Chapter 23

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Hobi walked over towards Sky. She was still sitting in Jimin's lap and looked super sleepy. He grabbed her hands, "Sky, there are some concerns."

"Concerns," she whispered, her blue eyes wide in fright.

"It's not bad," he rushed out. "Can I ask you a few questions?" She nodded her head, but anyone could tell she was scared. Jimin wrapped his arms and tail around her. She seemed to melt into his chest. "On Earth, how long does it take for pregnancy results to show up?"

"Umm, I think like a month or two. I've never been pregnant before. Why?"

"Well on 52 our breeders only carry for 16-20 weeks, how long do they carry on Earth?"

Sky gasped, her eyes wide as she looked around. "We uhh carry for 40 weeks."

Yoongi groaned, "shit, this isn't good. Sky, you might be pregnant. I know that it hasn't been long, but we are a different species."

Her hands went to her stomach as she gasped a little, "You think I'm already pregnant?"

"We aren't sure, but we'd like to test to see if you are okay with that." Hobi was trying so hard not to get his hopes up. He wanted a baby so badly, and even more since it would be with Sky. Yes, it's only been a month since they found her. But he's whipped already; she's sweet, salty; she's cuddly and fiesty. She's perfect.

"I don't like needles," she was pouting, and Hobi wanted nothing more than to lean over, kiss the frown away, and make her smile.

"I promise it won't hurt."

Jimin kissed the side of her head and squeezed her just a bit, "I'll hold you the entire time. I'll even distract you if you want."

"How?" she asked when she turned her head to look at him. Their faces were so close, their lips just inches apart.

He smiled before biting his bottom lip; his eyes darted down to look at her lips. His intention was clear, but Yoongi was quick; while she was contemplating if she wanted to kiss Jimin or not, he had already brought the device over that would draw her blood and tell them if she was pregnant. He was so fast about it that he was done before she even made a choice.

Yoongi snickered, "All done, Sky. Now you don't have to kiss Jimin."

"YYYOOONNNGGGGIIIII," Jimin cried, "that's not fair."

"Boo hoo, you'll get over it." Then Yoongi turned around and took the blood sample. "We'll know in a few minutes."

Hobi was pacing back and forth, so nervous. Would she be happy if it was his baby? Would she be disappointed that she won't be sleeping with them, or would she still do it? "Hobi?" He heard her whisper.

He whipped around to look at her, "yeah?"

"Are you okay?"

"I am; just a lot on my mind. In a few minutes, I might find out that I will be a father. It's, ah, a lot to take in."

Her head cocked to the side a bit, her eyes sparkling. "But isn't this what you wanted?"

"It is, I'm. I can't really express all of my feelings right now. There's too many of them, and some are slightly complicated."

"That's okay; I'm here if you want to talk about them. Or if you aren't ready to talk to me, you should at least talk to your mates. You never know; they might also have some of the same feelings they are trying to deal with."

This girl is so fucking bright and sweet. "Thank you for not pushing me, Sky; it means more than I could ever even begin to express."

The computer dinged, and they all turned to look at it. "It's ready," Yoongi said softly without turning to look at the others.

"We should get the rest. I know it would be Hobi's baby, but I know that all of you would step in and be a part of its life. So I think they should be here when we find out."

Yup, Hobi was in love, and based on the looks that Jimin and Yoongi were giving her, they were as well. "Can I kiss you?" he blurted out.

"Oh, uh, yeah, yeah, sure." She was blushing bright red, and it was adorable. They've had sex, but kissing sends her into shy mode.

"Oh hell no, you are not kissing her before me. I was so close, and that ass ruined it."  Sky whipped her head around to look at Jimin, a massive grin on her face as Yoongi scoffed behind them. Jimin gently palmed her cheeks, "I know he wants to kiss you, but please, baby."

She sighed like she was really put out: "Baby, you aren't being very good right now. Hobi asked very nicely, and he might be a father. Don't you think he deserves a kiss?"

He frowned his lip in a full pout. "He can kiss you after he finds out," he whined.

Both Yoongi and Hobi were chuckling, so she clicked her tongue. "Bad boys don't get rewards, and good boys don't throw fits. If you want a kiss, earn it." Then she turned to look at Hobi, "If I'm pregnant, I'll give you your kiss."

"Deal," he quickly agreed. "I'll go get the others; we'll be right back."

Yoongi was trying so hard not to laugh out loud at how pouty Jimin was. He still had Sky in his lap, all wrapped around her. His chin was on her shoulder. "Stop laughing at me, you meanie."

"Jimin," Yoongi deadpanned, "you are so dramatic. If you want a kiss, earn it. Be the good boy that apparently is so you."

"Fine," he huffed. "I'm going to be the bestest boy ever; just wait and see."

She patted his face softly, "I can't wait, baby." Then, she rewarded him with a soft kiss on the side of his head. It made Jimin gasp so sweetly. Hook, line, and sinker, she's got Jimin under her thumb, that's for damn sure. It made Yoongi smile, hopefully she will end up feeling the same way. Otherwise, Jimin's heart might break, and Yoongi wouldn't want to see that.

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