Chapter 25

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Sky took all the meds they gave her, but she was a doll. She moved around and opened her mouth to swallow when they told her, but she didn't ask any questions. She barely even looked at them, just stared off into space. Hobi and Yoongi were worried; thankfully, Jin and Joon went to take care of Jimin so they could focus on Sky. But that didn't stop the two from worrying about their little mate.

"You will never believe what a fucking cheeseburger and cheese fries are. The only thing that makes sense to eat is the milkshake."

Tae was nodding beside Jungkook, agreeing with everything he was saying. "Why do humans feel the need to eat all this solid food? It's not needed, I mean doesn't it mess up either digestive system? I can't imagine what their poop is like." He was gagging, and it made Yoongi laugh. 

"Tae, they aren't an all-male species that have sex in their asses."

Jungkook snorted, "No, I'm fairly sure that some males are together. At least I think they are males; they looked like us more than Sky does."

Hobi's face scrunched up, "eww, I bet that's dirty."

Yoongi scrubbed his hand down his face, "Guys, as fascinating as this is. I'm sure they've discovered some way of cleaning themselves. Let's get our girl fed, okay? She hasn't said a word since you guys left."

That snapped the younger two to attention. They brought her and the food to the kitchen while Jungkook got it on a plate. Tae pulled Sky into his lap. He had to feed her, but she made no move to do anything. "Did, is she broken?"

Yoongi looked at Sky. Tae's tail had wrapped around her waist once, and then it was curled around her left arm up to her hand. Her hand clutched the light brown fur, and with her other hand, she rubbed the end on her cheek. 

She was using his tail to comfort herself, and if the others weren't freaking out, they would have noticed. Yoongi's actually surprised that Tae hasn't noticed yet. Their tail is the one they have the most control over, although Tae's seems to come out a lot around her, and so much that he doesn't realize it.

"Sky," Yoongi whispered, trying to get her attention. Her eyes snapped to his. Tears were filling them, and he could tell that she was doing everything in her power to keep them from falling. "Oh, baby," he said as he got up and walked over to her. He kneeled down in front of her as sobs racked her entire body.

"I'm so sorry; I don't know why he's so upset; I don't know what I did." She was shaking badly, and Tae tried to hold her up as best he could.

"Let's take her to her room, Tae." Yoongi looked at the others. "We'll get her settled and then talk, all of us."

Tae picked up the crying girl and carried her to her room; she was still sobbing and apologizing repeatedly. "What do we do? How can we fix this?"

Yoongi wasn't sure; on the one hand, they could tell her how they felt and what giving her their crest meant. But are they ready for that? They've known her for a month, and while he's okay with declaring his feelings, it might freak her out. And if that's the case, telling her that 3 of them have basically sworn to be with her for the rest of their lives might push her over the edge. "I'm not sure," Yoongi reached into his pocket, his long fingers wrapped around his desmond. 

Now probably wasn't the right time to give it to her, but he planned to do it today after their night together. They make her extremely happy, and she doesn't have to know precisely what it means. She can keep on thinking they are just pretty coins, and they'll keep courting her and getting her to fall in love with them.

He pulled it out of his pocket, making Tae gasp. "Are you giving it to her now?"

Yoongi nodded his head, "I am. I was planning on doing it today anyway." He brushed Sky's hair off her face and thumbed her tears away. "I know you don't understand what's going on right now. But it's going to be okay, your hormones are going crazy but the meds we gave you should help with that." He held his hand in front of her and opened it up, long fingers uncurling from around the crest. "Here, this should make you smile."

Her eyes lit up, "you guys have the prettiest money."

"Money?" Tae asked, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion.

"When I asked them if they had a coin for the coin toss, Hobi handed me his. How much is it worth? It's like the size of our half dollar, but it looks like it's made out of jade." She giggled, "I guess jade isn't all that expensive here either. So, it must not be worth much. But they are so pretty. I love the different symbols on them."

Yoongi and Tae looked at each other, she has no fucking clue. None at all. "They aren't money, Sky," Tae said softly, not wanting to shatter everything she believed.

"What are they then? You call them Desmonds, but what's the Earth equivalent?"

Tae sighed and laid back on the pillow, still holding onto her but needing a moment. "I'm not sure, honestly. When we are born, we are given one and only one."

"Then why did you give it to me? It seems important."

Yoongi sighed, scrubbing his hand down his face in frustration. She was not ready for the truth: "They are, but so are you. Now, let's get you to bed. You need to rest for the young, and we need to gather more supplies. Is there anything you need from Earth?"

"Root beer," she whispered before her eyes fluttered closed.

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