Chapter 33

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Sky groans, "Of course you don't. It's hard to see the problem when you are in the middle."

"Explain it to me like I'm dumb because right now, I am."

She sat up and crawled into his lap, not even minding how close they were right then. His tail came out and wrapped around her middle, making her smile. "Okay, so there's a lottery, and you get assigned a breeder. They get medically knocked up and then sent to wait until they give birth. Then they go back to the other breeders to wait for the entire cycle to start again. Am I missing anything?"

"No, that's the basis of it." He frowned, his eyebrows scrunched up in confusion.

"Say they had the same rights as you. They could go to school and get jobs. Pick their mates, and be happy. How much better would their mental health be if they got to be with a man they chose, have multiple young that they get to raise and be involved with?"

His mouth dropped open as if she had just explained all the answers to the universe. "We have to talk to the others." He picked her up and ran into the common room, "Yah, can you go get everyone? We need to talk."

Tae spun around in his chair, "Uh, sure."

Hobi paced back and forth when everyone walked in, "What's going on?"

Jin's hair was all messed up, and so was Joons's, which made Hobi roll his eyes. "Sky brought something to my attention, and I think you need to hear it." Everyone instantly looked worried.

But she explained it to them just like she did to Hobi. Jimin looked up at her with sparkling blue eyes wide in amazement. "Do you think that could actually work?"

"I do, but based on what you've all told me. I doubt you'd be able to pull it off. It seems your government is content with how things are going there."

Jin starts to frown. "I've always hated the way that they were treated; I've been saying it for years. And I'm not the only one." He looks at his mates. "None of them like it either."

"Yet you were so desperate for your own breeder?" It's a sore spot, for sure. Sky wasn't even sure why she was so upset about people she'd never met and most likely never would.

"I... I just wanted a baby Sky. I'm only getting older. I'm the oldest one here, and I'm already in my 30s. I didn't like it, but there wasn't any other way that we knew of."

Sky's entire body deflated a bit, and there was no more fight. "I get it, I do. But the way your planet is, that's why I can't go back. They can't learn about Earth and how women can carry their children here. I would never be able to forgive myself or even live with myself if I was the reason they were put into slavery and forced breeding."

Joon looked back between Jin and Sky, a frown on his face because he didn't know how to fix this. "I think we should stay on the ship until Sky is close to giving birth; we keep telling them that it hasn't worked yet, and around the time that she's supposed to give birth, we tell them it was a failure, and we are moving on." 

He turned to look at Tae and Jungkook. "In the meantime, I want you two to start looking for a place for us to live. Somewhere not close to a city so we can be in peace."

"We can do that," Jungkook turned to look at Sky, "would you be willing to help?"

"Of cou.."

"You want to take her back to Earth? Repeatedly?" Hobi growled. "That's my young in there, and I will not have you two put it in danger."

Sky stood up and marched over to Hobi, she grabbed the hair at the back of his neck and pulled him down so they were eye level. "First of all, you are not my boss. Pregnant with your baby or not. So you best get that through your fucking head right now, or I'll leave, and you will never see me or this baby again."

He started to growl his rebuttable, but she grabbed his hair harder and tugged, "Second. I'm not sending those two down to Earth to get us a place to live without seeing it. There are things that I need, things that a bunch of male aliens might not think of." She turned to look at Jungkook. "We leave after breakfast tomorrow. Now I'm going to bed," she glared at Hobi, "alone."

As soon as she was out the door, Yoongi, Jimin, Jungkook, and Tae started to laugh so hard, "You fucked up so so bad, Hobi."

"Don't remind me, asshole, I was there," he huffed.

Yoongi sneered, "She can't be controlled. She needs control, so the more we think about telling her what to do, the more she'll pull away. Usually you are better than this, it's those two I worried about." He scoffed as he pointed towards Jungkook and Jin.

"I have been a perfect Angel, thank you very much," Jungkook said, his chest puffing out.

"And I've barely been around her compared to you and Jimin, not even enough time to piss her off."

"Good," Yoongi stands up to walk out, "I'm going to check on her; I'll see you tomorrow."

When he got to her room, it sounded like she was crying; knowing she'd hate it if someone saw her like that, he took several steps back and raised his voice enough to where she could hear him, "Yeah, I'll be there in a minute, I'm just going to check on Sky first." He took his time making the few steps to her door to ensure she had time to dry up her tears and get rid of the evidence. "Hey," he said softly so as not to spook her. 

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