Chapter 47

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With Tae's Desmond safely tucked away with the others, the eight of them gathered in the common room to discuss which house they wanted. Sky had pictures of all of them except the last one since she was asleep for that one. But it didn't matter; everyone saw how excited Sky was about the yellow house, so that's the one they picked. Seeing the way she smiled was worth any reservations they might have had.

So the next day, they bought the yellow house. It would take a few months to renovate it to what they needed, but that was fine. They had a bit before the baby got there. Everything was going great; her dream house was being made exactly how she wanted. Her new mates—that's what they keep calling themselves anyway—were amazing. They doted on her and took care of her and the baby. 

She didn't want to be this happy because Sky firmly believed in Murphy's law. And that anything that can go wrong will go wrong. She's never had this, not since Lucy died. A family, people that cared. She shouldn't get used to this; she shouldn't want this and be happy. Because when it's gone, it's going to hurt so fucking much. That's why she went to find them when she woke up alone. And that's also why she ran.

"What did the admiral say, Hobi?"

Hobi didn't even lift his head to look at Tae. "He, he's giving us everything we've ever wanted."

"What do you mean?" Joon was worried; they'd never seen Hobi like this. He's their sunshine, their happy one. He's endlessly positive and upbeat.

"He wants us to come back. He said that since nothing has worked, we should come back."

"But, okay, I can understand that. Why are you so upset? We can follow the plan and crash somewhere."

"Yoongi, you don't get it." Hobi groaned. "He said that when we got home since we'd sacrificed so much, he'd give us our breeder. That we could keep him until we are all done having young. That he would be ours until we are done. It's everything we've ever wanted." He whispered.

None of them even saw Sky standing there, nor did they see her leave.

Hobi's head raised up to finally look at his mates, "and yet, it's not what I want."

"I want Sky; I don't want a breeder," Jimin said with so much conviction.

Jin turned to look at them all, "I want to stay here on Earth. Raise our babies here with Sky; I love her."

"I'm not leaving her behind. And since she's right about her causing World War 3, if she returns, I'm staying here with her."

Tae looked at Yoongi, nodding his head to agree. "I finally gave her my desmond. You aren't getting her away from me that easily."

Joon was in shock, "so what do we do?"

Jungkook scoffed, "We follow the plan, send our ship crashing into an abandoned planet, and pretend to be dead."

"I told him we'd come back but wanted to check out Hybrin 3 on the way back. We didn't stop there on the way here because the inhabitants are hybrids, part animal and part human. I didn't think the admiral would want an animal like young, so we skipped it. But since Earth isn't working, I can probably get him to agree."

"Umm, not to knock your plan or anything, but what?"

"Jimin, there's an empty planet very close to it. We tell the admiral we will land there to observe, much like we did on Earth and the Moon. But we'll crash into it instead. If they send a party out to look at the wreckage, we'll be burned to a crisp. Nothing left to find."

Tae's mouth was dropped open, "oh my, you are a freaking genius I swear."

"Why thank you, baby, I do have my moments."

"We need to go tell Sky," Jimin was bouncing up and down excitedly. 

"Baby, let her sleep. She's getting closer to her due date and needs all the rest she can get. She'll come find us when she's ready."

Jimin was pouting at Yoongi, but he knew he was right. "Fine, but when I get bored, I'm going to go cuddle with her."

He kissed Jimin's forehead softly, "That's perfect, baby. Now, come on, let's help Hobi plan so that we can spend the rest of our lives with our little mate."

Sky was running; she didn't know where. She had a bank account full of more money than she could ever spend in multiple lifetimes and a house with her name on the deed. But that's the first place they'd look for her. So that's how she found herself sitting in the same booth she always sat in whenever she came to eat with Scotty. She wanted to go to her spot, but the thought of all those stairs while pregnant was not appealing.

She was not expecting to see Scotty; how would she explain why she looked like she was about to pop when she saw him a little over three months ago? "Ummm, what the hell is that?" He asked while pointing towards her stomach. "I saw you three months ago, and you were only gone a month before that. I'm not the greatest at math or pregnancy, but even I know you look like you are about to give birth right here in the middle of this restaurant."

His arms were crossed, and he looked so pissed, "I know it wasn't that man that I met unless you are having like 6 of his kids and you were drinking like four months ago. What ever-loving fuck is going on, Sky?"

"Can I trust you?"

"Cameron," he frowned, "I hid the fact that you are a girl to keep you safe. Of course, you can trust me. Anything you need, I'm always here for you."

"Take me to your house; we have much to discuss."

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