd do anything to make you happy."

She was going to say it, blurting out that what would make her the happiest was if they picked her and Earth and stayed and raised their children together. But she didn't; she couldn't. So she just smiled and waved him in. He made sure to sit next to her as close as he could. He held her hand and talked about nothing until it was time to leave there.

When Yoongi showed up, her entire body jolted. This was it; they were going to force her back onto the ship, "move over; I have a lot of shit to bring in."

"Excuse me, rude ass?"

Yoongi looked at her blankly. "I thought you'd like me to check on the baby, but if I'm wrong, I can go."

"Oh no, please. I want to make sure the baby is okay. I've been under a lot of stress."

"And that's why I dragged half of the medical room down to Earth to ensure that you get the peace of mind you need."

She sighed and looked at the sweat on his brow. He was slightly panting, and his face was flushed. It couldn't have been easy for him to do what he did and for her to feel better. "Thank you, Yoongi. Thank you a lot. I really appreciate this."

"Where can I set up?"

Sky blushed a little, "I've been staying in Scotty's room; we can do it in there."

"Gross, you are not going to do it on my bed. I don't care how cute he is."

Yoongi growled and glared at Scotty, "Excuse me. You have the audacity to talk about my mate's sex life?" Then he whipped around and looked at Sky, "You've been away from us for three fucking days, and you are already sleeping in bed with another man?" He stalked towards her and pinched her chin, "Listen here, little mate, I might share you with six other men. But they are also my mates and I love them, I will NOT share you with anyone else. Do you understand me?"

"Eeww, you think that we, that us? Gross dude, that would be worse than sleeping with my sister."

Sky rolled her eyes, "that sounds terrible to anyone that doesn't know you two were adopted and not actually blood related." Then she glared at Yoongi, "he's gay, so even if we were sleeping in the same bed, which we most certainly are not, he's more interested in you than he ever would be in me."

"Yup, wrong parts. I'm into dude ass, not chick ass. So trust me, your girl is safe with me."

"I still don't trust you, but since you offered her sanctuary, you can live for now." He reached for her hand, "Come on, let's get it all set up so I can check on you and the baby." She didn't say anything; she just let him do his thing. "I'm going to be here longer than 15 minutes if you want me to check on you two thoroughly."

"You have 20 minutes, then you have to go." She smiled, so he knew she wasn't mad at him.

"Of course, little mate, I won't be here a minute longer."

"Good," was all she said before he got everything ready and started to do his check. "So what's the verdict, Doc?"

"Not a Doctor, at least not by your Earth standards. But you two are good; you have about two more weeks before delivery." She didn't say a word, so he packed everything up and left with a kiss on her forehead and then another on her lips. "JK will be here tomorrow."

Sky was not at all prepared for JK to show up. She was expecting to fight with him, argue about how she couldn't come back, and hear him say that she had to. She didn't expect him to look so beaten down, to sit down on the couch and practically melt into it with a deep sigh. "Are you okay?"

"Physically, yes. Mentally and emotionally, no."

"Is it because I left or because you just want to go home?"

"It's because two of my mates are crying so hard that they haven't left your bed. We can't get them to eat, they barely sleep, and if they do, it's not for long. They just hold each other and cry their little hearts out, and it's killing me to see. They need you, we all do. But for some reason, you are here with him." He didn't even open his eyes yet pointed to where Scotty was perfectly.

"Jungkook," she whispered, but he stopped her.

His hand went up, "unless you are going to finish that sentence with 'I was wrong and I'm sorry. I'll come back and fix this.' Then I don't want to hear another word. Just let me lie here until you kick me out." Then when she didn't say anything, he laid down with his head in her lap, it was a tad hard since she was so pregnant. "I brought more food; I figured you would have eaten everything Joon brought you by now."

It had been too easy, all of it. She was expecting to fight; she was expecting a challenge. Yet none of them really did. And that confused her more than anything. Did they not want her? Was Scotty wrong, and they were going to leave her behind? She was actually starting to believe that they did want her. Why else would they come every single day? But not one of them tried to drag her back to the ship.

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