Chapter 9

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Joon's ears turned red. "They would be really mad if I let you go. Jimin is overly possessive of you, and frankly, so is Jin. Then, since you got Hobi's Desmond, he will be livid if something happened to you."

She shrugged, "But you are such a big, strong man. Couldn't you protect me? I mean, look at these muscles, and you are so tall." 

"Sky," he started to whine. "They'll kill me."

"Jimin is tiny, Hobi is sunshine, and Jin wears more pink than I do. How could you be afraid of them?"

It's time to show them he's been here the entire time. Yoongi cleared his throat, and both snapped their heads to look at him. Joon whispered, "Yoongi," and Sky smirked at him. 

"You clearly haven't seen them when they are pissed. Those three are hella scary. But what is it I heard about you wanting to go back home? Not running away, are you?"

"No, not at all. You guys kinda stole me away when I was walking home. All I have are the clothes I was wearing that night. There are some things in my room that I'd really love to have. Like my childhood teddy bear, the picture of me, my best friend Lucy, and my clothes. As much as I like your clothes, I'd prefer my own."

She looked so helpless right now. He knew she was playing him; Jimin and Tae do it constantly. Is he going to cave? Of course he is, but he's going to make her work for it. Yoongi sighed heavily, "I'm not sure. What if you are seen? What if something happens and we lose you?"

"Come with me then; if both of you go, I'll be safe. I promise to stick to you like glue if it makes you feel better?"

He stalked towards her and wrapped his arms around her. Yoongi pulled her body flush against his. "I want to feel your hand on me at all times. If you let go, then we are leaving immediately. Do you understand me?" 

She snorted, "Yes, Sir, I can follow simple instructions."

He leaned down and kissed the tip of her nose, then grabbed her hand. "That's good to know. Now, let's go before they come looking for you." She took them to her dorm room when they got down to Earth.

"I've been gone for a month, and it looks like no one even noticed. Freaking Scotty, I swear."

Yoongi growled, "That little mate of yours wasn't worth your time. Forget about him."

She turned to him, confused. "Why do you guys keep calling him my mate? He's Lucy's older brother, and since we were best friends, he swore to watch over me after she died. He's literally the most annoying human in the world. I only put up with him because of Lucy."

"So you two never..?"

She laughed, "no we never fucked, I went to the club to get my rocks off."

Joon turned his head towards the two of them, "Rocks, you never mentioned any rocks."

Sky smacked her head and groaned, "It's an expression, dude. Chill out; there aren't any actual rocks." Then she turned to Yoongi, "Can I let go of your hand now that we are in my room? I sort of need to pack."

Yoongi sighed, "I guess, but once you are done I require your hand once more."

"Whatever floats your boat." That caused both of the guys to look at each other in confusion. She will have to get them caught up on Earth lingo. Sky let go of his hand and went to her closet to grab a suitcase. She packed all of her clothes and shoes, some toiletries and whatnot. 

She grabbed a duffle and filled it with other things that she wanted. Then, the most important stuff went into her backpack. Sky tossed everything to Yoongi and Joon to carry, and then she walked over to her bed.

She reached under for her fun duffle bag; it had everything in it that she would need for sex. Sky would take this to the club with her, it had outfits, toys, ways to tie the pretty boys up. It was some of her most prized possessions. Then she grabbed her pillow, teddy bear, and blanket. Hey, she might like to tie her boys up and ride them for her pleasure, but she still wants to cuddle up under soft blankets and hold her teddy while she sleeps.

"Alrighty boys, I'm ready." Yoongi reached out his hand for hers. He's basically ignored her the entire time they've been there, other than during her procedures. Why he's being all touchy now is beyond Sky. But whatever, she can deal with grumpy Gus as long as he cooperates in bed. When they got back to the ship, the other five were there, and they were pissed.

Jin was yelling so fast that even if it was in English, she wouldn't be able to catch it all. He looked like a possessed parakeet, just yelling to yell. Let me sing you the song of my people, and it's just screaming. Sky turned to the two, who looked like they wanted to be anywhere else but there. "I'll just take my stuff and go. Thank you, boys."

As she was walking away, Jin yelled, "I don't think you are off the hook either, Missy."

Sky just rolled her eyes, like he could punish her. She got her room all setup, and now it felt like home. She showered and put on a night dress and some tall socks. Then she made her way out to see if they had calmed down. Jin stood in the hallway with his arms crossed, glaring at her. "Hi, Jinnie."

"Don't hi Jinnie me Skylar. Do you know how worried we were when we couldn't find you? We thought you had left; Jimin and Hobi were crying. It took me an hour to calm them down."

Well, hell, now she felt bad. "I didn't mean to upset anyone. There were just some things I needed from home. You know, since I'm never going back." Sky teared up a bit and gave him her best puppy dog eyes hoping to make him crack.

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