Chapter 62

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"No, don't go, please," Sky sobbed against Jimin's chest.

He looked at Hobi. She's been like this for the past two months. Jimin can't be away from her for very long without her breaking down, and frankly, they are starting to worry about her mental health. "I'm just going to the bathroom and to get Hasin from his nap; that's all. Hobi is here. He'll hold you, okay, baby?"

She no longer argued at all about being called baby. Her domme personality had all but disappeared since the day their mates got onto the ship and left for 52. The only time she ever smiles is when Hasin is with her. Hobi slid into bed to wrap his arms around her, his hands on her stomach. "Baby, while you are playing with Hasin, how about I make you something to eat?"

She turned around in his arms, face shoved into Hobi's neck. He could feel her tears already soaking the collar of his shirt. "N'hungry," she sniffled. They could barely get her to eat anything. Jimin had to threaten to leave the house without her and not come back if she wouldn't eat something. It ended in a massive fit where she lashed out and screamed, but eventually, she'd lose steam and fall into his body. He'd pull her into his lap, and she'd eat a few bites before crying again.

Jimin came in with Hasin in his arms, "Mama," he squealed happily. 

She lifted her head, a soft and loving smile on her lips, "my bubby, how are you?"

Hasin clapped his hands, reaching out for her, and she took him from Jimin's arms, "I'm going to make food; you will eat. Do you understand?"

Sky glared at Hobi, wanting to yell at him, but Jimin snapped his fingers. "You will eat, or I will spank you. Then I will tie you to a chair and force-feed you if I have to."

Her pout was so adorable, but she agreed. So they left her alone with Hasin while they made her something to eat. "Someone has gotten bossy since their mates left."

Jimin sighed as he slumped against the counter, "Not like I want to. I don't know what else to do. She's breaking Hobi, and we are losing her. What happens if they don't come back? I'm... I'm not sure she'd survive it. I didn't realize that her bond was this strong. We are the only ones she's slept with, and yet, she's wasting away because the others are gone."

"I'm worried about the birth. She handled Hasin's fine, but she was in perfect health. Now," he trailed off. Mark looked at both of them, worry etched on his face.

He agreed with Hobi; in just two months, Sky had gone from a vibrant young woman to a wasting away blob, for lack of better terms. "I'm worried, honestly; I'm worried as well. If she doesn't get better and starts putting on weight instead of losing it, then I'm not sure she'll survive the birth."

"I'm so scared, Hobi," Jimin cried as he ran into his mate's arms.

"I am too, baby, but we'll do what we can." As soon as the food was ready, Jimin and Mark went to get the two. Mark carried Hasin to his highchair, and Jimin carried Sky. Mark loved Hasin and was such a massive help to them since they had a pregnant and very needy Sky to deal with. "Thank you, Mark, without your help." His eyes traced over to Sky.

Mark nodded; he knew exactly what he meant without saying anything. "It's my pleasure. I've never been able to be around a baby, so I'm very thankful that you guys let me into Hasin's life."

Sky didn't get any better; as the days turned into weeks, she got worse. It was so bad that they had to sedate her and keep her hooked up to an IV. It was the only way to get the proper nutrients in her. "We are going to lose her."

Mark was pacing back and forth in the room they had her in; her vitals were all over the place, and he was distraught. "We might lose your baby, Jimin, if I can't get her vitals up enough. She might lose the baby; her body will shut down."

"If she wasn't pregnant, would she be doing better right now?"

Mark paused his pacing. "Honestly, she might be much better off if she weren't."

Jimin turned to look at Hobi, tears pouring down his face. "Should I, should we? Hobi, I can't say it."

"Jimin, we aren't doing that, so stop thinking about it."

His entire body sagged against Hobi as he started to sob, "I can't lose her, I can't, Hobi. We have to."

"We are not doing it. Jimin, there's no guarantee that it will work. We could lose the baby, and it may not even fix it. How would she feel when she woke up if she knew we took her baby, your baby, away? She'd never forgive us."

"But she'd be alive," he yelled, his fist holding onto Hobi's shirt. "But she'd be alive at least," he whimpered before slumping onto the ground.

"It's not a guarantee, Jimin; we could terminate the pregnancy, and then she still perishes. Don't make any hasty decisions."

Hobi looked at Mark and mouthed, "Thank you." He knew that Jimin wouldn't listen to him. He's past reasoning in that regard. But Mark might be the one he'll listen to, and that's the only hope he has right now. "Come on, let's get you to bed. Do you want to cuddle with Hasin and me?"

Jimin didn't answer; he just nodded and made grabby hands for Hobi to carry him. Again, Hobi was infinitely thankful for Mark because Jimin had been even needier than usual since they put Sky under. They curled up in bed, the three of them. Hasin tucked in between the two, his tail curled around their tails that were wrapped around his tiny waist. "I love you, baby; we'll get through this."

"I can't lose her," Jimin whispered before he passed out in exhaustion. 

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