Chapter 21

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"I had zero control over my life; my parents were horrible. They hated each other passionately, and that hate bled over onto me. They used me to punish each other, which was dumb since neither of them really cared enough about me to be bothered by the other's actions. They finally divorced, and I thought it would get better."

She laughed, making it clear how just not funny it was. "It got worse, so much worse. Maybe someday, but not tonight; I won't burden you with those details. My best friend Lucy was like a bright, shining star in the middle of my darkness. She didn't care that I was weird; she loved me regardless. We only had a few years together before a drunk driver killed her. Her brother Scotty was a year older than us and already at college. After she died, he asked if I'd still go to his college."

Yoongi growled, and Sky rolled her eyes, "Give it up. You already know how I feel about that ass. He just wanted to watch out for me. He knows about my quirks," her lip twitched into a smirk, "well the nonsexual ones anyway. It was actually his idea for me to be passed off as a boy. He knew I couldn't handle all the attention from men, and he was giving me an out. I'm thankful for him for that."

"How did you discover you liked to tie boys up?"

Her breath blew out, "Well, I was curious about sex, but after one terrible experience in high school when a guy got too handsy, and I ran, I knew that something had to give. So Google became my friend. I discovered the scene and went to a club to explore. I'm not an actual domme. I have zero training, and I'm sure I screw up so much. I just know that all those men I slept with were more than willing to be tied up and let me ride us to pleasure."

"Can I touch you?"

It made her smile, "You can as long as it's PC." When he cocked his head to the side, she giggled. What are these guys doing to you, Sky? You've never really giggled a day in your life, and now it's happening multiple times a day. So she explained what she meant, and he happily obliged. 

His large hand was on her hip; she could feel his thumb moving back and forth. "Do you have any more questions?"

"Do you think that you'll ever be able to have sex with us without tying us up or hiding?"

That's the million-dollar question now. She could; she knows she could. But the problem is, to allow herself to do that, she'd have to allow herself to feel for them. And that is something that she absolutely cannot do, no matter what. "I'm not sure," Sky whispered.

It was like he sensed her panic, he sushed her and cooed her as his tail squeezed her tighter. "It's fine; you don't have to talk about it or even think about it. Jin will probably be the only one who has difficulty letting go of the control. While Kook and I aren't a fan of it, we can," he cocked his head a bit, "control that side better, I guess."

"Yeah, Jin does give off Daddy Dom vibes."

Yoongi snorted, "That's putting it mildly. Jin, Jungkook, and I don't bottom. Well, I did it for the first time the other day, but I know the other two don't. Jin is the most dominant of us, which is hilarious because he's the softest pink teddy bear you will ever meet outside the bedroom."

"No, I get it. If I was allowed to be myself,f I'd be all soft, too."

A frown covered his face. "You can be as soft with us as you want. When you were on your period, you had no idea how happy we were to pamper and spoil you. Tae is still pouty that your daily naps are over now."

"I liked them too," she whispered.

"Get some sleep, doll. We'll be here when you wake up." She curled into Jimin more, which made Yoongi smile. Once he knew she was asleep, he really looked at her: "We'll crack that shell you built. Don't worry about anything; you have us now." Yoongi knew at that moment that he would give her his crest.

Jungkook walked into the kitchen, his grey eyes open wide. "You will never believe what I just saw."

"What?" Jin asked as he was shoveling food into his mouth.

"Hobi couldn't find Jimin or Yoongi last night so he figured that they were still busy with Sky, he stole Tae away for cuddles. I fell asleep because I was exhausted and not up for any fun they'd want since I had just fucked Tae for like 3 hours and."

"Get to the point, Kook."

"Sorry, anyway. I went looking for everyone this morning, Tae and Hobi are still asleep and Yoongi and Jimin." He stopped talking, and his eyes glazed over a bit in happiness.

"Kook, what about Yoongi and Jimin?" Jin was getting slightly annoyed. Does he need to panic and do something, or what?

"They were sleeping in Sky's room, holding her between them. Jin, they look so cute and soft."

Jin scoffed. Seriously, that's it? He already knew that when he went to check on Sky like he does every morning. "Jimin and Sky are always soft-looking when they sleep. It's when they are awake that they turn into brats."

Jungkook rolled his eyes so hard, "You love it when Jimin acts like a brat because you love punishing him. And I'm sure you'll enjoy punishing Sky, too."

"If she lets me," the oldest pouted.

"Who is going next?"

Jin sat back in his chair, "I'm sure Jimin will ask as soon as he wakes up. He was first when it was artificial insemination, so I'm sure he wants a shot even though I already said I was next."

"Even though Hobi most likely got her pregnant?"

"Yes even though she's probably already pregnant."

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